Essential oils are widely used in modern life. They are used in the cosmetic industry to impart odor and production of various cosmetic properties, in the food industry - to improve the taste of foods. But most importantly their use - is the art of pharmacy, which uses a variety of specific properties of essential oils.
Essential oils and their chemical structure
Essential oils - is a multi-volatile aromatic substances of vegetable origin, belonging to different classes of chemical compounds.
Chemically, essential oils are mixtures of various organic compounds consisting primarily of certain types of fats, carbohydrates, terpenes (hydrocarbons derived primarily from coniferous trees and other plants) and their derivatives .. In the free or bound state essential oils contained in the cells of various organs of plants (roots, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits). Their amount in the plant material ranges from 0 001 to 20%, based on dry substance. There are more than 2,500 species of Essential Oils.
Essential oils usually are oily liquids of different colors. Some of them at room temperature, have a dense texture. General properties of essential oils
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a characteristic odor, burning taste, good solubility in organic solvents and the ability of flavored water.
The action of essential oils on the human body
Most essential oils have antimicrobial and relieves spasm (contraction) of smooth muscle (it is in the area of internal organs and blood vessels) properties. Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory action. Furthermore, they have a positive effect on overall metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
in humans, inhibit or enhance the activity of the central nervous system to affect the cardiovascular system. Selected essential oils stimulate or depress the respiratory system, has expectorant action.
Poisonous (properties) of the majority of essential oils, particularly if their inhalation (inhalation) and the external application is low. However, some essential oils are quite toxic when administered into having hemolytic action (glue red blood cells - red blood cells, causing anemia or anemia).
Excreted oils excreted through the kidneys, thus increasing the urine output (diuresis) as well as through the lungs, than is associated with their direct and local antiseptic expectorant effect.
Essential oils are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of dosage forms to improve their taste, smell, texture and other properties. The most widely used following therapeutic drugs containing essential oils: tinctures, extracts and arnica oil, valerian, anise, mint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
peppermint, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, chamomile, and so on.
The essential oil of valerian
The essential oil of valerian contained mainly in plant roots. The structure is part of its esters, biologically active substances, isovaleric acid, which gives the oil a characteristic odor, and terpenes (hydrocarbons produced them conifers and certain other plants).
Preparations of valerian have a calming effect on the nervous system. Valerian is an antagonist of a convulsive poison brucine, and also removes the excitement caused by caffeine. Valerian enhances the inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, eliminates the phenomenon of neurosis
Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
(disease developing on the background of stress), to some extent regulates hormones (acting on the hypothalamus - a brain region that regulates the secretion of hormones in the body) relieves spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels.
Essential oil of chamomile
Essential oil of chamomile has a blue color, caused by the content of chamazulene and distinctive smell (the presence of hydrocarbons in it farnezenov). In addition, it contains other chemicals.
Essential oil of chamomile has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. And contained in the plant gives it a more volatile and antispasmodic effect (relieves spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels).
Medicinal preparations on the basis of chamomile taken by mouth to relieve cramps and pain associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, and painful menstruation, as a sedative for nervous system diseases (neurosis, epilepsy), as an expectorant for bronchitis and so on.
Topical infusion of chamomile rinse the throat and mouth in various inflammatory diseases, washed sores, boils and burns. In the form of irrigation, such extracts are used in the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases.
Essential oils have remarkable properties, many of which are not yet fully understood.
Galina Romanenko