Sandalwood: an essential oil with an ancient history

November 13, 2011

 Luxurious Sandalwood with valuable wood in nature is considered ... a parasitic. "Indian sandalwood" nourish the roots of neighboring plants by killing them, sucking all the juice. Sandalwood is used since ancient times as a perfumery: essential oil plants accumulates in the roots and wood and is among the most powerful and important aromatherapy products, cosmetics and soap industry. This sandalwood oil since time immemorial treat hundreds of ailments.

 Sandalwood: an essential oil with an ancient history


Sandalwood belongs to the legume family, growing in Ceylon, India, eastern deciduous forests of tropical Asia. At the height of the tree often reaches six to ten meters, while immediately after seed germination thin young tree roots are attached to adjacent donor plant and for a long time fed by them until they are killed. Fruits of sandalwood are smooth rounded beans.

 Sandalwood: an essential oil with an ancient history

Meaning and application

Sandalwood - a source of valuable timber and receiving expensive essential oil. For industrial use oil trees than thirty years in the roots and wood which has accumulated significant stock of this valuable product. Cut down, cut down tree left lying in the forest until the ants straightened with tree bark parasite. The core used in the production of furniture and obtaining the essential oil by distillation of high-pressure steam wetted materials.

Essential oil of sandalwood - a viscous, yellow or brown liquid sweet resistant peculiar smell, which lasts a very long time. The oil contains up to ninety percent santalola, santalon, sandal acid, pinene and other valuable substances.

Apply sandalwood oil in perfumery, cosmetics, aromatherapy, in the manufacture of soaps, perfumes and tonics. As massage oil product is used in small amounts as an additive to the substrate. Sandalwood oil has a calming effect, relaxing, it has a soothing effect in a variety of allergic reactions, tones, heals and moisturizes the skin of the face and body. The best way to quickly get rid of many respiratory diseases - oil lubrication chest and throat, inhalation bronchitis, laryngitis, cough, sore throat Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
 . Rinse with the addition of essential oil of sandalwood is not recommended because it is very bitter to the taste.

Sandalwood oil effectively combats skin papillomas: quite regular topical five percent solution of oil to reduce the formation of unpleasant growths on the skin almost to one hundred percent. This unique effect of oil gives hope to use it to prevent the development of skin cancer Skin cancer - a full recovery possible  Skin cancer - a full recovery possible

The cosmetic oil is used not only for unusual odor-resistant, but due to the beneficial effects on the skin. Oil has an astringent, antiseptic, quickly eliminates acne and pimples, clears the skin, relieves tooth and kills bacteria. The smell of sandalwood oil is well suited to men: after the application is lasting fragrance tart expensive men's perfume. This sandalwood oil recognized aphrodisiac Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary  Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary
 It increases sexual potency in men and libido in women.

 Sandalwood: an essential oil with an ancient history

It is interesting

At Sandalwood many other names - red, Indian sandalwood, sandalwood pterocarpus. Sometimes you can find in the literature the name "Red Sandalwood" with respect to a completely different representative tropical fauna - Brazilian wood, or pau-brasil, a tree pernambukovogo. These two related tree valuable wood used to build expensive furniture and musical stringed instruments.

Sandalwood has been used in India as incense Incense - the echoes of ancient rituals  Incense - the echoes of ancient rituals
   more than four thousand years, in a variety of Hindu and Buddhist religious rites. Ancient Indian healers in Ayurveda sandalwood sticks used for the treatment of urogenital diseases and gonorrhea.

The process of obtaining sandalwood oil is quite costly, because for the perfume and cosmetics industry, and medicine began to use synthetic flavors, reminiscent of the smell of heavy flavor of the natural product. Buying sandalwood oil, you must make sure that it is natural, exported from the habitat of Indian sandalwood.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

Musk: masculine scent of passion

November 2, 2011

 Nature wisely ordered by awarding some male animals ability to produce strong stuff - musk. With this chemical signal the animal marks the territory attracts the females to reproduce, lubricates hair. There is also a musky odor in the plant kingdom: the roots of some species of flora also produce musk, a strong aromatic appeal to the passions of love. No wonder Alexander the Great, the great military leader and a passionate lover, enjoyed such success with women, his natural body odor is very much like the smell of musk.


What Musk

Endocrine glands of some animals produce strong-smelling substance called musk. It creates these fauna Mother Nature: with the help of secret musk deer, deer, beaver, muskrat, musk oxen and other animals mark territory, attract individuals of the opposite sex, brush hair, and the like. Animal Musk - a chemical signal to the survival of the world's wildlife. But Musk is isolated and the roots of some plants, it is used in the perfume industry to create expensive natural perfumes, creams, tonics, perfumes for expensive soaps.

The chemical composition of musk is very complex and contains many different components: aromatic, steroid compounds, fatty acids, waxes and macrocyclic ketone muscone - the same substance that is responsible for the heavy, thick masculine scent.

For a long time the XIX century mining musk muskrat have been exports to Russia. Musk was isolated from the skins of animals, which were sent to France for the production of perfumes. Until now, perfume creams natural musk many times more expensive than when using synthetic substitutes. Black Musk musk - much male dominant odor causing sexual desire in women, and the suppression of the will of male rivals.

Floral musk derived from a variety of plants, most of it is extracted from musk hibiscus, evergreen shrub with large yellow flowers, which is considered the birthplace of India. From the seed of this plant are collected musk, for the distinct smell of which meets a special ingredient - ambrettolid. Perfumes, grinding, incense with floral musk fragrance create excitement and passion, add charm and glamor.


Useful properties of musk

The most important property of musk - cause desire, have such dignity as natural musk animal and plant derived from the roots and seeds of shrubs and herbs. The vegetable product may have a very large range of activities. For example, musky sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   It is a potent antidepressant: just add two or three drops of oil of this plant in the aroma lamp Aroma - create an atmosphere  Aroma - create an atmosphere
   and include a quiet melody to relieve stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and calm down. Musk walnut belongs to the powerful antispasmodic. The Chinese have a few thousand years ago used the plant and animal musk snake bites, and to treat headaches.

Musk is a part of almost all spicy oriental perfumes and spices Incense - the echoes of ancient rituals  Incense - the echoes of ancient rituals
 . It is perfectly valid in mixtures of aromatic oils to enhance sexual desire. Marco Polo, an Italian merchant and traveler, believed that the discovery of musk - a great achievement of mankind, because it can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a means of influencing the women for the purpose of seduction.


It is interesting

Athanasius Nikitin, a Russian traveler, described in his travel notes about how to obtain the musk in the XV century in animals. Reindeer slaughtered "navel", which was formed musk, and wild deer lost "navel" in the woods, in the fields. However, wild musk, compiled from the "lost" gizzards, not so fresh, not as strong as a home. To obtain one kilogram of musk, it was necessary to kill thirty to fifty animals.

In the middle of the XX century in Saudi Arabia, it was invented by a humane method of extraction of musk, without injury to the animals. Collect the musk gland of the musk deer from the internal, pre luring the animal into the trap-box. Males are administered soporific agent, and with a silver trowel to groove pumped from the bag musk-gland located between the hind legs of the animal. The male musk of collection is kept in special conditions of care and concern. No animal with such a procedure does not die or suffer. A new musk is produced in the male gland saved more than once.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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