Scoliosis 3 degrees - may need surgery

May 6, 2014

 scoliosis 3 degrees
 Scoliosis Grade 3 is characterized by significant curvature of the spine and disorders of the internal organs associated with this pathology. Conservative treatment of scoliosis Scoliosis: treatment and prevention  Scoliosis: treatment and prevention
   3 degree can improve the condition of the patient, but to completely eliminate scoliosis is only possible with the help of surgery.


How and why developing scoliosis 3 degrees

Scoliosis is called the lateral curvature of the spine. According to the severity of the curvature of providing 4 degree of scoliosis. The first two degrees of scoliosis may be cured by using conservative methods, but since the third degree (curvature of the spine reaches 30˚-60˚) completely cure scoliosis conservative methods will not work - will require surgery.

Scoliosis Grade 3 is formed gradually from earlier degrees, goes unnoticed. Very often the cause of scoliosis can not be established, and then talk about idiopathic scoliosis Idiopathic scoliosis: the main thing - in time to see a specialist  Idiopathic scoliosis: the main thing - in time to see a specialist
 . But the reason may also be innate features of the structure of the connective tissue, the effects of trauma in the back in the form of scarring, neurological disorders, muscle weakness, support the spine, which arose against the backdrop of various diseases and so on.

Most often scoliosis Scoliosis - when the spine is curved  Scoliosis - when the spine is curved
   It manifested in childhood, when the child starts school. If your baby has any predisposition to develop scoliosis (eg, features of metabolism in the connective tissue that makes up the skeletal system), the long stay in the same uncomfortable position, especially if the workplace does not correspond to growth, will necessarily lead to the development of scoliosis.

It is important in this case to identify the degree of scoliosis 1-2 and promptly take all necessary steps to eliminate it, as children under the age of 10-11 years is the most threatened by the rapid progression of the disease. Scoliosis may progress in a later age, as long as not completely formed the skeleton, that is 20-25 years.


How does scoliosis 3 degrees

Scoliosis Grade 3 manifests as pronounced stoop, changing the shape of the chest and pelvic obliquity, which sometimes leads to a shortening of one of the lower extremities. Curvature of the spine causes a number of changes in other organs and especially the deformation of the chest. Initially, the ribs are deformed - on the convex side of the curvature of the spine, they form the so-called rib hump, and on the concave side of the posterior portions of ribs are flattened. This reduces the volume of the thorax and dysfunction located in the thoracic cavity organs.

Patients concerned about persistent pain in the back, worse even for minor physical exertion, shortness of breath, persistent fatigue and weakness. Reduced working capacity, that is often the cause of disability. Young people with scoliosis 3 degrees exempt from the army.


Treatment of scoliosis 3 degrees

Treatment of scoliosis 3 degrees is carried out only after a thorough examination. Often begin treatment with the appointment of therapeutic exercises, wearing a special corset, massage, physical therapy, lifestyle changes and nutrition. That is a conservative treatment, whose task is to stop the progression of scoliosis. But to restore the pre-existing structure (with a change in the structure of the vertebrae) disorders using conservative methods is not possible, it would require surgery.

Gymnastics for scoliosis 3 degrees is aimed at improving the stability of the spine (the stabilization of the pathological process). Particular importance is attached to the exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine. With the progression of the pathological process exercises for scoliosis Exercises for scoliosis - strengthening muscles that support the spine  Exercises for scoliosis - strengthening muscles that support the spine
   3 degree carried out strictly individually with the patient lying down (on the back, stomach, side). It uses only exercise intensively strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Gymnastics combined with manual massage of the back and abdomen, and wearing a corset, fixing the spine. Corset for scoliosis 3 degrees are manufactured individually and then for a long time strictly on prescription.

Surgery for scoliosis 3 degrees can partially restore the function of the spine and others affected by scoliosis bodies. There are absolute and relative indications for surgery for scoliosis 3 degrees. Absolute indications are rapid progression of scoliosis with the approach arc deformation to 60˚, severe persistent pain in the back, do not remove with the help of medication and physiotherapy. Relative indications for surgical intervention - is the angle of deformity of the spine, which is close to 40˚, the identification of major defects of the structure of the body, caused by scoliosis and negatively affect quality of life and working capacity of the patient.

The basis of surgical treatment for scoliosis 3 degrees is osteoplastic spine fixation using grafts. For example, in operation according to the method of Harrington fixation and correction of the spine is carried out by means of special metal devices.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the degree of scoliosis

Idiopathic scoliosis: the main thing - in time to see a specialist

May 13, 2014

 idiopathic scoliosis
 Idiopathic scoliosis is of several types, depending on the age and location of the formation of the pathology of spinal deformity. Also identified a number of degrees of this disease, each of which has its own characteristics. It applies both conservative and surgical methods of treatment depending on the severity of the disease.



The term "idiopathic" means that the exact causes of this disease are unknown. There are many theories and models of development of scoliosis.

Studies revealed spinal bone in its numerous structural and chemical changes. But there is no credible evidence that such deviations from the norm - that the cause of scoliosis, but not its effect. Also, the study was carried out of the hormonal status of patients. As a result of this deviation was found in the pituitary-adrenal system, and also in the adrenal cortex and the content of sex hormones revealed changes.

According to many scientists, trigger the development of idiopathic scoliosis - dysfunction of the nervous and endocrine systems. Reports of familial diseases appear more often, but the mechanisms of inheritance of this disease is not clear. Idiopathic scoliosis is much more common in girls than in boys.


Types of scoliosis

The development of the disease usually begins with the first years of life and ends when skeletal growth ceases. At the time of appearance are distinguished:

  • Infantile idiopathic scoliosis, which appears up to three years;
  • Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis develops between the ages of four to ten years;
  • Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis Scoliosis - when the spine is curved  Scoliosis - when the spine is curved
   formed by the age of ten to fourteen.

Abnormal curvature occurs on a background of full health. The spine is deflected sideways, and later joined the curvature in the anteroposterior plane. Often torsion, i.e. twisting about the axis of the spine.

Initially formed by the primary arc, and its formation is attended several vertebral body. To balance the center of gravity, the spine begins to bend in the departments, which are located above and below the primary curvature. Thus formed secondary arc.

Depending on the location of the primary arc emit several types of spinal curvature. Scoliosis can be:

  • Cervicothoracic. The top of scoliotic arch is located at the third and fourth bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. This serious condition is usually congenital and is less common than other types. This scoliosis has a significant impact on the appearance of the patient. The man pronounced pronounced asymmetry of the whole body and even the face;
  • Thoracic (chest). The arc is formed at the level of the seventh to tenth thoracic vertebrae. This is the most severe form. Most of its convex arc directed to the right. Secondary arc is typically formed below, but sometimes higher initial curvature. Thoracic scoliosis leads to violations of the heart and lungs;
  • Thoracolumbar. The top of the arch is located at the level of the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae. The convexity may be reversed with the same frequency as the right and left. Above and below the secondary arc formed small curvature;
  • Lumbar (lumbar). This is a mild form of the disease, in which the tip of the primary arc is located on the second and first lumbar vertebrae. Compensatory arc in most cases is weakly expressed. Sometimes a person learns about the presence of such a curvature of chance, since it does not bother him.

There are also combined idiopathic scoliosis, in which there are two primary arc curvature, are formed independently of each other. Each of the major arcs have compensatory curvature. Therefore, this form of the disease is considered to be the most severe.


The degree of scoliosis

Idiopathic scoliosis of 1 degree Scoliosis 1 degree - can be eliminated completely  Scoliosis 1 degree - can be eliminated completely
   characterized by an angle of curvature on x-ray up to ten degrees. It is manifested stoop Stoop - strengthens the muscles of the right  Stoop - strengthens the muscles of the right
 . You can see that a person with such pathology one shoulder higher than the other.

Idiopathic scoliosis of 2 degrees Scoliosis 2 degrees - correction of spinal deformity  Scoliosis 2 degrees - correction of spinal deformity
   accompanied by a curvature of up to twenty-five degrees. Shoulders and arms are arranged asymmetrically. Sometimes there is pain in the back.

When scoliosis of third degree is determined by the angle of fifty degrees. Noticeable severe back strain, characterized by persistent pain. In the edges appear protrusion (rib hump).

At an angle of curvature of more than fifty degrees of scoliosis is considered the fourth degree. The deformation of the body is expressed, the ribs on one side of the chest sink, and on the other - protrude.



The choice of treatment depends on the degree of deformation. If the angle of curvature of not more than twenty degrees, it is sufficient to have regular monitoring of orthopedics and X-rays every six months. At this time, it is usually prescribed physiotherapy, massages, swimming and physiotherapy. If the doctor will notice the progression of pathological changes, they will take certain measures.

Conservative treatment is carried out, if there is distortion of twenty to forty degrees. Patients are shown wearing the brace.

There are many models of such structures, invisible under clothing. To judge the success of brace therapy is possible only through long time after the use of the corset.

Scoliosis with an angle of curvature of more than forty degrees - an indication for surgical treatment. During surgery, established a special system which is fixed on the spine and straighten the spine.

When idiopathic scoliosis importantly - promptly seek medical attention. The sooner treatment begins, the better the results. Only a doctor can assess the severity of the disease and recommend the appropriate treatment.

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  • scoliosis
