The intestines during pregnancy - potential problems and their solutions

September 16th, 2010

  • The intestines during pregnancy - potential problems and their solutions
  • Bowel function

 intestines during pregnancy
 Pregnant women are often faced with disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, the most common of which are diarrhea, constipation, colorless or bloody stools. Changes in bowel habits often occur in the first trimester, they often occur before a woman finds out about their own pregnancy. Therefore, unexplained constipation (common in half of expectant mothers) and diarrhea often cause women anxiety, because she thinks that diarrhea can be caused by diet.

Another common problem for pregnant women is hemorrhoids (varicose veins in the anus), because of which the chair may acquire a reddish tint. In the development of hemorrhoids plays an important role in increased blood flow and increased intra-abdominal pressure increased uterine muscles of the rectum. To prevent hemorrhoids, you need to ensure that there is no constipation (you drink a lot of water and fiber sources to enrich the diet).

Bowel problems can also be caused by a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism can cause constipation, and hyperthyroidism can cause diarrhea.


Causes of constipation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, progesterone hormone levels rise, leading to relaxation of smooth muscles of intestine and, as a consequence, slow down the passage of food therethrough. This increases the water absorption from the intestine and causes constipation. The rapidly increasing in size of the uterus puts pressure on the intestines, which also promotes normal digestion. Other important factors contributing to constipation, - Stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Lack of exercise and a low content of dietary fiber.


As a constipation affect the child?

In most cases, constipation is not harmful to the baby. Woman constipation causes discomfort, but can sometimes lead to serious complications such as hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding and rectal fissures.


When should you see a doctor?

Contact your doctor if constipation, diarrhea, or bloody stools persist for a long time. Do not forget to drink more water, and give the body a moderate physical activity (such as walking for half an hour a day).

Diarrhea can be caused by food poisoning, but it usually goes away without medical intervention during the day. If the diarrhea lasts longer, it means the body has other violations, and you should see a doctor.


How should I treat bowel disorders during pregnancy?

Hemorrhoids are often the result of constipation, so you should eat more foods rich in fiber, fruits, and drink plenty of fluids. Sometimes constipation can be caused by calcium and iron contained in prenatal vitamins. If necessary, doctors recommend laxatives (Metamucil), do not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman.

Hygiene is very important anus. You need to wash with cold water after each bowel movement. External hemorrhoids do not require surgical treatment. In the acute phase the doctor may prescribe Goulard, lotions with Burovskii liquid butanedioic ointment. When an internal hemorrhoid doctors in most cases it is recommended to limit drug therapy.

Also useful are mineral oils with constipation, rectal suppositories and enema, but these agents can be used only under medical supervision, as they can stimulate childbirth.

To stop diarrhea, drink plenty of fluids, including water, fruit juices and broths.

Consult with your doctor before you take any antidiarrheal agents.


Intestinal dysbiosis

Intestinal dysbiosis - a disruption of quantitative and qualitative composition of microflora, which leads to the creation of an enabling environment for the development of staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus, and other pathogenic organisms. Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?  Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
   It may be different, but the most common include: bloating, diarrhea or constipation, belching Belching: why it happens and that means  Belching: why it happens and that means
 , Unpleasant taste in the mouth, heartburn, stomach pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 Who are allergic to conventional products, a slight fever. For the treatment of dysbiosis, in addition to correcting the diet, use of probiotics - biologically active substances that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria and living microorganisms.

Pyelonephritis in pregnancy: a serious risk

June 2nd, 2011

 pyelonephritis during pregnancy
 The frequency of pyelonephritis in pregnant women ranges from 2-10%, and it can occur not only during pregnancy but also during and after childbirth, that is, during the entire so-called gestational period (from the word gestation - pregnancy), including delivery and postpartum period, so in some cases it is called: "gestational pyelonephritis."

 Pyelonephritis in pregnancy: a serious risk

Gestational pyelonephritis and its species

Pyelonephritis - an inflammation of the kidney tissue with a primary lesion of the interstitial tissue (connective bases kidneys) and renal pelvis system (cavities in the kidney where urine flows before you get into the ureter).

Gestational pyelonephritis divided into pyelonephritis pregnant, maternal pyelonephritis (during birth) and pyelonephritis women in childbirth (postpartum), and has its own characteristics and trends of development. Causative agents of pyelonephritis of pregnant women are most often the microorganisms, such as E. coli, Klebsiella, and Proteus; puerperas - enterococci and Escherichia coli.

In the formation of gestational pyelonephritis big role belongs to the hormonal changes in a woman's body. Qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of various hormones (female sex hormones estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Adrenal hormone hydrocortisone), squeezing the growing uterus and kidney violating their blood supply predispose to poor circulation and excretion of urine, kidney infection and contribute to the emergence of inflammation, especially in the presence of women in the body of an infectious focus (for example, chronic tonsillitis).

Usually it observed sided pyelonephritis, due to the feature of the structure of the venous system in this area. Most women fall ill during the first pregnancy. This is due to a lack of adaptation to occurring during pregnancy hormonal and immunological changes. For most women, pyelonephritis occurs in the late second - early third trimester (at 20-26 and 32-34 weeks of pregnancy), when there is the most significant hormonal changes.

Pyelonephritis in women in childbirth often manifested in the 4-6 and 12-14 days after birth, that is, in those periods when there are postnatal complications.

 Pyelonephritis in pregnancy: a serious risk

How is pyelonephritis during pregnancy

Pyelonephritis manifested in different ways at different stages of pregnancy. It depends on the degree of excretion of urine from the kidneys to the ureters. Thus, in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) observed severe pain in the lumbar region, the second and third trimester and postpartum women with pyelonephritis have pain less intense. In severe may increase the temperature and disrupted overall.

Acute pyelonephritis usually has no significant effect on the course of pregnancy, chronic pyelonephritis often reveals miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
 , Premature birth and pregnancy toxicosis. In acute pyelonephritis births occur spontaneously and do not require special procedures. In chronic pyelonephritis in 10% of cases had to resort to induction of labor. Cesarean section with pyelonephritis is permissible only if strict indications.

 Pyelonephritis in pregnancy: a serious risk

Diagnosis of pyelonephritis in pregnancy

In the diagnosis of pyelonephritis in pregnant importance belongs to laboratory methods. In the blood of pregnant women are usually found signs of inflammation - increase the number of cells with neutrophilic shift to the left, that is, with an increase in the number of young neutrophils, it is said that the body mobilizes its forces to fight the infection. The urine detected a large number of white blood cells and bacteria. Held as a urine culture to culture media to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

If there is suspicion of a violation of passage (excretion) urine, then held cystochromoscopy - examination of the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   using special optical equipment with a preliminary introduction to the blood coloring material that colors the urine and gives an indication of the timeliness of its release. If a delay is detected expressed passage of urine, in some cases, a ureteral catheter in order to avoid serious complications from the kidney.

 Pyelonephritis in pregnancy: a serious risk

Treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnancy

Treatment of gestational pyelonephritis should be comprehensive, individually, taking into account the peculiarities of its course in pregnant and postpartum women. In order to avoid adverse effects on the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy, only natural and semi-synthetic penicillins. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy can be used and some other group of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs as well as other groups.

In addition, women are prescribed diuretics low toxicity, in some cases, blood products transfused. The success of treatment depends on the passage of urine. Since the inflammatory process often continues after the postpartum period, the woman must necessarily occur at the urologist.

Prevention of pyelonephritis of pregnant women is early detection and treatment of kidney disease in non-pregnant women.

Galina Romanenko

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  • pyelonephritis
