The problem of overweight in children: advice for parents - Dining and sleeping

July 19, 2012

  • The problem of overweight in children: Tips for Parents
  • Eating and sleeping

 the problem of overweight children sleep power

Do not use strict limits in food

Much better gradually inculcate habits of the child to eat than to introduce strict limits on the use of certain products. A healthy diet does not mean a complete renunciation of a piece of cake or pastry, nothing wrong with that, if your son or daughter to eat something sweet at a birthday party or just someone treat. Your desire to instill in your child the skills of healthy nutrition Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   It is understandable, but do not completely prohibit the goodies, which children love.

Try to teach your child to enjoy what they like and do not swallow everything that he put in one minute. Show your child how you like ice-cream or a piece of cake that contains just the right amount of calories that you need. Normal child takes half scoops of ice cream cups, seemingly no more than the volume of the light bulb. A portion of the cake, which does not harm the growing organism, should be about the size of a deck of cards. If a child learns these simple rules, it will be easy to control the amount eaten sweets.

 Dining and sleeping | The problem of overweight in children: Tips for Parents

Gather the whole family at the table

It is proved that if all family members sit down together, it has beneficial effects on the child's relationship to food in some way family dinners can be considered the prevention of excessive fullness in children. If you eat with your child, the children eat more slowly and prefer healthier food.

 Dining and sleeping | The problem of overweight in children: Tips for Parents

Do not torture the children playing sports

Physical activity and exercise should be a voluntary choice of the child, do not force the child to do what he is not interested. Try to subtly show the importance of physical activity. Do not force your child to pace yourself workouts, you can just stroll along to offer in the surrounding area, try each time to make trips longer.

 Dining and sleeping | The problem of overweight in children: Tips for Parents

Make sure that your child has had enough time to sleep, do not overwork

Increasingly, scientists have linked the causes of obesity and other diseases in children with lack of sleep. Make sure you have enough sleep your child is very important.

Of course, each child its own characteristics and different needs in a dream, but there are general rules, and doctors are advised not to ignore them.

  • From 1 to three years: 12-14 hours per day
  • From 3 to 5 years: 11-13 hours per day
  • From 5 to 12 years old: 10-11 hours a day
  • From 12 to 18 years: not less than 8, 5 hours per day

To a child it was easier to get to sleep, it is better for two hours before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   mobilnyq turn off the phone, the computer and spend the time watching television. Artificial lighting stimulates the brain, in this light much more difficult to fall asleep.

It is important to understand that the more your son or daughter spends time at a computer, TV or talking on a cell phone, the less time he spends with his family, and this reduces his physical activity.

 Dining and sleeping | The problem of overweight in children: Tips for Parents

Your child should not doubt your love

Remember that the education of the child Raising a child: who will win?  Raising a child: who will win?
   has no age limits, no matter how old your son or daughter, 4 or 14, as long as your child realizes that his love and perceive the world in a positive light. Right to express their thoughts, your child in any case should not give the impression that your love for him in some way depends on how much and how he eats.

Children are very important to feel that their weight does not diminish the love of parents, strive to show their love and teach a child to love himself. Having adopted this position, it will be much easier to make the right choices in life.

Article Tags:
  • overweight children

The problems of overweight in children: how to build a dialogue with the child - Power

July 19, 2012

  • The problems of overweight in children: how to build a dialogue with the child
  • Food

 the problem of overweight children

Meals - not strict restrictions on food

It is not necessary to completely change your diet, introduce new foods gradually to invent something new, healthy food Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   punishment should not look. Too many parents make the mistake of forcing the child to eat something that they think is useful.

The need to comply with strict rules and a negative impact on self-esteem, especially in teens. The stricter limit will in some certain products, the more children will want to eat them.

Make sure that in your kitchen there is as much useful products. If a child is hungry, it can be a snack that is in the refrigerator, so it is important to have on hand is the products that do not harm the child's health and does not lead to obesity. Take your children with you to the store, let them choose products with you, let your child help you cook something tasty and healthy.

At least once a week, sit down with your family, it does not turn on the television, the computer, turn off the mobile phone. During family meals children prefer healthier food, and some studies show that in families where all family members eat together, children are much less likely to suffer from obesity.

In no case do not force your child to stick to a strict diet, if the rest of the family eat without any restrictions. Such children have exacerbated the sense of shame and alienation, they can easily hide from you food to eat it when you can not see it.

Even if the family only din child is obese, by positive changes in the life style, good habits of regular exercise and healthy food on the table will benefit not only him, but all the family members

 Dining | The problems of overweight in children: how to build a dialogue with the child

Explain to your child that weight and beauty are not the same

The media promote a standard of beauty that is not available to the vast majority of us. According to the results of sociological research, only 2% of women consider themselves beautiful. But also some organizations held special events aimed at changing the standard imposed on us.

How does this affect adolescents are overweight? Many people find themselves far from the standard of beauty, many of this fact, and inhibits a negative impact on self-esteem of man. Women who participated in the survey admitted that appearance plays an important role in their self-confidence and perception of the world. Also, many of them were in favor of changing the standard of beauty, calling not to limit its weight and age, but add to the list of advantages of kindness, dignity and love.

Try to show her daughter that she loved and beautiful. Take care and attention, choose the clothes together, try to choose something that will emphasize its individuality. Clothing does not have to be expensive, but it should be a good fit. In fact, it is very important for children to know that not look good.

Unfortunately, some teens are choosing the wrong approach to solving the problem of excess weight. This leads to serious disturbances in the body, such as the continuing need for food, bulimia Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?  Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?
   or anorexia Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body  Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body

Pay attention to your child's behavior. If you notice that your daughter avoids talking about food, too much time to count calories and exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 Often fed according diets that promise a quick effect, you should take care, since it may be the first signs that the child perceives the wrong problem and trying to solve is not the best way.

Eating disorders can be treated, the main thing to notice symptoms and consult a specialist.

 Dining | The problems of overweight in children: how to build a dialogue with the child

Do not give up, determine the prospects for the future

If it was so easy to protect the child from eating and weight problem, this issue would not be raised so often in our society. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is happening on the one hand we are surrounded by beauty with glossy covers, on the other hand - everywhere you look foods with high fat content, even though the desire to work out, we can be extremely difficult to opt for this time in busy schedule . It is quite normal that all this desire to live a healthy lifestyle is somewhat reduced.

Do not give in to pessimism. You should not abruptly change his life, good habits will not appear overnight, you also will not be every day constantly follow certain rules. This is normal. Sometimes, your weight will become more your child he, too, will change in your life will happen good and bad days. But do not let one bad day away your confidence in the correctness of your actions. Remember that the most important thing is the health of your family and everything you do is aimed precisely at this.

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  • overweight children
