Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

July 12, 2012

 signs of multiple pregnancy
 Multiple pregnancy - a pregnancy with more than one fetus (twins, triplets, etc.). Being a relatively rare occurrence, multiple pregnancy is accompanied by a number of grounds on which it is possible to identify easily enough.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

Ultrasound confirmation

The only way to know for sure about a multiple pregnancy. Submit multiple pregnancy ultrasound can help in the early stages of pregnancy - about four-fifth week.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness


Another method of diagnosis of multiple pregnancy - Doppler, a special procedure that allows, among other things, define the sound of the fetal heart. Usually, this procedure is performed at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy and reveals two (or more) of the heartbeat. Doppler can not be considered completely accurate method of diagnosis.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin

Chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone produced in the body during pregnancy. When multiple pregnancy levels of this hormone significantly higher than normal. However, elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin is not necessarily indicative of multiple pregnancies - can cause above normal variety of factors (including the serious complications of pregnancy).

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

Abnormal findings on analysis of alpha-fetoprotein

Alpha-fetoprotein - a glycoprotein which is formed during development of the embryo and fetus. Assay for alpha-fetoprotein is performed in the second trimester of pregnancy and is used in particular to determine certain birth defects. Deviations from the normal test results may indicate a multiple pregnancy.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

The height of standing uterus

The height of standing uterus - the value of the uterus, as measured during pregnancy and helps determine gestational age (gestational age). Multiple pregnancy causes a greater stretching of the uterus, and as a result, increasing the height of standing uterus. If this figure does not correspond to the normal height of standing uterus for a certain period, you can assume multiple pregnancy.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

Body mass

Weight gain during pregnancy - an absolutely natural process, which could affect tens of a variety of factors: the amount of weight a woman gains during pregnancy depends on its growth, build, normal weight before pregnancy. When multiple pregnancy weight increased by an average of four kilograms compared with a singleton pregnancy.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness


Nausea in the morning, or so-called toxemia of pregnancy - it is a widespread phenomenon faced by about half of pregnant women. Multiple pregnancy may aggravate morning sickness, but it happens not always.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

Early or frequent fetal movement

What a reliable indicator of multiple pregnancies early onset fetal movements or frequent movement can not be considered - but in some cases, during pregnancy double or triple the first movements of the fetus can be felt much earlier than usual. It is important to remember that when you re early pregnancy fetal movement is much more likely than in the first pregnancy.

 Symptoms of multiple pregnancy - the load to the mother or reusable happiness

Severe fatigue

Of course, the constant and strong sense of fatigue during pregnancy - is not a reason to suspect multiple pregnancy: stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Physical activity, emotional stress and changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, making fatigue quite natural for every pregnant woman. However, severe fatigue in multiple pregnancies is almost guaranteed, because pregnancy twins or triplets - are, respectively, double or even triple the load to the body of the mother.

Article Tags:
  • polycyesis

Feijoa during pregnancy: an undeniable benefits

April 14, 2012

  • Feijoa during pregnancy: an undeniable benefits
  • Nutrients

 Feijoa during pregnancy
 The nine months of pregnancy are always filled with anxiety, but also joy. Joy and happiness comes in the form of knowing that the baby is growing inside you, and fear and anxiety comes in many forms, such as take place if the pregnancy full term, whether it's all right with your child eat if you are healthier for the baby food and so hereinafter. Feijoa Fruits are rich in nutrients and are most suitable for fruit ingestion during pregnancy.

In order to fully enjoy the positive aspects of pregnancy, it is very important for every pregnant mother to be very careful when eating as well as food and nutrients are transferred to the little unborn baby through the umbilical cord. It is recommended during pregnancy, eat foods rich in nutrients required for the growth and development of the fetus.

Besides indulging the whims of random food, the expectant mother should eat fresh vegetables, drink plenty of nutritious juices and do not forget to eat fresh fruit every day. This should be done because studies have shown that fruits and vegetables are well contribute to the development of the fetus during pregnancy in situations where reduced consumption of other foods, such as rice, pasta, bread, corn and the like.

Feijoa is excellent and most suitable fruit for use during pregnancy. This plant family guavovyh, although its taste similar to pineapple Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit  Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit
 . The fruits have a soft, gelatinous pulp, the center is filled with the fruits of feijoa soft edible seeds.


Properties feijoa

It contains a small amount of fat and protein. Carbohydrates in feijoa Feijoa: use flavored  Feijoa: use flavored
   They are numerous. The fruits are very rich in vitamin C, 20 milligrams, and contain small amounts of vitamin B and minerals.


Cooking and eating feijoa

Feijoa can be eaten raw. First, it needs to be washed and cleaned. Feijoa can also be used in cooking, for example, juices, jams and compotes.


Advantages of feijoa during pregnancy

Feijoa fruit is ideal during pregnancy because:

  • It contains folate. Feijoa fruit is one that is very rich in folates, which play an important role in formation of blood cells. It is recommended that all women of childbearing age ate adequate amounts of folic acid, one of which is a rich source of feijoa. Lack of folate during pregnancy can lead to anemia Anemia - when you do not have enough blood  Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
 And various birth defects.
  • Cellulose. Since the feijoa is rich in dietary fibers, it is recommended for the treatment of constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
 Which usually occurs during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Iodine. The content of iodine in feijoa is 50-100 mg. According to the content of iodine in this fruit is significantly larger than in other fruit, as well as in fresh water. Iodine is important during pregnancy for all living beings.

Despite the fact that the fruit is not to everyone during pregnancy makes sense to add one or two fruit feijoa in the weekly diet to your future children to develop well and for good health of mother and child.

For those who have not is a child under the heart, and those trying to get pregnant, it is best to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in folic acid, to prepare the body and have a strong and healthy body for conception, as it is difficult to say when you are baby.
