Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: is it always the disease?

April 19, 2012

 vaginal secretions during pregnancy
 During pregnancy a woman's body undergoes a lot of changes, and one of the first of such changes, which sees a pregnant woman - a change of vaginal discharge. It is important to know what vaginal discharge during pregnancy is normal, and what - indicate a vaginal infection How to avoid vaginal infection  How to avoid vaginal infection

 Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: is it always the disease?

Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Normal vaginal secretions during pregnancy, or so-called bleach - white or milky, low odor, low viscosity, not dense. Such isolation is absolutely natural, when they occur there is no reason for concern.

During pregnancy:

  • Do not use tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   (they may be "carriers" of harmful microorganisms in the vagina)
  • Do not douche (douching can disturb the normal vaginal flora and bacterial vaginosis cause - quite dangerous during pregnancy disorders)
  • Do not try to diagnose, let alone treat yourself: you must remember that the whites - this is not a sign of bacterial or fungal infection of the vagina
  • If vaginal discharge are abundant, you can use thin panty liner
  • If you notice any changes in vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
   (color, texture, smell) better to consult a gynecologist

 Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: is it always the disease?

When vaginal indicate disease?

Change the color, texture, odor or amount of discharge from the vagina - the first (and sometimes only) signs of any disorder or disease. If vaginal discharge greenish or yellowish color, with a strong unpleasant smell, accompanied by redness or itching of the vulva - that is, most likely, a vaginal infection. The most common type of vaginal infection seen during pregnancy - a common yeast infection (candidiasis), which, even during pregnancy easily and effectively treated with antibiotics. In addition, abnormal vaginal discharge can cause the disease, sexually transmitted diseases.

 Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: is it always the disease?

When to call a doctor?

Any change in vaginal discharge during pregnancy must be notified to the gynecologist - in any case do not try to diagnose and even more, to be treated yourself. Even spotting during pregnancy Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid  Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid
   may be natural, not dangerous phenomenon, but seek the advice of a gynecologist is necessary, in any case, when the discharge or vaginal bleeding observed for longer than a day, and are accompanied by spasms or pain in the abdomen.

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy

Secretions in the first days of pregnancy - they need to pay attention

October 30, 2012

 allocation in the first days of pregnancy
 From the first days of pregnancy a woman can highlight change slightly - this is normal, which is associated with the action of hormones. If the appearance of any unusual discharge causes concern women, it should consult with a physician - is the best way to calm down.

 Secretions in the first days of pregnancy - they need to pay attention

How can change the selection after pregnancy

In the early days of pregnancy can release very quickly instead of heavy liquid and become a thick, viscous, and is also quite abundant. This occurs under the effect of female sex hormones, regulating menstrual cycle and maintaining pregnancy status.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen is the main hormone. Under the influence of estrogen discharge becomes sufficiently liquid and abundant - it ensures the promotion of sperm on female genitals to fertilize an egg. Out egg from the ovary is called ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 On the site of the ruptured follicle in which the egg is matured, it formed a new endocrine gland corpus luteum producing the female hormone progesterone. The ovum lives day in this time or should happen fertilization and pregnancy occur, or menstrual cycle moves into the second phase.

In case of pregnancy the corpus luteum of the menstrual cycle begins to increase in volume and becomes a corpus luteum of pregnancy, which produces progesterone in much larger quantities. Progesterone will reign "reign" in the first 12-16 weeks of pregnancy by inhibiting muscle contractions of the uterus - the mechanism laid down by nature to maintain pregnancy.

Under the effect of increasing amounts of progesterone liquid in the first half of the cycle will immediately release viscous - there is need to close the entrance to the uterus, i.e. the cervical canal.

The volume of discharge may increase due to a rush of blood to the genitals. In the transition of the first phase of the menstrual cycle in the second (if pregnancy has not occurred), such abrupt change may not be, as in this case, less progesterone is released. Such a sharp change in the character selections can scare women during their first pregnancy. And the only way to settle down in this case - is to seek clarification from the physician. Independently cope with this problem is not recommended, because, firstly, the nature of the discharge can indeed be pathological, and secondly, the woman during pregnancy is undesirable emotional stress - it can only remove the belief that all will be well.

 Secretions in the first days of pregnancy - they need to pay attention

Spotting for 7-10 days of gestation

Slight spotting about a week after ovulation - is the norm. Such isolation appear not all women are different, and the scarcity and short-lived. Sometimes a woman feels as short-term pain in the abdomen. This so-called implantation of pain and bleeding.

The fact that fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube and then the embryo starts to move slowly along the tube towards the entrance to the uterus. This movement takes him 7-10 days, after which the embryo enters the uterus and is embedded in its wall. At the moment of introducing slightly violated the integrity of the mucosa and minor bleeding may occur. This bleeding is manifested as a drop or blood in the laundry or in the form of a small impurity of blood to the mucous secretions Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman

 Secretions in the first days of pregnancy - they need to pay attention

What are the selection are considered pathological

Typically, the abnormal discharge due to infection. Sometimes a woman does not even know about the presence of her latent infection, but during pregnancy it can make itself felt in the first days. This occurs due to the fact that progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   suppresses the immune system - is another defense reaction of the body, which helps to maintain the pregnancy - inhibits the ability of the mother's body to get rid of the body of the fetus as a foreign body.

Often, during this period there are white cheesy raids on the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and whitish cheesy discharge, accompanied by swelling and itching. This is a sign of yeast - Candida.

Private can occur in women, gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
 Chlamydia and other common sexual infection. In this case, selection can wear yellow purulent.

In any case, the appearance of any unusual discharge, which are accompanied by unpleasant sensations, you should seek medical advice and to conduct a survey.

Today, all kinds of infections are treated using safe for the woman and the fetus of drugs at certain stages of pregnancy. Such treatment is necessary to ensure that the infection is not passed from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy
