Heparin ointment during pregnancy - is used for doctor's appointment

September 30, 2012

 heparin ointment during pregnancy
 Today, intravenous drip of heparin is actively used during pregnancy for the prevention of various complications. It is found that it has no adverse effects on the fetus. For use during pregnancy heparin ointment Heparin ointment - applied with caution  Heparin ointment - applied with caution
   there are also many reasons.

 Heparin ointment during pregnancy - is used for doctor's appointment

The operating principle of heparin ointment

Heparin ointment - a combined preparation for topical and local application, which is composed of three active substances. The first is an anticoagulant of direct action of heparin, which has antiplatelet (prevents platelets from sticking together), anti-inflammatory effect and to inhibit the formation of blood insoluble protein fibrin, which is the basis of blood clots. Furthermore, heparin inhibits proliferation (cell division tissues), including connective tissue cells.

The structure also includes ointments heparin benzyl (vasodilator, by which heparin is better absorbed) and benzocaine (a local anesthetic).

 Heparin ointment during pregnancy - is used for doctor's appointment

Why during pregnancy may need heparin ointment

During pregnancy, gradually increases the load on the cardiovascular system, which leads to a slow pumping of blood by the heart and blood stagnation in the venous system. Vienna, overflowing with blood, expanding in volume and gradually lose their ability to contract - a condition called varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
 . When stagnation of blood in the veins increases its propensity to thrombosis, which is very dangerous during pregnancy as emboli and thrombi (blood clots cut off from the wall) can clog vital blood vessels, causing severe complications.

Another problem during pregnancy is hemorrhoids. As a result of constipation (they develop under the influence of the female sex hormone progesterone) gradually increases pressure in the veins of the rectum, they expand to form hemorrhoids. These nodes can be diminished, and the veins of the rectum - thrombosed, it leads to symptoms of acute hemorrhoids Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk  Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk
   - State, which is poorly tolerated by pregnant women, as accompanied by severe pain.

Finally, one of the problems during pregnancy is the appearance on the skin of the abdomen and thighs stretching (striae) - red-brown, violet strands, which will eventually turn white, thinning, however, spoil the appearance of the skin. The appearance of stretch marks due to the fact that during pregnancy, the abdomen and thighs most stretched skin, which leads to the rupture of the collagen and elastin fibers. The gap fibers accompanied by a small capillary bleeding, so striae are initially red-brown or purple. Over time, elements of blood resolve, on the site of rupture grows dense connective tissue and stretch marks become white.

 Heparin ointment during pregnancy - is used for doctor's appointment

What problems can be solved during pregnancy heparin ointment

Heparin ointment, like any other medication during pregnancy has the right to appoint a doctor, as it has contraindications for use.

When varicose superficial veins during pregnancy heparin ointment prescribed courses of up to two weeks, putting it two or three times a day to the skin with superficial varicose veins on the skin or in the field of thrombosis and gently rubbing. Heparin is gradually released from the ointment, and has anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, antithrombotic and protivovotechnoe action which is intensified by the fact that blood vessels dilate surface under the action of benzyl. Benzocaine has an anesthetic effect at the site of an ointment. Thus, the use of heparin ointment may suspend or slow down the process of varicose veins.

Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   heparin ointment can be used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. In this case, it prevents the formation of blood clots in the veins or hemorrhoids facilitates their resorption. Tampons impregnated with heparin ointment, are administered into the rectum daily for three days to two weeks.

Used heparin ointment and for the prevention of stretch marks, as it inhibits the proliferation of connective tissue cells, i.e. prevents the formation of stretch marks, striae and if already formed, making them more subtle and less noticeable.

 Heparin ointment during pregnancy - is used for doctor's appointment

When heparin ointment can not be used

Heparin Ointment should not be used with the appearance of skin ulcers and erosions, in violation of blood clotting, reducing the blood levels of platelets and increased sensitivity of the body of a pregnant woman to the components of this drug.

Heparin ointment is used during pregnancy, but only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • heparin ointment

Headaches during pregnancy: an alarming symptom

July 4, 2011

 headache during pregnancy
 Headache pregnancy happens quite often, as in the first half, and second. Faced with this unpleasant phenomenon, the woman is often lost, because everyone knows that the medication during pregnancy is best not to take. So what do you do if you have a headache very much?

 Headaches during pregnancy: an alarming symptom

Why do pregnant women can appear headaches

Hormonal changes make pregnant woman is very vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of various external and internal factors. Very often these changes begin in disorders of the central nervous system (CNS). The condition of the central nervous system depends on the secretion of hormones, the work of the circulatory system and internal organs, finally, spasm and muscle relaxation.

Headache during pregnancy often is a vascular or muscular character.

 Headaches during pregnancy: an alarming symptom

Vascular headaches during pregnancy

The most common headache in pregnant women dependent on spasm or, on the contrary, a sharp relaxation of cerebral vessels. Spasm of the blood vessels used to say that a woman has disrupted the autonomic nervous system, responsible for the operation of smooth muscles located in the blood vessels and internal organs. At the slightest stress, nervous and mental or physical overload have a woman begins spasm of blood vessels, accompanied by headache. In spastic headaches against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia help with vaginal suppositories papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
   and aqueous extract of valerian root (but not alcoholate!).

Headache may begin with an increase in blood pressure. It is dangerous during pregnancy, so a woman should see a doctor - perhaps this is the beginning of late toxicosis of pregnancy. In any case, to treat high blood pressure in pregnant women should be a doctor.

Sometimes the cause of the headache is low blood pressure, such a headache often accompanied by dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 And sometimes loss of consciousness, particularly at sharp change in body position (e.g. horizontal to vertical). Will freshly brewed tea with honey or sugar and lemon.

Finally, the cause of a headache can be sudden sharp expansion of blood vessels of the brain, accompanied by a sudden headache (often on one side of the head), which is called migraine. Migraine is most often a hereditary condition, but sometimes it is the first time it appears during pregnancy. Migraine - this is serious, to relieve migraine headache in most cases need to consult a doctor. General recommendations: absolute tranquility and isolation from the sounds, smells and visual stimuli, soaked in cold water on a towel on the forehead.

 Headaches during pregnancy: an alarming symptom

Muscular headaches during pregnancy

For some women, particularly common headaches as a tightening of the helmet on the head or hoop. Pain first occurs in a small area of ​​the head and then spreads to the entire scalp, forehead, upper neck.

There it is because our head is covered tendon helmet, which is closely adjacent to the bones of the skull. From tendons depart muscles of head and neck, which allow us to make voluntary movements. When extreme fatigue, occurred against a background of high physical or mental exertion, with nervousness (diseases arising from prolonged nervous tension and stress), osteochondrosis, diseases of the eye, prolonged squeezing head close headdress comes a spasm of the muscles of the head and neck, which are attached to the tendon helmet , the tendon stretches and compresses the skull.

When muscle headache, it is first necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. If it was caused by stress and fatigue, it helps relaxation, leisurely walks in the fresh air and sedatives. If the cause of headaches, low back pain Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
 , You need to rest more often, taking a horizontal position in order to reduce the load on the spine, in the second half of pregnancy is necessary to wear a special brace that supports the stomach.

 Headaches during pregnancy: an alarming symptom

Why else headache may occur in pregnant women

Sometimes headaches begin for metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Whereby there is a malfunction of the head pain receptors. During pregnancy, it is often the case at the very beginning, in early toxicosis. To improve the metabolism and recommended the proper management of a varied diet, daily routine with a clear alternation of moderate exercise and rest and drinking plenty of fluids.

Headache can occur when increased or decreased intracranial pressure. Increased intracranial pressure, such as the appearance in the brain of a bulk formation (tumor, abscess, hematoma after traumatic brain injury), which in turn will cause irritation to membranes of the brain and severe arching headache. Not so often the cause of headaches during pregnancy, however, everything happens here and need the help of a doctor.

Headache may be, and the neuralgic character during stimulation of sensitive nerve branches, ending in the head as a result of inflammation or injury. Thus there is an acute paroxysmal headache attacks are usually short, but frequent. To remove a headache, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Headache is rarely any one species, usually it is mixed. For example, a headache caused by a spasm of blood vessels of the brain, often joins the muscular headache (a hoop on the head). Therefore, if headaches disturb the pregnant woman constantly, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • headache
