We are preparing for the season of short skirts: how to make beautiful legs? - The art of disguise

December 23, 2012

  • We are preparing for the season of short skirts: how to make beautiful legs?
  • Art of camouflage

 how to make a beautiful leg art of disguise

The art of disguise: spider veins and varicose veins

Spider veins and varicose veins can ruin even the most slender legs. For a long time to get rid of them, you can go through procedures such as laser therapy, sclerotherapy Sclerotherapy - the fight against varicose veins  Sclerotherapy - the fight against varicose veins
   or endovenous radiofrequency ablation. The cost of such treatments varies from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. If you still can not afford one of these procedures, or if you have contraindications for it in your power to make the veins less noticeable, as well as slow down or stop the development of varicose veins.


  • Stretch. Perform stretching exercises Stretching exercises - Be careful  Stretching exercises - Be careful
   It recommended daily to maintain muscle and venous wall tone, and avoid stagnation of blood in the extremities. It's just an exercise you can do in any spare moment: go up on your toes and tighten your calf muscles - is instantly increase blood flow in the legs. Then try to get back on your heels, tearing socks from the floor - it promotes stretching of the calf muscles.
  • Take aspirin. Half of aspirin per day thins the blood, improves blood flow, and reduces the load on the vein walls. However, before you start regularly taking aspirin, consult your doctor.
  • Do not put the foot on the leg. This disrupts blood circulation in the legs. If you often sit with his legs crossed, it can lead to the development of spider veins or varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
  • Hide spider veins. The correct color thick concealer (designed specifically for the body, not the face) is very effective for camouflage spider veins Spider veins - a sign of several diseases  Spider veins - a sign of several diseases
 . To get lasting results, use, for example, a product like Leg and Body Cover Creme by Dermablend.
  • Add shine. Various creams with radiance effect by reflecting light make spider veins and varicose veins less visible.
  • Use medicated creams. Do not count on the fact that OTC cream will help you to eliminate varicose veins - are capable of only a few prescription ointments, and then only in cases where there are mild or moderate symptoms of varicose veins. However, some OTC creams can significantly reduce varicose veins and spider veins. Among these products - Anew Clinical Spider Vein Therapy from Avon. During testing of this cream in women who have used it for eight weeks, spider veins decreased on average by 50%.

Article Tags:
  • foot care

Intimate cosmetics - is it worth it to use? - Kinds

June 26, 2013

  • Intimate cosmetics - is it worth it to use?
  • How to choose
  • Kinds

 types of intimate cosmetics

Types of intimate cosmetics

Intimate cosmetics - is for external use (application to the genitals or erogenous zones), which contribute to the harmonization of relations between men and women, without causing effects on the body as a whole. Tools intimate cosmetics can improve relations between the partners, even when they seem to be completely incompatible. They are able to create a certain mood, intimate atmosphere, to establish mutual orgasm by both partners, to remove the pain associated with a lack of lubrication in the vagina in women, to prevent the possible transmission of infection and more.

Tools intimate cosmetics produced such well-known western companies «Joy Division», «WET» and others. There is also a series of Russian ("Russian Line", "Cosmetics for two", "You and I", "Mirra Lux").


In some cases it is necessary to apply the intimate cosmetics

Intimate cosmetics applied to improve the sensitivity of the genitals, to enhance sexual arousal. When violations of sex such cosmetics will help to extend it, and to reach orgasm (even if it had never happened before).

Some women, for whatever reasons, there is irritation of the vagina or dry - Intimate cosmetics are simply irreplaceable (of course, if there is no infection).

Will intimate cosmetics, hemorrhoids, anal fissures - it will promote wound healing and reduce the walls of the veins in hemorrhoids.

An indispensable tool for intimate cosmetics during various medical procedures: digital examination of the rectum, including the diagnosis of the condition of the prostate gland and its massage, probing (expansion with special bougies) of the urethra, and others.

And, of course, means an intimate cosmetics may prevent the transmission of infection from one partner to another.


Types of intimate cosmetics

Intimate cosmetics may be protective, designed for hygienic care of intimate bodies, lubrication, prolonging intercourse, erotic massage, arousal of sexual desire.

  • Means protective cosmetics

There are currently more than 30 infections, sexually transmitted diseases. To protect yourself from these diseases some barrier methods (eg, condoms) is small, they should be combined with means of protection (antiseptic) Cosmetics - Gel-lubricant and erotic shower gel. The structure of these cosmetics include various antiseptics (eg miramistin), contributes to the destruction of bacteria and viruses. Such a gel can also protect the consumer from various infections, for example, bath or basin.

Do not forget that the use of such means can not permanently - can disrupt the microflora of the vagina, which will result in dizbakterioz (bacterial vaginosis).

  • Lubricating gels

Lubricating gels also called lubricants. They moisturize the mucous membrane of the genitals of the woman when her severe dryness. Furthermore, they create a mucosal surface of the protective film and prevent its injury. Such gels may have lubricating and protective properties, if they contain substances that kill pathogens and sperm.

  • Means for prolongation of sexual intercourse

Means for prolongation of sexual intercourse (prolongatory or stop means) allow the man to control the duration of sexual intercourse The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?  The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?
 . These tools remove the increased sensitivity of male sex, and thus prevent premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis  Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis
 , Leaving a man the ability to control the time of orgasm.


Aphrodisiacs and sex pheromones

Aphrodisiacs (named after the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite) - these are essential oils that have the ability to initiate and strengthen the most delicate romantic feelings (patchouli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang - they are often used in India, the birthplace of the Kama Sutra).

Distinguished by special glands of human sex pheromones, which are required to search for, identify and attract individuals of the opposite sex. Currently available perfume with pheromones Pheromones - the road to the heart of a loved one is through the nose  Pheromones - the road to the heart of a loved one is through the nose
 For example, spirits «Desire» (male and female version).

There are creams, gels, ointments containing aphrodisiac Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary  Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary
   and pheromones.


Oils for erotic massage

Erotic massage oils raise the tone and the emergence of sexual feelings. Sometimes a massage, on the other hand, promotes calm and relaxation, removal of nervous excitement - everything depends on the method and place of impact.

Intimate cosmetics - those designed to remove the roughness in the relationship between man and woman. But if you have a serious problem, then they should be solved only with a doctor.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Intimate cosmetics
