Sciatica - ask for help in a timely manner - Physiotherapy

May 10, 2014

  • Sciatica - ask for help in a timely manner
  • Why is there
  • Treatment of sciatica
  • Physiotherapy

 physiotherapy with radiculitis

Physiotherapy with radiculitis

If you start to do gymnastics in the early stages of sciatica, can be greatly slow the progression of this disorder, and to avoid loss of quality of life and health, which are often its consequence. Ideally, a set of exercises with radiculitis should pick up a patient physical therapist. It also shows how to properly deal with physiotherapy to achieve the best result. However, some exercises to strengthen back muscles and improve flexibility, and can be performed independently. Most of these exercises will involve not only the muscles of the back, and the abdomen, buttocks and thighs - the strengthening of these muscles contributes to the formation of strong "framework" that provides the necessary support to the spine. Here are some exercises to strengthen back muscles and stretching.

  • Exercise 1. Lean on fitball breasts, hands and feet toes rest on the floor. Slowly go forward on his hands, so that fitball rolled to the feet. During the exercise, tense your stomach muscles and keep your back straight, not caving in the lumbar region. When your feet will be on the fitball, go back on his hands until you return to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.
  • Exercise 2. Sit on fitball, straighten your back and stretch your arms at your sides. Take small steps Vered, so fitball moved from the buttocks to the waist, upper back and neck. When your legs are stretched and the ball will be at the head, start to walk back, returning to the starting position. Make sure that your back was always a straight line. Repeat five times.
  • Exercise 3. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Slowly pull your knees to your chest, without looking up from the floor upper torso. You can pull your knees to his chest, if you can not do it yourself. Return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Exercise 4: Lie on your back, stretch your legs. Bend your right leg and pull the knee to the left chest. Then try to lift the left knee at the right chest. Repeat 5-10 times.

General recommendations for the implementation of stretching exercises Stretching exercises - Be careful  Stretching exercises - Be careful

  • Carrying out exercises, you should feel tension, but not pain. Always remember that you are doing physiotherapy, and not professional sports, and your task in this case - to help themselves, rather than to overcome yourself;
  • Engage in comfortable clothing that does not hinder traffic and do not rub any part of the body;
  • Perform stretching exercises slowly to avoid muscle damage;
  • Practise on a clean, flat surface and large enough so that you can move freely, without risking to touch any object and get the grass;
  • Hold the stretch for a start, is not less than five consecutive seconds, and when the body becomes more flexible - to twenty seconds.

Remember that when sciatica exercises will yield positive results only if you are going to do it on a regular basis - that is, not less than 4-5 times a week. It should also be borne in mind that in order to save the results need to practice constantly, otherwise the pain may come back in a few weeks, and you have to start all over again.


Kuznetsov Applicator with radiculitis

The principle of operation of the applicator Kuznetsova, similar to those on which acupuncture is based - the impact on certain points, to improve the health of the patient. However, with the help of the applicator it is supposed to work in a current of vital energy, which people believe, the practice of acupuncture, and the skin and muscles of man. Currently, there are applicators Kuznetsova in the form of rollers (they are used for the massage), belts or plates on which there are many thorns. When the pressure on the skin, they have a stimulating effect, which supposedly helps to get rid of the pain associated with sciatica and other violations.

There are several different ways to use the applicator Kuznetsova: you can lie on it, the belt can be worn so that the spikes impacted portion of the back, where there is usually pain, and it can be used to massage. The applicator should not be used in case of problems with blood clotting, skin diseases Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
 During pregnancy, and increased body temperature. You also need to ensure that the spikes do not put pressure on the mole - in rare cases it can trigger the growth of tumors.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the applicator Kuznetsova, many experts doubt. They emphasize that this device can not be used as the sole treatment for sciatica Treatment for sciatica - medical approach  Treatment for sciatica - medical approach
 ; it should only be used in addition to physiotherapy and painkillers, which are prescribed by a doctor.

Article Tags:
  • radiculitis

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine - a rare, but serious diagnosis - What to do

January 1, 2014

  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine - a rare, but serious diagnosis
  • Manifestation
  • Treatment
  • What to do

 what to do with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

What to do with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Osteochondrosis - a very common condition in which the spinal degenerative changes occur: destroyed intervertebral discs, ligaments and joints. Recognize osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   cervical or lumbar spine is not as difficult as osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. In the latter condition often have symptoms similar to the symptoms of diseases of the heart or gastrointestinal tract.



Pain - the most common symptom of osteoarthritis Symptoms of osteoarthritis - pain and disturbance of sensitivity  Symptoms of osteoarthritis - pain and disturbance of sensitivity
   This spine. It can be of different nature. Pain may radiate (give) in the hands, head, or some other portion of the body.

Often there is a dull, boring, shooting pain that is felt deep in the chest, heart or other internal organs. This feature of the disease is especially pronounced in the morning or after a nap and is enhanced by active movements, turns, laughing, sneezing, coughing.

In some cases, the pain can be so strong that there is a suspicion of myocardial infarction, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, or renal colic. In the thoracic region of the spinal cord are located important centers that regulate the function of internal organs. Because of this, in osteochondrosis of the thoracic may experience stomach pain, cough, angina.

One-third of patients with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, pain in the muscles spastic arms and torso. This is the result of excessive nerve fibers by displacement in the spine.

Sometimes people with osteochondrosis in the interscapular area or slightly below there shooting pains, which spread along the intercostal nerve and amplified during inspiration and active movements. This is called intercostal neuralgia.

In severe pain in the spine when moving patients take a forced posture to relieve the condition. In the hands of some groups of muscle spasm occurs, and sometimes paresis (weakening of all voluntary movements in these muscles) or paralysis (inability movements).

A sign of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine can change the sensitivity of the skin on the hands. If the sensitivity disappears completely, then a condition called anesthesia. In other cases, it is reduced to varying degrees (hypesthesia) or increased (hyperesthesia). This group of symptoms related senestopatii - diverse in nature tactile sensation (eg, tingling, drilling).


Diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Neurologist, after listening to the patient's complaints, inspects it and feels the spine. These studies are carried out with the patient lying down, sitting and standing, as well as at rest and during movement. But the main role in setting the diagnosis belongs spine radiography or computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. It is not only determined by the level of destruction, but also reveals the hidden lesions.

Treatment of osteoarthritis involves several essential components:

  • Treatment with medicines;
  • Dieting;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Surgical treatment.

Drug treatment should be directed to:

  • Eliminating pain and inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac) to reduce inflammation and pain. They are produced in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and ointments. If pain is not eliminated these drugs for two weeks, then additional patients are assigned other painkillers (pentalgin, tramadol). If you have osteoarthritis symptoms persist for three months or more are shown antidepressants. They not only restore mental balance, but also help fight pain.
  • Restoring a damaged intervertebral disc and cartilage. For this purpose, appointed chondroprotectors - drugs that improve metabolism in the cartilage and accelerate their recovery. In the treatment of degenerative disc disease most commonly used hondroksid, terafleks Teraflex - regulates the metabolism of the cartilage  Teraflex - regulates the metabolism of the cartilage
 , Structum.
  • Rehabilitation treatment is carried out during the subsiding of symptoms. By this replacement therapy include electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, manual therapy, massage, mud baths, swimming in the pool.
  • Therapeutic exercise has a positive effect on the condition of the spine. Thanks to improve metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in damaged tissues, restores mobility of the spine, strengthens the muscles that surround the spine.

With the ineffectiveness of these methods of treatment and the presence of complications (sciatica or intervertebral hernia) required surgical treatment. His goal - to eliminate the pressure on the spinal cord and its roots, and the stabilization of the structure of the spine.

Everyone needs regular preventive maintenance of an osteochondrosis. It lies in the improvement of the muscular system of the spine by means of regular moderate exercise. In the period of active growth, that is, as a child, be sure to follow the child's posture and gait.

Article Tags:
  • osteochondrosis
