Healthy weight during pregnancy - between normality and pathology

July 4, 2010

  • Healthy weight during pregnancy - between normality and pathology
  • Growing day by day

 a healthy weight during pregnancy
 Whether we like it or not, weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, because it affects the growth and development of the child. "Eating for two" - which means to eat twice more than usual. This is not a license to sweet, fat and harmful. A healthy lifestyle can help control weight gain during pregnancy, to preserve the health of the child and significantly facilitate the return to a normal weight after delivery.


Weight gain during pregnancy: the norm and deviation

There is no single universal approach to weight gain during pregnancy. The number dialed during pregnancy kilograms dependent upon several factors, including the weight before pregnancy, and body mass index (BMI). The health status of mothers and children also play a role. Check with your doctor to determine what weight is best for you.

Here are the general recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy:

Weight before pregnancy

The recommended weight gain

Below normal (BMI less than 18, 5)

13 - 18 kg

Normal (BMI 18th 5 - 24 9)

11 - 16 kg

Above normal (overweight) (BMI 25 - 29, 9)

7 - 11 kg

Obesity (BMI of 30 or greater)

5 - 9 kgs


Weight gain in multiple pregnancies

If you have a multiple pregnancy, you should gain more weight. Again, check with your doctor to determine what weight is best for you.

These are general recommendations for weight gain during multiple pregnancy:

Weight before pregnancy

The recommended weight gain

Normal (BMI 18th 5 - 24 9)

17 - 25 kg

Above normal (overweight) (BMI 25 - 29, 9)

14 - 23 kg

Obesity (BMI of 30 or greater)

11 - 19 kg


If the weight is above normal before pregnancy

Being overweight before pregnancy increases the risk of various complications of pregnancy, including gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. Even though women are advised to gain complete a certain number of kilograms, studies show that obese women should gain less weight than recommended by doctors. Discuss this with your doctor, who observed.

Also, remember that if during pregnancy you accumulate a lot of weight and not lose it after birth, extra weight can cause all sorts of health problems. A significant (more than 20 kilograms) of weight gain during pregnancy also increases the risk of congenital health problems in the child and increases the likelihood of childhood obesity in the future.


If the weight before pregnancy is below normal

If your pre-pregnancy weight is below normal, it is important to gain more weight during pregnancy, or the baby may be born prematurely or have low birth weight.


How to gain weight distributed?

Let us assume that the child weighs 3-3, 6 kg. But this is only a small part of the gain during pregnancy weight. Where do the rest of kilos? Gained during pregnancy weight is distributed like this:

  • child: 3-3, 6 kg;
  • breast enlargement: about 1 kg;
  • increase in uterine: about 1 kg;
  • placenta: about 0 to 7 kg;
  • amniotic fluid: about 1 kg;
  • increase of blood volume from 1, 4 to 1, 8 kg;
  • increase in body fluids: 1, 4 and 1, 8 kg;
  • fat: 2, 7 3, 6 kg.


Gain weight

In the first trimester, most women do not need to gain weight - the good news, if you remember about morning sickness Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 . If pre-pregnancy weight was normal, you need to dial up to 2 kilograms in the first months of pregnancy. It is enough to increase your calorie intake by 150 to 200 calories a day How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate  How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate
 , Which roughly corresponds to 170 grams of low-fat fruit yogurt.

Steady weight gain becomes more important in the second and third trimesters, especially if your pre-pregnancy weight was normal or below. You need to type 1, 4 to 1, 8 kilograms every month until delivery. The extra 300 calories a day - half a sandwich and a glass of skim milk - enough to help you achieve this goal.



It's easy to increase your intake of calories from calorie fast food, junk food but do not provide the child with him nutrients. It is important to avoid overeating and to supplement the diet of healthy products. Pay attention to the following products:

  • bread and pasta flour whole grain varieties;
  • a salad with low-fat sauce or black beans;
  • sliced ​​fresh fruit (instead of cookie);
  • Juices fortified with calcium and other nutrients.


Things to remember

Do not be nervous because of the accumulated kilograms; the main thing - a well and eat right. Pregnancy - not the time to diet or frills. Both you and your child need to eat well.

If before pregnancy you have had problems with weight - the weight was above or below the norm - ask your doctor to refer you for a consultation with a dietitian. Many women in this situation under the guidance of a nutritionist adjust your diet to suit individual features.

Many pregnant women are routinely weighed at home. If you are going to do it, do not weigh yourself more than once every two weeks. Try to be weighed in the same time to minimize the normal fluctuations that occur during the day.
