Tips for healthy feet
December 1, 2012
Every woman dreams of a beautiful legs and almost every woman's magazine you can find many tips on how to make beautiful legs. However, many women want more - to the legs were beautiful, especially that it is - a pledge of beauty.
The most common problems that threaten the health of the feet, associated with blood circulation: varicose veins, blood clots, violation of blood and lymph flow. To take full care of your feet is also very important to monitor bone health: among women, especially older ones, are very common problems, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. To legs were healthy as long as possible, follow these tips:
- Physical exercise. The importance of physical activity for the health of the feet and the whole body can not be overestimated, which, however, does not mean that you should run 10 km a day and spend at least eight hours a week in the gym. Most women in order to maintain the leg muscles toned enough daily walks briskly lasting 20-30 minutes. Walking and other aerobic exercise strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation; power exercise are important for bone health.
- Take care of the bones. At least one hour a week devote force exercises and consume enough calcium and vitamin D. Women who have menopause, as well as those who have other risk factors should be tested for osteoporosis and, if necessary, to start treatment.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Nothing has so much pressure on your feet, as unnecessary baggage extra kilos. It affects the joints and blood vessels, and one way out - to lose weight, and further prevent its increase.
- Avoid heavily and snare tight clothes, especially the one that pulls the skin on the waist and knees. Such clothing violates the blood circulation and increases the load on the veins. Compression stockings, on the other hand, have a beneficial effect due to uniform pressure on the legs.
- Wear comfortable shoes. You should also avoid high heels and very tight shoes.
- Do not sit or stand for too long. If the work you spend a lot of time sitting or standing on the spot, each hour take brief walks - make at least a hundred steps to the office. Even a small load significantly improves blood circulation in the legs. Regular stretching the leg muscles are also very useful.
- Do not forget to care for your skin. If necessary, apply sunscreen on her
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
and regularly moisturize skin of the feet; very dry skin
Dry skin: care and treatment
may contribute to the development of varicose veins.
- Listen to your feet, if they complain, take them to the doctor. Do not ignore symptoms such as pain in the legs
Pain in the legs - from which they arise?
, Edema, increased sensitivity of the skin, varicose veins, numbness and tingling, convulsions, diskoloratsiya leg skin.
- Avoid hot baths. Immersion in hot water (particularly long) leads to vasodilatation. Take a shower instead of a bath, and - warm, but not hot.
- Feet up. No need to push blood to the heart, against the force of gravity, providing vessels in the legs deserved rest, regular leg lift higher. Healthy woman enough to do it once a day; pregnant women and those who have problems connected with blood circulation, should raise your feet up whenever possible.
- Do not sit with your legs crossed. Surely my mother for a long time told you that disturbs the blood flow in the legs - and she was right.
- Do not smoke. You can find hundreds of reasons to quit smoking, and one of them is that this habit increases the risk of damage to the vein wall, osteoporosis
Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
and hypertension.
Methods of application of Vaseline - body care
July 15, 2013
Petrolatum is widely used in a variety of body treatments. For example, it is perfectly helps with dry skin or lips shine. Ways to use petroleum jelly so much that it is impossible to list them all.
- Before bedtime
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Apply a little Vaseline on eyelashes. It is believed that over time it will make eyelashes longer and thicker.
- Apply a layer of petroleum jelly on your feet, wear socks, go to bed and wake up with soft, delicate legs - every day.
- Daily lubricate Vaseline elbows, the skin did not dry up on them and not cracked.
- Several times a day, apply petroleum jelly on the cuticles - they will become softer and hands become more well-groomed appearance.
- Lubricate with Vaseline
Vaseline: old friend
chapped lips.
- Use petroleum jelly as a lip gloss
Lip Gloss, which increases the volume - an innocent deception
- Mix a small amount of petroleum jelly dry juice desired color - you get a color and flavored lip gloss.
- Combine the jelly with chocolate crumbs, heat the mixture in a microwave oven, again mix thoroughly. When the mixture cools down, you'll have a chocolate lip gloss.
- Apply petroleum jelly on those areas of the skin, which are going to apply the perfume - it makes more persistent aromas.
- Petroleum jelly can be used as a night moisturizer for people suffering from acne (that Vaseline clogs the pores - just confusing).
- With Vaseline can quickly soften very dry skin.
- Use Vaseline to moisturize the skin on her lap - she often lack proper care.
- Combine the jelly with sea salt, and you have a great body scrub.
- Vaseline can be applied to the outer surface of the teeth to them from sticking the skin of the lips (this is especially true when the painted lips). This technique is used by many celebrities who have a lot to smile in public.
- Apply Vaseline on the teeth is possible and in order to avoid soiling their lipstick when doing makeup.
- Vaseline can replace conventional oil massage.
- Vaseline is useful to apply before going to bed on dry, chapped skin.
- Petroleum jelly is an excellent means for removing makeup.
- In cold weather, petroleum jelly is an excellent means of protection for the skin. 20. Apply petroleum jelly under dry eye shadow to create the effect of wet shine.
- Apply petroleum jelly on the cheekbones, under dry blush - this method is suitable for those who have no liquid blush.
- Petroleum jelly can be used as a moisturizing and soothing aftershave.
- Use Vaseline to soften the cuticles and skin around the nails.
- Apply petroleum jelly on scaly skin - it will help eliminate the flaking in a few days.
- Lubricate with Vaseline earlobes to quickly and painlessly put on earrings.
- Rub Vaseline to nails - it strengthens them, and accelerates their growth.
- Because petroleum jelly and liquid lipstick can get excellent liquid blush. Change the ratio of the ingredients depending on what color you need.
- Vaseline can be used instead of soap to remove the narrow ring.
- Use petroleum jelly instead of styling gel eyebrows.
- Apply a little Vaseline on eyelashes, and comb their special brush. They will look longer and thicker.
- Within five minutes, rub petroleum jelly into the scalp, then wash your hair with shampoo as usual.
- Vaseline is used for the prevention of diaper dermatitis in infants.
- Vaseline helps to restore the skin after cosmetic procedures.
- Vaseline can be used to treat dandruff
Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
- It is recommended to apply to the skin after contact with poison ivy.
- It helps to improve the skin in patients with atopic dermatitis.
- Vaseline is recommended to be applied to the skin, which has recently been made a tattoo - it speeds up the healing process of tissues.
- Before you dye your hair, apply Vaseline along the hairline - it will protect your skin and eyes from paint.
- Regularly rub a small amount of petroleum jelly in leather bags and shoes to make them shine.
- If you have curly hair and shoving, rub a little petroleum jelly in his hands, and carry them through his hair.
- If your hair are cut, apply a lot of petroleum jelly on the very tips: temporarily damaged hair stick together, and they will look healthy.
- With Vaseline clothes can be cleaned from the traces of makeup.
- Mix the dry shade of different colors with petroleum jelly to create new colors. In addition, mixed with petroleum jelly shadows begin to peel off a few hours later.
- You can mix your favorite lotion with Vaseline so it was enough for a longer period.
- Apply Vaseline to the lips, and a few minutes later with a damp rub toothpaste. Lips will be very, very soft.
- Grease Vaseline line growth of eyelashes to quickly remove the false eyelashes.
- Before you put on body lotion tanning anoint the driest areas of the skin a small amount of petroleum jelly. This will help you get a more even tan.