Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?

January 8, 2009

 Aromatic oils
   Aromatic oils have a significant impact on the physical and mental state of a person, we knew about it in ancient times. In addition, each has its flavor, unique effects: one stimulates, calms the other third is a special state of mind. For a different time and the human condition requires a different odors.

 Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?

What is aromatherapy oils

Aromatic or essential oils - volatile odorous substance is of plant origin. Today there are thousands of aromatic oils. A feature of these materials is that they can actively influence on the general condition of man and his mood.

Many aromatic oils are used as aphrodisiacs - odors, causing a surge of sexual desire, sexual fantasies and activity. The scent of aromatic oils affects the central nervous system and stimulates the secretion of endorphins, which is called "the hormone of happiness." As a result of such exposure are exacerbated all the feelings and improves the function of individual organs.

Certain flavor oils affect the human body in different ways. Already in ancient times we knew when and for what purpose is to use a particular smell. The smell is not only changed the mood, they were treated with a variety of diseases. But especially aromatic oils helps with headaches, depression, severe stress.

Aromatic oils act on the body in different ways. Some of them are connected with hormones and affect simultaneously the nervous and endocrine systems, calming and regulating blood pressure. Others are stepping up, increase efficiency, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

 Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?

The properties of the individual essential oils

Most aromatics (essential) oils can be purchased at the pharmacy. But before you use them, you need to know how they act on the body.

  • Aromatic oil of geranium soothes, helps reduce blood pressure, but also improves sexual activity and the attractiveness of women of mature age.
  • The aromatic oil of bergamot awakens intuition and imagination, relieves headaches, improves libido.
  • The aromatic jasmine oil Jasmine aromatherapy Royal fragrance mood, health, beauty  Jasmine aromatherapy Royal fragrance mood, health, beauty
   It has a pronounced aphrodisiac properties Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary  Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary
 , Removes frigidity Frigidity pathology or liberation?  Frigidity pathology or liberation?
   women, comforting and at the same time gives confidence.
  • Aromatic cedar oil is refreshing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, lowers blood pressure, calms and relieves headaches.
  • Aromatic oil incense Frankincense: aromatic resin voskurivaniya  Frankincense: aromatic resin voskurivaniya
   - It has antiseptic properties, calms, adjusts to the manifestation of lofty sentiments.
  • The aromatic oil of nutmeg - ons, increases sensitivity, activates the cardiovascular system, increases blood pressure.
  • Aromatic rose oil - has a tonic and tonic effect, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic respiratory diseases, lowers blood pressure.

 Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?

How can I use aromatherapy oils

Aromatic oils are able to gently adjust the small functional changes in the body, which, however, can deliver a lot of trouble to patients. It is conditions such as neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, disorders peculiar to menopause. Aromatic oils can soothe, relieve headaches, fatigue, bad mood, improve the sleep. Apply aromatic oils for the treatment of serious diseases, but in the complex therapy - it helps to improve the general condition of patients.

Treatment of essential oils can be carried out in vivo, that is, in nature, such as the inhalation of odors of pine forest is very useful in diseases of the respiratory organs, and inhaling the smell of blooming thyme soothes and reduces blood pressure.

In the context of hospital, at home or at the spa aromatic oils are used in the form of inhalations, massages, wraps, baths, the baths and saunas.

 Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?

How to use aromatherapy oils

Aromatic oils are applied topically, and only in a diluted form. They can cause allergic reactions, so it is important before the first start some procedure using them to try to inhale the oil napkin where it is a small amount. If during the day appears rhinitis and irritation of the conjunctiva eyes, you can about the procedure.

Essential oils should be avoided in epilepsy (this may provoke an attack of convulsions) and pregnant women (it can cause abortion).

Aromateticheskie oil - a natural substance with a pronounced influence on the body, so use them with caution.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • oils in aromatherapy

Sea buckthorn oil in the sinus - Natural curative and preventive agent

March 27, 2013

 sea ​​buckthorn oil in the sinus
 By its healing properties of sea buckthorn oil is a unique herbal products that can be successfully used to treat a wide range of diseases. Sea buckthorn oil in the sinus can be combined with a set of remedial measures undertaken. Be sure to exclude the presence of sea buckthorn are hypersensitive to not cause allergic reactions of the general and local character.

 Sea buckthorn oil in the sinus - Natural curative and preventive agent

The biological value of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn is rich in nutrients, the content of some of them is superior to other medicinal plants. Included in the material cause therapeutic effects:

  • antibacterial, bactericidal effect
  • anti-inflammatory
  • immunostimulatory

Natural antibacterial agents or volatile, which is rich in sea buckthorn, help inhibit the growth of microorganisms. This explains why the use of sea buckthorn oil helps in infectious diseases of various localization. When sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   oil is used topically in the form of landfill, local treatment directly affects the causative agent of the disease, that is, it helps get rid of the pathogen of the disease due to the bactericidal properties of sea buckthorn oil. The important point is that the greatest antibacterial activity of sea buckthorn oil showing at a temperature as close to body temperature.

Vitamins and macro- and microelements have immunostimulatory effects. Vitamin composition is very varied, they are represented in B vitamins B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
 , C, E and K. These nutrients improve immunity at the local level, enabling the body to fight infectious disease naturally. Status of local immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   It attaches great importance in the development of sinusitis, since in case of a normal state from the respiratory mucosa actively removes harmful microorganisms, allergens and toxins.

 Sea buckthorn oil in the sinus - Natural curative and preventive agent

How to apply oil

When sinusitis greatest therapeutic effect is achieved by topical application of sea buckthorn oil. It is recommended to bury the oil in the nasal passage to five, six times a day. You can enter in the nasal passage turundy that moisten healing oil. Making procedures must be every day, all you may need in the course of treatment up to ten treatments. If the therapeutic effect is achieved is not complete and there is a need to repeat the treatment course, you should take a break for a month between courses. It is also effective inhalation using sea buckthorn oil. Breathe in the healing vapors is recommended for 15 minutes. In the treatment of sinusitis Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician  Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
   enough to spend eight to ten such procedures.

Sea buckthorn oil is possible to obtain at home, there are many recipes for its preparation. If cooking oil itself, it must be borne in mind that the most valuable is the oil that is contained in the peel, fruit pulp of sea buckthorn. The oil obtained from the seeds, is considered to be second-rate. The use of sea buckthorn oil may cause allergies, when you use the local expression appears itching, burning. In such cases, the treatment should be discontinued. By the treatment of sinusitis using sea buckthorn oil should be initiated after consulting a doctor, because the oil contains a large set of biologically active substances, so a doctor to determine the testimony and can recommend the regimen.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • treatment of sinusitis folk remedies,
  • sea ​​buckthorn
