Medication during pregnancy: ten frequently asked questions

December 17, 2009

 Medication during pregnancy: 10 frequently asked questions
 What is safe and what may be unfavorable to the health of mother and child? What is recommended and what is better to avoid when taking medications if you expect to recharge? Such questions are always concerned about the women, and this is not surprising, because the main thing that was born a healthy baby and mom was happy. We offer you 10 frequently asked questions about taking medications during pregnancy.

  • Q: Can you during pregnancy to take aspirin?
  • Answer: It is undesirable.

If you are concerned about the pain, doctors around the world are encouraged to contact Tylenol, which at this time can be your salvation in the event of an emergency. Aspirin and many other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs is extremely undesirable if you are pregnant. There are, however, some cases where aspirin is dictated by necessity, but then the woman can take it under the clear control of a cardiologist and gynecologist, and in very small doses to avoid the risk of uterine bleeding.

  • Q: Can I take antibiotics?
  • A: Sometimes it is possible, but in any case, you should consult your doctor.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, these drugs should be avoided as a high risk of miscarriage. Antibiotics are divided into four categories, where A and B are in a relatively safe, then C is considered more risky to take during pregnancy, and finally, antibiotics category B can not be taken during this period.

If at this time you have urogenital infections that are dangerous for both mother and threaten the health of the baby, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or C-type.

  • Q: Can I take antidepressants?
  • Answer: It depends on the specific drug.

Remember that during pregnancy any medication can cause harm not only the mother as a child, and this need to make a start in the choice of medicines. Because of ethical considerations drugs are not tested on pregnant women in order to get some statistics about the dangers or safety, so information about the side effects is still not so much. During this period, of course, you should avoid strong medicines to stabilize the emotional states. If the violations are not too serious, it is better to prefer psychotherapeutic treatment by visiting a doctor, but not mindlessly gulping sedative pills.

  • Q: Can I take anti-allergic drugs?
  • Answer: Yes, you can.

Many women during pregnancy can aggravate allergic reactions. Of course, the better to avoid allergy medications if possible, but the reaction may be so dangerous that eventually severely damage the baby, so we can not ignore allergies. If you suffer from allergic rhinitis, you can use the safe drops for the nose. Keep in mind that these drugs are best taken after you pass the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period you can drink drugs like Benadryl, hlortrimeton, Claritin Claritin - histamine receptor blocker  Claritin - histamine receptor blocker
 , Sudafed.

  • Q: Can I take laxatives?
  • Answer: Yes, but with great caution.

Constipation - a very common problem with most pregnant women. Often this is due to the intake of iron-containing vitamin complexes, which are prescribed at this time. To deal with constipation, take measures to improve the natural activity of the intestine: drink more water, eat foods rich in fiber. Consult your doctor for the drugs with less iron. If all these measures do not help, you can try to take docusate that gently eliminates this problem. Stronger stimulants can disrupt the intestinal microflora and cause more problems. Before taking you should consult with your doctor.

  • Question: What can be taken during a cold?
  • A: The old proven tools.

Remember the advice of our grandmothers who recommend not to get involved newfangled drugs, and to seek help from the old-fashioned methods for treating colds. It is necessary to comply with bed rest, use safe drops for the nose, throat rinse the warm soda-salt solutions, drinking tea with milk and honey. Safe asetominafen - the best remedy for colds if you are plagued by headaches that always accompany such illnesses. Other drugs should be accepted only on medical prescription. Remember that it is best to avoid chemicals that judging by the advertising messages compete directly with all the symptoms of colds and flu - they can greatly harm the child.

  • Q: I need to visit the dentist - is it safe?
  • Answer: In most cases - yes.

The mouth should be kept in order at any age and at any time, even when you are pregnant, even better to say - especially during pregnancy. All hard dental work such as tooth extraction to filling, drilling, it is best to postpone until the second trimester, when the fetus is already formed, and such measures will not be able to hurt him. During this period, you can most safely perform such procedures, using as an anesthetic lidocaine, referring to the B category. All other procedures relating to the cosmetic side, for example, whitening, should be postponed until later.

  • Question: Can I be vaccinated against the flu, and how will it affect the baby?
  • Answer: Yes, you can.

Vaccinated against influenza is recommended even in this period. The fact that pregnancy - is the time of grace, when all the forces of the body sends to strengthen immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 And such a vaccine will build an even more effective barrier. According to statistics, only 25 out of 10,000 women who get the flu during pregnancy, require treatment in hospital. An important factor in the epidemic is a special diet that includes healthy foods and enough vitamins strengthens the immune system.

  • Question: What if I worried about the rash?
  • Answer: We need to take active measures.

The rash is always unpleasant, so you should use the safest ointments, such as hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
   or Benadryl to help relieve these symptoms.

  • Q: Can I take a sleeping pill?
  • Answer: It is undesirable.

If you during pregnancy there is some problem with the individual characteristics of your body, always worth asking your doctor how you handle it. Studies show that after receiving such a popular sleeping pills like Ambien, its traces are found in the umbilical cord - and this suggests that the drug is dangerous for the baby.

The best way to treat insomnia old "old-fashioned" methods: bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   take a walk in the fresh air, do not watch TV, drink refreshing drinks, take a warm shower and sleep in a well ventilated room.

Article Tags:
  • pregnancy and drugs

Prostatitis and pregnancy - may be difficulties

January 13, 2014

 prostatitis pregnancy
 Prostatitis and pregnancy - is there a connection here? It was found that heavy or long flowing prostatitis has a negative effect on sexual function and spermatogenesis - the formation of sperm cells and their fertilizing capacity. Therefore, in some cases, the process of conception may be broken.


Prostatitis and conception

Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate - a disease that often has long-term chronic. And since in this case the inflammatory process develops in the prostate gland (prostatitis), then over time the glandular tissue of the organs is replaced by connective tissue with a gradual reduction in prostate function.

Furthermore, it can inhibit spermatogenesis prolonged inflammation resulting from exposure with toxic products. The basic function of the prostate - is the support of spermatogenesis (formation of sperm), the formation of sexual desire and orgasm.

Patients often ask questions, whether it is possible to conceive the prostate, prostatitis affects whether conception. In the long prostatitis is definitely affected. Effect prostatitis conception is that the first broken fertilizing capacity of sperm (sperm motility and their ability to penetrate into the female reproductive tract), and then decreases the content of sperm, and in advanced cases sperm disappear completely, i.e. there is complete sterility.

Unfortunately, prostatitis and infertility - a combination of very real. Temporary infertility associated with inhibition of the function of the prostate prolonged or severe inflammatory process, can be successfully treated. But if infertility is due to the growth in the prostate connective tissue (sclerosis), then restore spermatogenesis will be almost impossible.


Is there a danger?

If conception has occurred, the further presence of prostatitis father of the child does not affect pregnancy. But there can be a danger if prostatitis is an infectious nature, the infection can be transferred to a woman sexually. And this is a direct threat, as some types of infections are very dangerous during pregnancy, especially for the fetus. Dangerous during pregnancy all kinds of infections, but a special danger infections are caused by herpes simplex viruses Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   1 and 2, as well as cytomegalovirus (herpes virus type 5).


Can I have children at a prostatitis?

If prostatitis can have children. But in order to avoid the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, pregnancy should be planned with the preliminary examination and, if necessary, treatment of both parents. And since not all men know that they suffer from prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
   (as well as the woman is found to have an infectious-inflammatory processes of genitals), planning of pregnancy is recommended for all couples.

What danger waits woman and child during pregnancy if the spouse prostatitis?

If prostatitis is a non-infectious nature, the only danger is the risk of impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
   and infertility. With infectious prostatitis Infectious Prostatitis - the result of sexually transmitted infections  Infectious Prostatitis - the result of sexually transmitted infections
   threat to women lies in the fact that during pregnancy she is reduced immunity and any infection can take widespread (generalized) nature.

For a child, most bacterial infections are not a threat - just does not pass the placenta of their pathogens to the fetus. Viral infections are much more dangerous. But a particular danger to the fetus are herpes viruses. Herpesvirus infections are TORCH infections diseases that during pregnancy have a sharply negative effect on the fetus.

The threat of infection is a primary infection during pregnancy - in this case, the mother and the child is not yet protected by specific immunity and the herpes virus has a destructive effect on the fetus. The impact of herpes on the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy leads to his death and abortion (miscarriage). Primary herpes in the second trimester of pregnancy leads to the development of fetal abnormalities are often incompatible with life. No less dangerous herpes late in pregnancy, so herpes during the third trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the mother, causing her inflammatory processes.

In most cases, prostatitis is not a threat to the pregnancy, but in order to be absolutely sure, pregnancy should be planned, identifying and prolechivaya with all infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital organs of the future parents.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prostatitis
