Tablets tsetrin - the latest generation antihistamine

July 8, 2012

 Tablets tsetrin
 Allergy - a scourge of our time. To deal with it requires a lot of effort. But the pharmaceutical industry is not standing still - it produces new, more advanced than before drugs against allergies. It is to such drugs include tablets tsetrin.

 Tablets tsetrin - the latest generation antihistamine

How are allergic reactions

Allergy called hypersensitivity to certain substances (allergens or antigens). When ingested allergens develop allergic reactions, they can be specific (with special manifestations characteristic of the given allergen) or nonspecific (pseudoallergic).

Specific allergic sensitization appears first - to develop to the antigen-specific antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 That does not manifest itself outwardly. If the antigen enters the body again, there is an antigen-antibody reaction, which is accompanied by the release of large amounts of histamine and other substances that are direct "following" the allergic process. These processes are accompanied by vascular reaction, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   tissues, bronchial spasm, and so on.

Non-specific allergic reaction develops already at the first entry of the allergen into the body. Such reactions often develop in the heat, cold, sunlight. Thus mediators of allergic reactions (e.g., histamine) are formed without involvement of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 . Outward manifestation of specific and non-specific reactions can be the same.

 Tablets tsetrin - the latest generation antihistamine

Both tablets tsetrin cope with allergies

The basis of specific and non-specific allergic reactions is the allocation of a large number of biologically active substance histamine - it was he who causes all the symptoms of allergies, that we see. Histamine is a neurotransmitter - it conveys the excitement from cell to cell. In order that such information is transmitted to the tissue cells have special education - the receptors sensitive to histamine (H1-histamine receptors).

Tsetrin belongs to the group of antihistamines - H1-blockers of histamine receptors. It blocks the transmission of histamine on the H1 receptors and thereby interrupts the chain of an allergic reaction.

A feature tsetrina (as well as other blockers of H1-histamine receptors third generation) is an expression of the selectivity of its action: the drug only blocks histamine H1-receptors without affecting the receptors that are sensitive to other mediators. This avoids many of the side effects typical of antihistamines previous generations. Moreover, in therapeutic doses tsetrin not penetrate the blood-brain barrier into the brain tissue and has no inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.

Another feature of this formulation is that it is able to suppress the allergic reaction at the beginning, or even prevent its occurrence. This is achieved by the fact that tsetrin suppresses the migration of blood cells responsible for allergy (eosinophils), which are the first to rush to the site of allergic reaction. Later joins the action of histamine, which is also suppressed tsetrinom. Thus tablets tsetrin able to suppress the development of an allergic reaction at any stage.

 Tablets tsetrin - the latest generation antihistamine

Who should take tsetrin

Tablets tsetrin refer to drugs without prescription, so the allergic reaction can be used alone, but a short time, after which all will need to consult a doctor.

Take a pill tsetrin can be an exacerbation of allergic chronic rhinitis or conjunctivitis - it allows patients with allergies lead a normal life. At an allergy to pollen, which are seasonal and are called hay fever tablets tsetrin literally save patients and allow them not to go on the flowering plants from their home town or village.

Finally, insect bites also often develop allergic reactions - tsetrin help in this case.

Tablets tsetrin help and pruritus of unknown origin, because any itching and swelling of the tissues developed with the participation of histamine.

Tsetrin contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, under six years and increased sensitivity to the body. Manufacturers warn that with caution, and only half of the recommended dose can be used in severe renal impairment.

Side effects tsetrina minimized, however, it can sometimes cause headaches, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Drowsiness, nausea, vomiting or dry mouth, and allergic reactions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tsetrin

Food allergies in children - be careful

October 23, 2006

 alimentary allergy
 A food allergy is an adverse reaction of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   for any, even small, amount of a particular food product. This reaction occurs every time when used in the food product. It is important to distinguish food allergies from food intolerances, which does not affect the immune system, although it has similar symptoms.

The difference between food allergy and food intolerance is that first triggers an immune response that leads to a child's symptoms (some of which may pose a threat to his life), and the second does not affect the immune system, although it is accompanied by the same symptoms .

 Food allergies in children - be careful

Although food allergies are rare, they are most common among children aged up to four years.

The most common causative agents of food allergies in children are:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • nuts (especially peanuts);
  • soybeans;
  • citrus fruits;
  • tomatoes.

Eggs, milk, peanuts - these are the most common "culprits" of food allergies in children Allergies in children - how to help your child?  Allergies in children - how to help your child?
 . The most severe allergic reaction causing all the same peanuts, nuts, fish and shellfish. In infants occurs most often allergic to milk and soy. According to statistics, food allergies are subject to 2-4% of children. Although most children "outgrow" allergies, allergies to peanuts, nuts, and shellfish may persist for life.

 Food allergies in children - be careful

Symptoms of food allergy in children

Food allergy symptoms appear within several minutes (up to one hour) after the meal. Food allergies in children is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe form of eczema or skin rash;
  • vomiting and diarrhea without apparent reason;
  • asthmatic bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
   or asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis (itchy, watery eyes, watery discharge Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions  Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
   from the nose);
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the mucous;
  • itching and burning of the lips, tongue or oral;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing;
  • lowering of blood pressure.

It was found that consumption of even a small amount of allergen can trigger a severe allergic reaction, such as consumption of just 1/44 000 of the peanuts causes an allergic reaction, requiring hospitalization.

Symptoms of food allergy may resemble the clinical picture of other conditions or diseases. Always consult your pediatrician for diagnosis and not self-medicate.

 Food allergies in children - be careful

How to start a food allergy

For the development of food allergies is necessary that the child has already tasted the food-allergen at least once (sensitization can also occur through breastfeeding, when an allergen enters the body of a child with his mother's milk). Allergic symptoms occur when the child tries to eat a second time. When produced by the body IgE antibodies react with the food, there is the release of histamine, which leads to the appearance of allergy symptoms - rash, difficulty breathing, itching in the mouth, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Almost a third of parents exclude from the diet of children, some products because of fears of an allergic reaction. However, as mentioned above, food allergy observed only in 2-4% of children, and most of them outgrow allergies to three years.

 Food allergies in children - be careful

Who is at risk

Allergic diseases type 1, which relates to a food allergy to some extent depend on genetic predisposition. If a food allergy suffers from at least one of the parents, it is likely that the allergy will have a child.

 Food allergies in children - be careful

What to do if you suspect a food allergy

  • As soon as possible consult a physician.
  • Do not limit your child's diet, exclude from the diet all "suspicious" products - it can lead to malnutrition and nutrient deficiency.
  • Regime change in stool consistency and bowel movements are not a symptom of a food allergy.
  • Most importantly - do not panic. Do not assume that your child suffers from food allergies as long as the diagnosis is not confirmed by a specialist.

 Food allergies in children - be careful

How to treat food allergy

The only and the main treatment for food allergies - complete exclusion from the diet-product of the allergen. In rare cases, even a small consumption amount of allergen may cause anaphylactic shock (severe respiratory insufficiency and heart) which leads to collapse.

Anaphylactic shock requires immediate treatment - introduction of adrenaline, so you should seek immediate medical attention if you notice that the baby begins to choke. In severe allergic reactions in children it is recommended to always have on hand a special first aid kit with a syringe loaded with adrenaline.

It is also important to include in the diet menu baby vitamins and minerals if it can consume them in physical form (eg, protein-rich eggs, milk).

 Food allergies in children - be careful

How to prevent the development of food allergies

The development of food allergies can not be prevented, but in infants it is possible to delay the start, if you execute the following recommendations:

  • for the opportunity to continue to breast-feed the baby breast milk for up to six months.
  • do not let the baby solid food until he is at least six months.
  • do not let the baby cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, fish during the first year of life.

 Food allergies in children - be careful

How to live with food allergies: Five Tips

Learning to live with food allergies - no easy task that requires effort, not only by children but also by parents. We hope these tips will help you cope with this problem:

  • Teach yourself to carefully read the information on the packaging of products. For example, children who suffer from an allergy to eggs should avoid not only the eggs but also to all products containing eggs, such as mayonnaise. Therefore it is very important to train yourself (or your child) to read the product labeling. Allergens may be included in the most unexpected products, and the only way to learn about the possible dangers - read the list of ingredients.
  • Teach your child and his teacher immediately recognize an allergic reaction. Since you can not be all the time with your child, it is important that the baby itself and the surrounding adults were constantly prepared for an allergic reaction and were able at a glance to recognize its symptoms.
  • Do not allow your child to change breakfast with the other guys. At school, children are often tempted to share a sandwich or homemade breakfast with a friend, so your task - to teach the child not to give in to this temptation. Eventually, the observance of food hygiene - the only way to insure against allergies.
  • Carry your medication. Carefully follow the instructions of your doctor and always carry medications in case of an unexpected allergic reaction.
  • Involve your child in the selection of products and cooking. The child is difficult to refrain from eating such delicacies like peanut butter, jelly or cakes and sweets, so try to bring the child to find the products that he loves and that does not harm him - so he will have less to think about what is not allowed.

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  • allergy
