Sling mother: contact education

May 26, 2012

 Slingo mum contact education
 In recent years, babywearing has gained immense popularity. Hundreds of companies make slings, in which parents can carry children when they want to. There are many different types of slings, so every parent can find a suitable one. But why bother wearing baby in a sling?

Contact education is becoming more common, and many mothers know the benefits of babywearing and want to try it.

 Sling mother: contact education

The benefits of babywearing

One of the main advantages of slings that baby is always very close to the parent. Children spend nine months in the womb, where it is warm and cozy, where they are in constant contact with the mother. That's where they used to be. Babywearing, in turn, allows the child to hear the heartbeat of the parent and smell him. It's great when Mom or Dad brings baby in a sling, as they can always talk to the baby that contributes to the development of close contact. It is the love that comes from parents will help children to develop, and the closer they are to their parents, the faster the process of development.

The advantage of babywearing for babies is that you can feed the baby in a sling. Feeding her baby in a sling around unnoticed. Even if a child eats a bottle in a sling will keep it comfortable. The child will feel like a cradle, surrounded by love, and it will be able to sleep in such comfort.

In addition, modern slings are very useful for the back "carrier". Former slings, like backpacks, very tired back and brought significant discomfort when wearing long. Modern slings are sewn in such a way that the child's weight is evenly distributed, so this does not harm Babywearing back. Even when the children grow up and weigh up to eleven kilograms parents to wear them in a sling, and not just on the hands.

The first dream about a woman after childbirth - is to get rid of excess weight gained during pregnancy. Mom can not wait for the moment when they bye to overweight. That is another advantage of babywearing. Constant Babywearing helps get rid of the extra kilos.

 Sling mother: contact education

Not just for moms

Wearing baby in a sling can be any member of the family. This makes it possible to establish close contact with the child for the whole family. This is the main advantage of babywearing. Mothers should allow fathers to carry children in a sling to contact between them was restored.

Babywearing - it's a great experience for mom, dad and baby. Nowadays, slings, which are suitable for you, you can find online. If you are not going to have a child soon, still remember the slings when choosing gifts for children, for example, for the parties to the birth of a child.

Article Tags:
  • slings

The dowry for baby: "later"

August 15, 2011

 The dowry for baby: "later"
 The main things for the newborn acquired. Purchased cot, pushchair, bath and even changing table Changing table - facilitate the care of the baby  Changing table - facilitate the care of the baby
 . A pile of clothes and diapers neatly laid out on shelves. Everything is ready to accept a new man! But there are a few things that almost all parents take on in the first year of life.

 The dowry for baby: "later"


Special karuselkah, fastened to the crib of the child. Recommended for children after a month. Mobiles are the mechanical and electrical. The first is cheaper, the factory hand, turning the key. They reproduce a melody. Electrical work on multiple batteries. They can play a few tunes. Along with playing the melody mobility moves, which provides the movement of small figurines in a circle on the strings. The child is looking at moving objects like, listening to music. This develops the child and the mother releases about fifteen minutes of free time.

 The dowry for baby: "later"


Takes an interest in the child closer to two months. They are divided into two major groups:

  • those that the child will hold in your hand - they must be easy, safe and convenient for children's hands;

  • rattle - suspension. They are attached to the stroller, crib and baby entertained during his stay in them.

Developing rug - a very handy thing for a child older than three months. Usually attached to such a mat arc, and they can hang a variety of toys that attract the child's attention. The very soft carpet, color, with different developing elements in the form of various "shurshalok" rattles "otkryvashek."

Children's swing - thing to buy, not all parents, but they are comfortable enough. Current models allow positioning of the child in several positions, including horizontal, allowing them to use, starting from an early age. There are swings with adjustable frequency and strength of the swing, as well as with playing different tunes. They can be mounted various toys. There are swings, transforming into a table for breastfeeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
 . Thus, the swing is a kind of development centers for children. Do not forget to wear a baby swing to special belts. Cases falling from a swing fairly common.

 The dowry for baby: "later"

Feeding table

Without it rarely manages. Tables are presented in stores of wood and plastic is transformed into a swing or a desk, a table with an individual without it. Some have a regulating back, allowing the child to be in the position of sitting, lying and reclining, there are models with seat belts. This is not a superfluous precaution, especially for moving children.

Arena is necessary when the space of the house provides a danger to the child and secure his place in a special place. Arenas are oval, rectangular and angular - you can choose the one that will fit into the interior of the room and is comfortable for the child. Some children get used to the closure of the arena and the fear of open spaces. Many go without arena. They provide the entire floor to crawl child first removing from it all potentially dangerous items. This contributes to early child development, but requires more attention from parents.

 The dowry for baby: "later"


This device supposedly helps the child learn to walk faster, do not like pediatric orthopedics. The fact that children must first learn to crawl well to strengthen the back muscles, then - sit, and then get up and walk. Speeding up the process leading to the development of posture Violation of posture - not just a cosmetic defect  Violation of posture - not just a cosmetic defect
   and foot. But fifteen minutes - twenty a day, it is not likely to lead to serious consequences and will bring a lot of joy.

Jumpers. The situation is much like a walker. Prolonged exposure is not desirable, and well short entertain the child and allow the mother to do something around the house.

Toys. Their great variety. If you choose to be guided by the recommended age for this toy can give a child, and the place of manufacture. For young children toys you should buy a special store that sells licensed toys and less likely to buy the one that will be dangerous for the baby.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • dowry for baby
