- Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem
- Causes
- Signs
- Treatment
- Focal
- Androgenic
- Seborrheal
- Early
- Naturopathic treatment
- Shiatsu Massage
- Treatments
- Questions and answers
Normally, every day people lose up to a hundred hair, instead of which grow new ones of the same thickness, length and color. But sometimes there is hair loss (alopecia) - hair loss, most often on the head, and in some cases, on other parts of the body.
Causes and types of baldness
To lead the development of baldness various factors that adversely affect the ongoing processes in the hair roots. These include:
- Endocrine diseases;
- The foci of chronic infection in the body;
- Genetic factors;
- The weakening of the immune system;
- Disturbances in the nervous system;
- The imbalance of trace elements;
- The pathological changes in the vascular system.
If all the hair falls out, it is called total alopecia. The dramatic thinning hair is characteristic of diffuse alopecia, and for focal - their absence in limited areas.
Depending on the characteristics of the disease alopecia is divided into several groups. There are:
- Acquired alopecia: alopecia, and its variants, normal, diffuse, toxic, androgenic and premature;
- Full or partial congenital alopecia;
- Scarring alopecia;
- Baldness fungal lesions of the hair;
- Seborrheic alopecia.
Alopecia areata
It is a common disease appears unexpectedly for a man hair loss on the scalp, face, and in more rare cases - on the trunk, arms and legs. The most common is baldness occurs in children and young adults between the ages of twenty to thirty years.
In the development of alopecia areata act as endocrine diseases, disorders of the nervous and immune systems, and head trauma. Often such hair loss is due to the centers of a chronic infection (eg, sinusitis, carious teeth, tonsillitis).
On the scalp, often in the occipital region, appear rounded areas of baldness. In the early days in the field of hair loss noticeably slight redness, which is accompanied by itching, burning and increased sensitivity. After some time, the skin, devoid of hair gets the color of ivory.
At the beginning of illness hair loss is insignificant, and the person does not always notice. Place baldness usually has a diameter of one or two centimeters, and its edges when you pull the hair falls low beams.
Outbreaks increase in size, there are new, they coalesce and form large areas with scalloped (wavy) edges. After a few weeks or months of hair growth resumes, but the appearance of new lesions is still possible. Grow hair at first thin and colorless, but then they get old structure and color.
Types of alopecia areata
There are several forms of alopecia areata. Such baldness is:
- Totality, when for two or three months of fall all the hair on the head, including eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard. Often this condition a person suffer from headaches and weakness. Recovery is slow, primarily grow thin and discolored eyelashes, then vellus facial hair and eyebrows. Later appear all the hair on the scalp and sometimes this does not occur;
- Subtotal for which all fall thick hair on the head, but is only stored and short vellus hair in the temples and neck. Partially fall eyelashes and eyebrows;
- Universal. This kind of alopecia areata is rare. Hair fall is not only color, but also on the trunk and extremities. At the same time may be affected nails: they become thinner, become brittle, on the surface appears to deepen and longitudinal stripes;
- Edges. It usually occurs in children. The first centers of baldness appear on the edge of the scalp, often in the temples and neck. Vellus hair in the affected area are stored for a while, but then they fall. Alopecia is a crown - a kind of condition that occurs in children and women, and is difficult to treat;
- Ringworm. In this form of the disease in the frontoparietal region appear portions where a height of about one centimeter from the surface of the skin broken off hair. They are easily pulled out of the hair follicles. The pathological process gradually captures new areas, but not complete baldness occurs. A few weeks later the affected area even without treatment is covered by healthy hair.
Very often patients with any form of alopecia areata changes occur in the nervous system. Many people complain of irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances
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and tearfulness.
Plain Alopecia
Most often the first signs of the disease appear in men at puberty, and women - in the time span of twenty-five to thirty years. First, there are bald spots on the forehead and temples, and then the hair is thinning in the parietal region. Gradually balding areas merge. This type of alopecia is more common in men, and is therefore called male-pattern baldness. Keep hair thinning, replaced by short vellus and lighter.
In women primarily affects the parietal area, and then the forehead, temples and neck. The expression bald is not formed.
Diffuse (symptomatic) and toxic alopecia
In diffuse alopecia hair falls over the entire surface of the scalp. It occurs when a person is under stress, as well as fever, massive blood loss, starvation, pregnancy, cancer, menopausal and taking certain medications
Hair loss, which is caused by stress
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It occurs within three months after a strong emotional experience. Most often this phenomenon occurs in women. Hair first drop across the head, and some patients continue to develop alopecia areata.
During pregnancy hair loss may occur in the second and third trimesters, and its occurrence is related to hormonal changes in the body. Dutasteride also occur in women who have long-term medical supervision and without taking oral contraceptives. This is due to the fact that high doses of estrogens in preparations adversely affect the normal processes of the change of the hair. Recovery occurs after the abolition of contraceptives.
Toxic alopecia develop under the influence of certain chemicals. Baldness can be caused by cytostatic (anticancer drugs), anticoagulants (agents that reduce blood clotting), glucocorticoids and an overdose of vitamin A.
Androgenetic alopecia
In men, this type of balding starts to manifest itself during puberty
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And alopecia is formed by thirty, sometimes twenty-five years. The development of this condition is due to the action of androgen hormones and genetic predisposition.
Receding hairline at the temples first appear, and then affects the frontal and parietal region. Long hair is gradually replaced by thin vellus, which are shortened and become colorless.
In women androgenetic alopecia occurs in connection with endocrine disorders, an important role is also played by heredity. The disease begins in puberty and post-pubertal age and gradually progresses. Impairments occur during pregnancy, lactation and menopause.
The process begins with alopecia, thinning hair in the frontoparietal area, then areas of baldness increase in size. Since women spend more aggressive treatment and follow all the recommendations received, the complete loss of hair have been observed.
Alopecia adnata
This condition can be a distinct disease, and one of the manifestations of a complex pathology. The latter also includes defects of bones, nails, teeth and the endocrine system.
For congenital baldness is characterized by the complete or partial absence of hair follicles. The skin in the affected areas is not changed, but her hair is short, thin and sparse. Eyelashes are often lacking, and the eyebrows are replaced by vellus hair.
Cicatrical alopecia
Many diseases can lead to the development of scarring alopecia. They are divided into several groups:
- Fungal (trichophytosis, favus);
- The virus (chicken pox and shingles);
- Bacterial (tuberculosis, syphilis);
- Connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).
Psevdopelada - another pathology which manifests hair loss and scarring. The disease is more common in middle-aged people, the reasons for it are unknown.
The first foci of alopecia appear in the frontal and parietal region. They are irregular in shape and resemble flames. Hairless areas are arranged asymmetrically and merge with each other. On the affected skin visible white atrophic (flabby, located below the surrounding tissue) scars.
Seborrheic alopecia
The disease begins in puberty and occurs with equal frequency in boys and girls. At first, the hair loss is accompanied by increased secretion of sebum (seborrhea physiological). After a few years, some people develop sebum returns to normal, and the rest is formed persistent seborrhea, which leads to baldness.
Patients worried about itching, discomfort, pain and a feeling of constriction in the area of the scalp. Gradually men to thirty years in the frontoparietal area of hair thinning, become dry and thin. In women, it is a pathological condition manifests hair loss in the frontal region.
On the scalp there is peeling. The flakes have a grayish-yellow, and some of them are on the hair.