Genital herpes and breastfeeding - it's quite common. The virus does not penetrate into the mother's milk, but with him the body of the child receives protective antibodies, allowing a small child getting sick of this infection. But non-compliance with personal hygiene mother-child transmission can still occur.
Genital herpes in nursing mothers - Causes
Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex viruses
Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
first and second types (HSV-1 and HSV-2). Most often it is HSV-2, which is considered the main cause of genital herpes
Genital Herpes - Causes
. HSV-1 usually causes "cold on the lips, but in contact with the genitals (eg during oral-genital sex) and can cause genital herpes.
Genital herpes is divided into primary and recurrent. Primary herpes developed during the initial contact with HSV and runs hard, with increasing temperature, a violation of the general condition of abundant and long eruptions. As a rule, this type of herpes occurs in lactating mothers rarely.
When breastfeeding more likely to develop long-term relapses occurring viral infection. This is due to the fact that the woman's body weakened immunity is reduced, and this opens the way for the development of an infection. In recurrent genital herpes lesions are rarely abundant and hold them, as a rule, not more than a week, and then completely disappear.
Some nursing mothers develop recurrences of genital herpes often, every two - four weeks. This gives occasion to reflect on the state of your immune system, since HSV is activated only in reducing the body's defenses.
How to treat genital herpes in nursing mothers
Primary genital herpes requires full immunomodulatory and antiviral treatments, which have to interrupt for a while breastfeeding - drugs that are used for such therapy usually penetrate into the blood and are excreted in human milk. A young child is useless.
But the treatment of recurrence of the disease is quite possible to combine with feeding the baby. Relapses can be treated topically using antivirals. Widely used various creams for topical application on the basis of acyclovir
Acyclovir - as it is safe?
(acyclovir, Zovirax), Viru-Merz gel serol etc. They are applied to the affected skin and mucous membranes to five times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts a few days - it determines the physician.
As a rule, against a background of signs of the disease such treatment rapidly.
How to avoid infecting the baby at relapse of genital herpes in the mother
It should be clearly understood that the baby through breast milk infected infection can not, on the contrary, it contains maternal antibodies that protect the baby from infection.
However, the infection may be transmitted to the baby through the mother's hands. Therefore, their purity must be constantly monitored. After hygiene and treatments hands should be washed several times with soap can be used for processing disinfecting solutions, for example, a solution of betadine, but after the solution has dried, it should be thoroughly washed with hands - as contained in betadine iodine can be dangerous for the baby .
It should also ensure that used in the processing of underwear does not touch a child.
Chest handle disinfectants can not be - it leads to irritation of the skin and the appearance of the nipple microtrauma through which the mammary gland can penetrate bacterial infection and begin mastitis. Treatment of hands is sufficient to prevent infection of the baby.
How to boost immunity nursing mothers
During feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast immunomodulators can not be used, so the immune system can be strengthened only through good nutrition, regular exposure to fresh air and recreation.
Diet nursing mother should be complete. A large amount of protein is necessary not only to develop breast milk, but also to maintain maternal immunity. The restoration of immunity are important immune cells that are built from protein. In the absence of protein in the diet of the mother would be impossible to restore immunity. Therefore, it must necessarily daily use lean meat and fish, cheese, dairy products - is not contraindicated during breastfeeding. It should only be excluded fried, spicy and salty foods.
In order to build a cage, you need not only protein, but also the energy to do the job, as well as substances that accelerate these reactions (carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins and minerals). These women provide vegetables, fruit, cereal. Fats can not be completely excluded - they are also actively involved in metabolism.
Genital herpes in most cases is not an obstacle to breastfeeding.
Galina Romanenko