Despite the fact that the instructions to the tribestanu says nothing about contraindications combining its reception with alcohol, do so still not worth it. Firstly, the alcohol decreases the effectiveness of any drug, and secondly Tribulus and alcohol enhances the diuretic effect, and therefore its adverse effects on the brain.
Why appoint Tribestan
Tribestan - a drug, which contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism, so it is used for prevention of atherosclerosis and related serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Moreover, Tribulus helps to normalize the function of the hypothalamic - pituitary - ovary (testicles), so it is used to treat various types of sexual disorders in men and women.
The structure tribestana includes many biologically active substances, taking an active part in metabolism. Mostly, it furostanol type steroidal saponins extracted from the plant Tribulus terrestris. The main representative of this group of substances is protodioscin, which is able to actively influence the metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
. But an active effect on the body has not the protodioscin, and the product of its metabolism, resulting in liver - dehydroepiandrosterone.
Reduced tribestana therapeutic effect in the treatment of sexual disorders
Alcohol - a substance that has a toxic effect on almost all cells of the body. But especially harmful toxic effects of alcohol on brain cells (neurons) and liver (hepatocytes). Both types of cells are affected greatly, and sometimes die from the effects of alcohol.
Tribestan given to women in order to strengthen the system of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian, stimulate the secretion of pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen by the ovaries of one of the - Estradiol
Estradiol, the most important hormone
. This will help restore female fertility.
But the use of alcohol inhibits all the processes occurring in the brain, in a crowded including the processes that occur in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. Tribestan and so is not very effective, if its action is also slow down with the help of alcohol, the question arises: is it worth it at all to treat.
Just as is the case with the treatment of sexual disorders in men. But this may be added, and the fact that impotence
Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
from alcohol increases. It is also known toxic effects of alcohol on spermatogenesis - the formation of sperm and their degree of viability.
Conclusion: The simultaneous reception tribestana and alcohol reduces and virtually eliminates the therapeutic effect of the drug.
Tribestana lowering effect when used for prevention of atherosclerosis
When applying tribestana prophylaxis of atherosclerosis and its efficiency is reduced in patients receiving alcohol, since alcohol has a toxic effect on the liver cells - hepatocytes, which leads to some reduction in its function.
This slight decline in liver function enough to disrupt the expansion protodioscine - the main active ingredient tribestana. The fact that the medicinal effect does not itself protodioscin, a substance that is obtained during its decomposition in the liver - dehydroepiandrosterone. Excreted from the body through the liver and Tribulus - bile.
So take Tribulus and alcohol at the same time it makes no sense - fat metabolism this does not improve.
Is there any immediate danger of alcohol consumption during treatment tribestanom?
Unfortunately, this danger is there, but it is only threatened in the event of use of a large number of strong alcohol. Alcohol contributes to dehydration and enhances the action of Tribulus any diuretics. Due to enhanced dewatering intoxication, especially toxic effects of alcohol on the brain cells.
Patients suffering from chronic alcoholism, it can cause severe disorders of the central nervous system, up to delirium tremens - alcoholic psychosis (delirium).
People who do not have alcohol dependence
Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise
May also be adversely affected - in this case against the background of dehydration can occur alcohol poisoning, which in large doses is poison.
Admission tribestana better not combine with alcohol. At a minimum, this will reduce the effectiveness of tribestana. If the intake of tribestana drink hard liquor, it is possible the development of serious violations.
Galina Romanenko