How to determine what are the symptoms of pregnancy are normal and which indicate the danger? Some expectant mothers panic and run to the doctor at the slightest pain. Others may ignore the danger signs, believing that it is okay. How to determine which symptoms in pregnant women are a cause for immediate treatment to the doctor, and what can wait until the next scheduled inspection? All the experts agree that it is better to once again alarmed than miss the danger. If in doubt, call a doctor.
Bleeding at any stage of pregnancy
The bleeding can indicate a variety of problems. Heavy bleeding, abdominal pain and cramping in early pregnancy may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. This condition can be deadly.
In the first and the beginning of the second trimester of severe bleeding and cramping can indicate miscarriage
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. In the third semester, the same symptoms may occur due to rupture of the placenta.
If during pregnancy you have started bleeding, do not hesitate to immediately seek medical attention.
Severe nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are so severe that you can not keep anything, can lead to dehydration and lack of nutrients. This may cause defects in the development of the fetus or premature birth.
The doctor may prescribe anti-nausea drugs are safe, as well as advise the products to be better absorbed to ensure that you and your child with all necessary.
The dramatic decline in the level of activity of the child
If a child is constantly pushing ahead, and now moves much less, it may indicate that he is not getting enough oxygen and nutrients from the placenta. To identify a problem, you can drink cold water or eat something and then lie on your side and check whether the child will begin to move.
You can try to count the number of perturbations and shocks the child for a certain period of time, but for that you need to know how often this has happened before. A very rough estimate of normal activity - ten or more shocks for two hours. If they are less, contact your doctor, he will be able to determine if all is normal with baby
Struggles at the beginning of the third trimester
The contractions may be a sign of preterm labor. But it may be the so-called false labor (they are weaker than this, spasmodic and tested over time and are not amplified). However, it is better not to risk the health of the child, and if you think you went into labor, call your doctor. If the time for delivery is still too early, the doctor can prevent premature labor.
Send Water
If you feel the release of large amounts of fluid, probably a water broke. Sometimes, this symptom can be confused with urinary incontinence (arises from the increased pressure of the uterus on the bladder). In this case, try to go to the toilet and empty your bladder
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. But if fluid continues to stand out, immediately contact your doctor.
Permanent severe headache, abdominal pain, vision problems and swelling in the third trimester
These symptoms may indicate preeclampsia. This is a dangerous condition that can be identified by the high pressure and elevated levels of protein in the urine
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Usually it occurs after the twentieth week of pregnancy. With timely treatment doctor can help to cope with this condition.
Flu-like symptoms
Pregnant women more likely to get the flu during an epidemic - because of the greater stress on the immune system. Also, pregnant women greater the likelihood of complications.
Pay attention to symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, diarrhea. In this state, it is not necessary to run the clinic, so as not to infect others. Call a doctor in the house. In addition, pregnant women are advised to be vaccinated against influenza
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