It is important that a woman who plans to become a mother, to eat right. Nowadays, there are many diets for different people, situations and diseases. They may well be lost. Especially a lot of diets designed to reduce body weight. Of course, a woman who wants to conceive and give birth to a child, it is desirable not to have overweight. But this should not be an end in itself, the main thing - it's great.
How "works" our metabolism
It is known that during pregnancy a woman's body will carry a double burden. For a healthy woman is pregnant - this time a calm preparation for a meeting with his kid.
Of particular importance is the metabolism of the future mother, which is based on lifestyle and diet. Therefore, if a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should stick to the basics of healthy nutrition
Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
Metabolism or metabolism - is one of the main features of a living organism. As a result of complex biochemical processes that make up the metabolic nutrients entering the body with food, processed, and become the basis for building new tissue in the human body. Because food is produced and the energy required to build these tissues, as well as to maintain the functioning of the body (the internal organs).
Once in the metabolism of food received extracted all the useful substances are unnecessary and toxic metabolic products that are excreted. The main body, which neutralizes toxic products of metabolism in the human body is the liver. After neutralization of neutral substances excreted in the feces and urine.
To maintain proper metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
human nutrition should be varied, with some substances should ingested a lot (it's proteins, fats and carbohydrates), the other is quite small and very small quantities, but without them, the metabolism can be completely broken. These substances include vitamins and minerals, which are part of enzymes and hormones, and thereby regulate and accelerate many times all metabolic processes.
What is a healthy diet
A healthy diet involves intake of healthful foods from the diet and the exclusion of products that cause the body harm. Thus, certainly the energy value of food is considered as overweight - is the basis of many diseases. When food enters the body is very small, there is fatigue, a woman begins to move less. As a result, even less energy is released than comes from food, and the residue is deposited in store as fat. Therefore, the correct healthy diet should always be combined with a mobile lifestyle.
A woman who is preparing to become a mother, should strengthen their immune system. And to form a sufficient number of immune cells need protein. Therefore, in the daily diet should include lean meats, fish (recommended as a non-greasy and oily sea fish, which contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids - PUFA), dairy products, nuts, seeds.
To obtain the energy required for the life of the organism, including for immunity
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
You need to eat cereals, wholemeal bread, vegetables (some of them to be fresh) and fruit.
Energetic materials are fats and, in addition, they are required to operate properly metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
. Useful and animal and vegetable fats. But animal fat person gets enough animal products such as meat, fish and milk, from which they are inseparable. Therefore, you need to fill in the main vegetable oils, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, to actively influence the metabolism. It is recommended to cook food on vegetable fats and add them to a variety of salads.
For products that are better not to drink at all or drink infrequently and in limited amounts include all sweets, animal fats and oils, cakes, sweet pies, ice cream, sweet carbonated water (the less the better).
But our life can not consist of mere rules. Sometimes you want something special! And do not worry, it is quite possible to let eat "forbidden" product, but in small quantities. Remember, the main thing here is not an absolute prohibition and temperance.
Thus, a healthy woman who is about to become a mother, should have in their diet following the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: 1: 1: 4, 5. energy intake depends on the degree of physical activity. Thus, in light work, it must be built on the basis of - 32 kcal per 1 kg of body weight, with the average gravity - 37 kcal per 1 kg of body weight, with a heavy - 42 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, a woman weighing 60 kg, has a mild exertion, it should be equal to the daily ration of 1920 kcal.
Prepare food should so that products preserved as much as possible nutrients. Widely used boiled, stewed, steamed dishes. But fried foods is better to use as little as possible.
A healthy diet - the basis of the health of the expectant mother and the child.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- preparation for pregnancy