How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head

July 15, 2013

  • How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head
  • Risk Groups
  • How to prevent

 In a very hot and humid days, when the air seems thick with moisture, evaporation of sweat is slowed and the body can not properly regulate their own temperature. As a result of sweating can be reduced, the skin becomes dry and hot. One of the signs of heat stroke, therefore, is the lack of sweat - it means that the body is no longer able to cope with regulators. Without urgent medical treatment in the body can begin irreversible processes, so you should do everything possible to avoid heat stroke.

When the ambient temperature rises, start to work the natural cooling mechanism of the body (or, more simply, a person begins to sweat). The sweat evaporates from the skin surface, resulting in the body temperature does not rise.

The best way to protect yourself from heat stroke - is to prevent it. To this end, special care must be observed when the air temperature rises to 32C or higher. In this weather, be sure to drink plenty of water (take a bottle of water with him for a walk, to work, to shopping, and so on), and to abstain from caffeine and alcohol. If the hot weather, you spend much time on the street, try to visit as often as possible in the shade. Particularly high risk of heat stroke for the elderly and children, as well as for those who exercise or work outdoors. It must be remembered that the thermal shock affects all - people actively involved in sports, and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Taking the necessary precautions, and paying attention to alarms that takes your body, you can avoid heat stroke.

 How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head

Signs of impending heat stroke:

  • Pale skin;
  • Fatigue, weakness;
  • Dizziness or nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
  • Profuse sweating, sweaty skin and clothing;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Rapid, shallow breathing;
  • Muscle weakness or cramps.

If you experience any of these symptoms should immediately withdraw from the sun and find a shady, cool place. This condition is called thermal fatigue, and it is often possible to cope on their own. Drink plenty of water and fluids containing sugar and salt. (You can add a little salt in the water - it helps to keep the fluid in the body). Do not drink alcoholic beverages, even a cold beer - this may become worse. If within half an hour you do not feel relief, see your doctor: sometimes severe heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke.

 How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head

Urgently seek medical attention if the following symptoms:

  • Hot and dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
 Lack of sweating;
  • Confusion or fainting;
  • Throbbing headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
  • Frequent vomiting;
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

Heat stroke is much more dangerous than heat exhaustion - it can lead to serious complications and death. Some people heat stroke convulsions, almost all of the body temperature rises sharply, and sometimes people fall into a coma. If you suspect heat stroke in themselves or another person should immediately call an ambulance. Awaiting the arrival of doctors, move the victim to a cool place and remove his clothes. If possible, put a person close to the fan or air conditioning; Alternatively, you can fan his newspaper. You should also dampen the body of the victim with cold water, but put it in a cold bath is not necessary - too abrupt change in ambient temperature can be dangerous. If the victim is conscious, give cool water to drink.

 How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head

To avoid heat stroke in hot weather, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid excessive exercise;
  • Drink about 500 ml of liquid per hour;
  • Wear loose clothing made of light fabric, light colors, and hats;
  • Use sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
  • How can I spend more time in the shade;
  • While in the room, open the windows and turn on fans or air conditioners. If you do not have air conditioning at home, try to spend more time where it is - for example, in shopping centers, public libraries, and so on;
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol - they accelerate the withdrawal of fluid from the body;
  • Finally, be a good neighbor - at times Stay tuned to living close to the elderly and the chronically ill, to make sure that they normally tolerate heat.

After the thermal shock people for about a week preserves the sensitivity to heat. At this time it is especially important to avoid intense exercise and not being on the street during the hottest hours. Ask your doctor about when you can resume the load in the same volume.

Classic massage in the treatment of cancer - prevention nice

March 6, 2013

 classic massage in the treatment of cancer
 Classical or Swedish massage is the mechanical manipulation of muscle and other soft tissues. Experts say that the classic massage has many beneficial properties, for example, it can be used in the treatment of people with cancer - it has a positive psychological impact (reduces anxiety and helps fight depression), weakens the manifestation of certain physical symptoms (eg, relieves nausea) and strengthens the immune system.

Massage also improves the overall quality of life in patients with cancer. However, until now little research, the results of which could confirm the above statements, and those that were carried out were often methodologically inaccurate.

An analysis of several surveys and observations of patients suggests that classic massage improves quality of life, relieves pain, reduces the appearance of symptoms such as nausea, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Fatigue, aggression, depression and anxiety. However, these results do not allow to make a solid, fully substantiated conclusions.

In general medical practice suggests that classic massage as a symptomatic treatment for cancer patients is effective and safe. Contraindications to massage are very few; usually not recommended for a very intensive massage to patients with bleeding disorders, reduced platelet counts, and those who are taking blood-thinning drugs.

 Classic massage in the treatment of cancer - prevention nice

What is a classic massage

During the session, the classic massage to stimulate soft tissue massage therapist uses a variety of massage movements, vypolnyaemy palms. Some massage techniques are also used elbows, forearms, feet and special equipment - both mechanical and electrical. In addition, be sure to apply lubricants - oils, solutions of essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 Special lotions and creams. This helps to avoid skin irritation and unnecessary discomfort during the massage. Classic massage can be light or deep - the latter is more intense, and in some people it causes too much discomfort.

 Classic massage in the treatment of cancer - prevention nice


People began to use massage to treat fever, colds and paralysis in about 2700 BC. From historical sources it is known that he practiced in Japan, ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt and India. In Europe, the massage again began to spread during the Renaissance, but only in the 19th and 20th century, it became available to the general public. Much credit for this belongs to the Swedish doctor Peru Henrik Ling, who developed the technique of classical massage in the early 19th century. Today, classical massage is the most commonly used variety of massages.

The classic massage uses five basic movements of views:

  • Stroking - quite easily, sliding longitudinal movement;
  • Kneading - skin and muscle tissue squeezed, lifted and crumple almost like dough, knead;
  • Rubbing - the body or rubbing the inner back of the hand, or with his fist;
  • Effleurage - rapid, rhythmic movements performed, as a rule, the ribs of palms;
  • Vibration - movement causing the vibration of soft tissue.

Massage therapists sometimes do and nurses - as an addition to standard treatment program, but in most cases, patients go to massage parlors where people work, specially trained. Before the first session the therapist usually asks the client about his diet, lifestyle, history and current presence of diseases. During the session, the classical massage client is on a special massage table or couch, and his body was partially covered with a towel or sheet - it helps to maintain a stable body temperature. The first half of the session, the client lies on his stomach, then flipped on its back. A typical session lasts 30-60 minutes; the total number of sessions depends on the health of the client and his desires.

 Classic massage in the treatment of cancer - prevention nice

Beneficial features

Massage relieves stress, helps with insomnia, depression and anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 It improves mood and increases self-confidence. It also relieves muscle pain, struggling with problems such as constipation and lymphedema. It is believed that massage also affects the formation of scar tissue - with regular massage of tissue injury heal faster and scars that are less visible. Specialists practicing massage, argue that it is completely safe for cancer patients and does not lead to the spread of cancer.

 Classic massage in the treatment of cancer - prevention nice

Mechanism of action

It is assumed that the classical massage is following the psychological and physiological changes: psychological relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
 , Lowering blood pressure, increasing the pain threshold, relieve muscle tension, improve blood and lymph circulation. Massage also changes the level of lymphocytes, serotonin and dopamine in the blood.

 Classic massage in the treatment of cancer - prevention nice

Security classic massage

Most of the side effects that are associated with massage, there is the people that make any exotic massages. Although the classical massage is not entirely safe, serious side effects it causes extremely rare. It is assumed that the massing directly to areas of the body, where the cancer may contribute to the spread of cancer cells and the formation of metastases. This suggestion has not found scientific evidence, but direct pressure on the tumor in the massage practice is not recommended.

It is proved that strong massage can cause complications in people with a variety of hemorrhagic disorders and taking blood thinning medication. Classic massage is contraindicated in phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, burns, skin infections, open wounds, fractures and severe osteoporosis.

In addition, we must remember that used in classical massage oils and lotions can cause allergic reactions. If you know that you are allergic to a common ingredient of cosmetic products, be sure to tell the masseur.

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  • massage
