Along with the physiological changes that accompany puberty, changes and identity of the child, his perception of his body, increasing interest in sex and the opposite sex. In the early days of puberty
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Teens begin to engage in soul-searching and prefer to maintain a dialogue only with peers of their sex. In girls, there are one or two close friends, while boys prefer more numerous companies.
The manifestation of personality
At a certain stage of mature and harmonious sexual identity, most teens are experimental phase when experiencing interest and attraction to the same sex. This is often the interest received physical expression teens can kiss, caress each other or try to stuff more candid. This is a completely normal phase of sexual development, which, as a rule, does not last long. If one of the parties to such "experiments" over the other, events may develop differently. Also during puberty and boys and girls are more likely to masturbate, which sometimes can be a behavioral problem. Masturbation itself does not cause any physical or mental abnormalities and is a normal part of growing up.
Trying to defend their identity, adolescents usually withdraw themselves from their parents and prefer to spend time with friends, sitting in his room, or listen to music. It is important that in this period, children continued to take part in family events, even if during the meeting a specific voltage. Many teens time spent with the family, helps to develop a healthy sense of self-esteem. This is particularly important when emotional stress
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puberty can lower self-esteem of the child.
The development of social skills, as well as physical development is very individual and takes all different, but the stage of formation of social identity is usually the same. Friendship and relations with the opposite sex plays a decisive role in the life of a child between the ages of fourteen and seventeen. Then becoming increasingly important intimate relationship with only one person, and girls often meet with the boys who are older than them for one or two years.
Such early relationships are very unstable, because they are based on - sexual attraction or blind love and adoration, when a loved one ascends to the podium: it has no flaws, he can not do anything wrong. If these relationships are held together by marriage and become the family for a long time such a marriage will not last. According to statistics, most divorces falls on such youthful marriages in which the husband and wife are not older than twenty years.
Very often it is due to failure, disappointment and betrayal in these early relationships in adolescents formed the image of the future partner - what qualities he should and should not have, how should behave in certain situations. In addition, the teen drama to help people to better understand themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, and to find the optimum line of conduct with the opposite sex.
Psychological (emotional) maturation
Emotional maturation begins at an early age and continues without interruption until old age. Adolescence is certainly - an important stage in the process of reaching maturity, which occurs most harmonious when and adolescents, and their families understand what to expect, and are ready for change.
One feature of adolescence is that the child begins to accept responsibility for what happens in the various areas of his life. He wants to control its own finances (find a job and start earning money), free time, interpersonal relationships, he develops his own convictions and values. The process of transferring responsibility from parent to child begins almost in infancy, when the child learns to walk on the pot, and ends at a mature age. Ideally, this process should be smooth and continuous.
In adolescence, the child begins idols - the person who caused him the admiration and whom he seeks to emulate. This is one of the highlights of personality. In my childhood idols child are parents, relatives and friends and family, and later - by teachers, peers, and well-known personalities. There is both a normal, healthy imitation, when a teenager strive to reach the same heights as his idol, and unhealthy, when a teenager takes over the negative qualities of his idol (smoke, use drugs).
Often teenager undergoes enormous peer pressure, requires him to comply with relevant standards of conduct among them. Normally, at this age children are intolerant manifestations of individuality and strive in every way to suppress them, so it is important that the teenager was ready for it, know their strengths and weaknesses, and not allow themselves to handle and make decisions on their own and not under pressure from friends. There is a close link between low self-esteem and the probability of becoming a victim of sexual abuse or exploitation.
The phase of uncertainty and uncertainty usually comes at a time revaluation of opinion and review values, imposed by parents and society. The teenager is no longer willing to accept them without question. All values are reviewed and either rejected, or become part of their own system of values of a teenager. The desire for independence and adolescent self-assertion often frightens parents, but they should not be afraid - it is a natural part of growing up and identity formation.
Article Tags:
- psychosexual development of the child