In life there are few periods when you are worried about your health as during pregnancy. Now, you care not only about themselves; Your task - to ensure a good, healthy start in life to their child. Massage the abdomen in pregnancy - one of the most simple and enjoyable way to take care of yourself at this challenging, exciting time. Moreover abdominal massage can increase your chances of getting pregnant. There are several reasons.
Influence of abdominal massage on the uterus
One of the common obstacles of pregnancy - a deviation of the uterus. Ligaments that hold the uterus directly, very resilient, so that when pregnancy occurs, it can be expanded safely. It's a smart part of the body (as, indeed, and all the others), but the elasticity of the tissues and the reason is that the uterus can be quite easy to stray. Lifting weights, riding, the impact of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and injuries - all of which can cause abnormalities of the uterus. In some cases, this is due to the peculiarities of a body. One way or another, but even a slight displacement of the uterus makes it difficult pregnancy. In severe cases, it can cause infertility
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. A small deviation usually does not cause any symptoms, but with significant displacements may experience symptoms such as very painful or irregular periods, or pain during intercourse.
Massage the stomach can return the uterus to its normal position without pain and surgery. Small offset can be corrected in a single session of massage in more complex cases, it may take several sessions. Massage also helps sprains, reducing the likelihood of re-displacement of the uterus.
Scar tissue
Scar tissue in the abdomen - is another common problem that can affect fertility. It can block blood flow and lymph flow, it disrupts the nerve fibers. In some cases, scar tissue blocks the fallopian tubes even. Infringement of blood circulation and lymph flow in the abdominal cavity can be bad for the health of the uterus and ovaries, and lead to different consequences, including difficulties with conception.
This problem is often experienced by women who have previously had a C-section. Massage the stomach can greatly seize disturbed because of scar tissue blood flow and passage of nerve signals.
Typically, the amount of scar tissue decreases after a massage - in fact, in such cases, the massage is a way to remind the body, that the process of healing wounds of old is not yet completed. As a result, the update begins tissues.
Muscle tension also could have the same negative impact on the work of the reproductive system, as well as scar tissue; it also disrupts the functioning of the blood vessels and leads to compression of the nerve fibers. The causes muscle tension can be stressful
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Pain, poor posture, and many other factors. With belly massage
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You can ease tension and improve blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Massage the abdomen during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the abdomen massage also helps to improve the reproductive system and, thus, reduce the risk of the fetus during gestation or miscarriage
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. Massage helps to strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the uterus, and not only to create the best conditions for a growing child, but also alleviate some of the mother during pregnancy. By stimulating blood flow to the uterus and improves the condition of the placenta, which provides a child nutrition. Experts note that abdominal massage helps pregnant women to reduce the risk of problems such as constipation, indigestion and flatulence.
After childbirth
After birth, abdominal massage can help speed up tissue repair, strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation. In addition, thanks to the regular massage the body quickly returns original shape (but if you do a cesarean section, abdominal massage in the first six months after the operation is allowed only with the approval of a doctor).