- Abdominal pain during pregnancy: the types and value
- In the early stages
- In the later stages
- Aching
- Stitching
- Cutting
- Cramping
- Sudden
- Causes
- Kinds
Aching pain in the abdomen may occur throughout the pregnancy. They can be called as physiological changes in a woman's body, and pathology that threatens the development of pregnancy. Therefore, great importance is the regular visits to the woman obstetrician-gynecologist.
The physiological changes in the body of the pregnant woman
At the very beginning of pregnancy is slowly beginning to rebuild the whole body in order to provide for the physiological mechanism of pregnancy and childbirth. These changes can sometimes occur more or less painful.
So, gradually changing the musculoskeletal system, ie joints and ligaments. Under the action of the active substance relaxin, which is produced in the placenta, loosening and serous impregnation joint ligaments, cartilage capsules and the sacroiliac joints and pubic. Particularly, these changes are expressed in the pubic articulation causing divergence occurs gradually pubic bone to a distance of 0 to 6 cm. This will slightly increase the capacity of the pelvis during childbirth. At the same time loosened, soaked and slightly stretched ligaments of the joints - they prepare themselves to withstand the severity of the growing uterus and the stress of labor.
This physiological mechanism, of course, accompanied by some sensations. Most of all - it's not too intense aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Sensitivity to pain, women often perceive the pain as severe and panic. Others women do not pay attention to them. And that, and other behavior is wrong. Pay attention to all (even subtle) changes and sensations in the body pregnant woman should be sure to not miss the serious complications. But do not panic, you just need to immediately turn to the antenatal clinic.
The doctor can help women's clinic?
First of all, it is clearly defined (if a survey is not enough, will appoint an additional examination), whether there is a threat of pregnancy. In mild threat will be assigned to the appropriate outpatient treatment, with serious woman referred to the hospital, and if there is such a threat, the doctor will explain why there were pain and how to handle them. Most often in such cases, relief brings prenatal bandage, even in the early stages of pregnancy. Wear a bandage only able to lying, when the muscles are not stretched.
Another cause of pain in the abdomen of a physiological nature - persistent constipation, which concerned a woman throughout the pregnancy. In this case, if necessary, your doctor may prescribe a laxative especially for pregnant women. Independently laxatives should not be used - it can lead to increased uterine tone and miscarriage.
Reason aching abdominal pain - a pathology of pregnancy
Abdominal pain can occur when the threat of termination of pregnancy. At the same time the beginning they may be aching in nature, and then cramping, uterine it as it hardens, and then after some time relaxing. The reason for this state - increased muscle tone of the uterus, which can arise against hormone deficiency, or high stress exercise. In any case, you should immediately seek antenatal care. To confirm the increased uterine tone carried ultrasound.
Helping women with uterine tonic usually is the appointment of hormones that suppress the reduction of uterine muscles. This progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
(which exists only in the oil solution and injected intramuscularly) or synthetic analogs, for example, djufaston
Djufaston - helps female body
(these drugs are available in tablet form for oral administration, which is more convenient).
Condition of the pregnant woman with hypertonic uterus becomes threatening if there bleeding from the genital tract - a sign of incipient miscarriage. In this case, go to the antenatal clinic is not necessary, you need to call an ambulance, as women need urgent help. If she goes to the hospital in the early spontaneous abortion, then it has a good chance to maintain her pregnancy. Otherwise, the miscarriage is complete expulsion of the fetus, and it is quite possible - uterine bleeding
Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
Stop is at home is problematic.
In any case, if the woman first felt pain in the abdomen during pregnancy or the pain was, but the effort should immediately consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. If, however, a nagging pain joined spotting
Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
of the genital tract, it is better not to risk it and call an ambulance.