Allergy to Tribestan - not often, but found

October 1, 2013

 allergic to Tribestan
 Allergy to Tribestan occurs, but not often. Tribestan - a herbal medicinal products, so allergic to it may be due to not only the basic, but also numerous additional biologically active substances in its composition.

 Allergy to Tribestan - not often, but found

Why develop an allergy to Tribestan

Tribestan - a herbal medicinal products. This means that it includes as known substances specified in the instructions (dry extract of Tribulus terrestris, containing predominantly steroid saponins furostanol types, most of which is protodioscin), and unknown, not listed in the instructions. This is because that part of the plants is very complex and not completely understood far.

That is why allergies to herbal medicinal products is not uncommon.

It was found that an allergy to ribestan often occurs in patients suffering from any allergic zabolevaneimem (neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and so on). But most often allergic to Tribestan occurs in patients suffering from hay fever or hay fever - an allergy to pollen.

Allergic reactions usually do not appear at first, but after repeated receptions tibestana when the body has developed antibodies against the substance that caused the allergy. Allergies may be different from small rashes to anaphylactic shock and severe allergic reactions of delayed type - Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.

 Allergy to Tribestan - not often, but found

Skin allergy to Tribestan

Skin allergy Tribestan to meet more often. This is usually an itchy rash, or in a variety of elements, or hives - towering over the pink skin eruption (blisters), prone to very rapid spread and merge into huge pockets. Urticaria as quickly disappear, as appears. If the allergy persists, hives can go into subcutaneous tissue swelling (angioedema, angioedema).

Angioedema is manifested as edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   the person may swell particularly strongly lips, eyelids and ears. Danger is a state that the fact that the swelling can spread to the area of ​​the larynx and block the access of air to the lungs.

Very severe allergy syndromes are Stevenson-Johnson and Lyell - severe damage to the skin and mucous membranes (including internal organs) to form a first bubble, then ulceration, and large areas of necrosis. In such allergic processes is very high mortality, patients sometimes can not be saved even in the intensive care unit.

 Allergy to Tribestan - not often, but found

Anaphylaxis in patients receiving tribestana

Anaphylaxis in patients receiving tribestana extremely rare. This is a severe allergic reaction of immediate type that develops after a few minutes after taking tribestana. The patient in this case or immediately loses consciousness due to a sharp sudden drop in blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 Or the beginning he appeared urticaria, angioedema, or bronchospasm.

In any case, can only save the patient immediate medical attention.

 Allergy to Tribestan - not often, but found

How else can manifest allergic to Tribestan

Much less allergic to Tribestan may manifest as allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchospasm attack, rise in body temperature and even in the form of digestive disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Sometimes both appear, and urticaria and difficulty breathing or nasal allergic conjunctivitis and disorders of the digestive organs, and so on.

 Allergy to Tribestan - not often, but found

What to do

If you suspect an allergic reaction should immediately stop taking tribestana. If a minor allergy, then you just need to contact your doctor to adjust treatment. To reduce the symptoms of allergies can take any antihistamine - tavegil, suprastin, Claritin Claritin - histamine receptor blocker  Claritin - histamine receptor blocker
   and so on.

If the condition is deteriorating rapidly (for example, before our eyes grows urticaria), you should immediately call an ambulance. Prior to her arrival, permitting the patient's condition and the tablet, cause allergies, was adopted recently, it is possible to carry out gastric lavage, then take a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable

An allergic reaction can occur at any person while taking any medication. Tribestan in this regard is no exception, so patients suffering from allergic diseases, particular care should be taken with any new drugs, and to monitor the body's response to their application.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Tribestan

Aloe ampoules: for beauty and health improvement

May 3, 2012

 Aloe ampoules
 Aloe, the well-known medicinal plant, widely used not only in medicine, but also in medicine "official" aloe can be found in the composition of a variety of drugs from laxatives to medicinal ointments prescribed for some skin diseases. Aloe is produced in the form of ampoules and - they contain a concentrated extract of plants obtained by means of a complex process of removing fluid from natural juice of aloe.

 Aloe ampoules: for beauty and health improvement

Indications and usage

One ampoule contains one milliliter of aloe without any impurities. Aloe ampoules intended for administration by intramuscular injection.

Assign injection Aloe doctor can only - self injections of aloe is not recommended because aloe can cause a number of side effects and is not recommended to accept for some diseases.

The main indications for use of aloe in ampoules are some eye diseases and gastro-intestinal tract, including:

  • Gastrointestinal disease - gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer
  • Ophthalmic diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, myopia (including progressive), iritis, keratitis, inflammation of the cornea, vitreous opacities
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Some gynecological diseases

The course of injections of aloe sufficiently long and is designed for a daily intake of one milliliter of the drug (maximum daily dosage of Aloe ampoules - four milliliters) for one or two months (in total, to achieve the desired results required from thirty to fifty aloe injections in ampoules).

 Aloe ampoules: for beauty and health improvement


Aloe extract injections intramuscularly not recommended for pregnant women and small children, as well as some disorders of the cardiovascular system, and high blood pressure, kidney and gastrointestinal tract. Precautions injection Aloe appointed in various forms of diabetes - aloe can have an adverse effect on blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   in patients with diabetes.

 Aloe ampoules: for beauty and health improvement

Use at home

Although aloe capsules intended for the treatment of a number of specific diseases, it also has many other applications.

The purified, without any impurities and preservatives, aloe extract in capsules - the perfect ingredient for a huge amount of funds for the care of skin and hair, which can be made at home.

All kinds of creams for face and body, masks for skin and hair, cleansing lotions - Aloe ampoules useful in any way and for any skin type How to determine your skin type  How to determine your skin type
 Because both moisturizes dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
 And soothes irritated, inflamed skin, and due to the antiseptic properties of aloe to effectively fight off infections.

To assess the benefits of aloe extract possible without complicated recipes homemade cosmetics: it is enough to put two or three drops of the contents of one ampoule on clean, slightly damp skin with soft circular motions - and even dry, scaly, weathered skin instantly becomes soft and fresh. In addition, aloe extract in capsules can be used as a useful alternative to conventional oils to massage the face - during warming massage aloe skin quickly absorbed, moisturizing and nourishing the deepest layers of the skin.

 Aloe ampoules: for beauty and health improvement

Recipes home cosmetics based on aloe extract in capsules

  • Revitalizing Hair Mask is one part aloe extract (the contents of one ampoule), one part of almond oil. The ingredients are mixed, applied to the roots of clean wet hair for thirty or forty minutes, then rinse the mask with lukewarm water and thoroughly rinse your hair with shampoo.
  • Soft Scrub for the skin: the contents of one vial with aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
 One tablespoon of caster sugar, one teaspoon of milk. The ingredients are mixed, gentle massaging movements applied to the skin, then rinse with warm water.
  • Moisturizing mask for the face: one part aloe extract in ampoules, two parts of honey. Soft circular movements applied to the skin, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water. To a mixture of aloe and honey, you can add one or two tablespoons of oatmeal.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • aloe
