How to help the skin burned - some simple ways to cope with sunburn - Treatment
July 17, 2013
- How to help the skin burned - some simple ways to cope with sunburn
- Treatment
- Nursing
Treatment of burned skin
In most cases, to cope with sunburn can be simple home methods. If you are burned, avoid direct sunlight on the skin - Cover the burned areas clothes and spend more time in the afternoon in the shade until the burn will fail.
- To cool the burned skin, attach a towel soaked with cool water or take a cold shower. You can also do cold packs or wipe the skin with ice.
- Drinking plenty of fluids will help you lower your body temperature and restore the volume of fluid lost through sweating. It also helps to avoid dehydration - a condition in which due to a significant loss of fluids, a strong thirst, nausea, dizziness,
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
And other symptoms.
- Avoid alcohol since it facilitates withdrawal of body fluids.
- Apply to the skin moisturizing lotion or a special cream after sunburn. Ideally, if in a cream or lotion has aloe
Aloe - its amazing healing properties
Which softens and soothes the skin.
- Calamine lotion can eliminate the itching and reduce the overall discomfort.
- For the treatment of burnt skin can use hydrocortisone cream (1%), which is well relieves pain and inflammation. Do not apply the ointment to the face, genitals, damaged and infected skin. Hydrocortisone ointment is contraindicated in children under two years.
- If you want to relieve the symptoms of sunburn can take non-prescription pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen
Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
or aspirin (the latter should not be given to children under 16 years).
Lowering the temperature
To have burned the skin first aid, take a cold shower or bath. The cold water will soothe the skin and reduce the body temperature. However, do not use soap or shower gel - they certainly contain substances that can irritate the skin burnt. If the thought of a cold shower leads you into the horror, just attach to the burnt skin cold compresses, or fill a spray bottle with ice water, and sprinkle her body.
This plant is not in vain used by people since prehistoric times. Contained in its fleshy leaves gel contains substances that help cope with the pain, infection, inflammation, and prevent peeling, which is a common consequence of sunburn.
If you are on the windowsill growing aloe, Break off with him a couple of sheets, and place them in the refrigerator. After an hour, remove the leaves from the refrigerator, remove them with a thin film of the top, squeeze out the gel and rub it into the burned skin.
Some people are allergic to aloe, so first is to test the gel in a small area of the skin. Houses do not have aloe? Use a body lotion, a part of which has an extract of this plant. However, avoid lotions with petroleum jelly
Vaseline: old friend
, Benzocaine and lidocaine - they clog pores and slow down the recovery of burned skin.
Home remedies for the treatment of burned skin
Enter a whole tub of cool water, and add 1 cup of ground oatmeal, 1 cup of whole milk, 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of aloe gel. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes.
Regularly spray the skin with cold black tea or milk.
Pour into the pot 8 cups of water, boil it and add to the water one teaspoon of salt. Allow the solution to cool, and then do with it compresses (a wetting solution towels, and apply them to the skin). It is recommended to use the agent for the treatment of blisters, which appear on the skin caused by sunburn.
How to sunbathe: the secrets of the perfect tan - Rules
July 1, 2013
- How to sunbathe: the secrets of the perfect tan
- rules
Basic Rules
Beautiful golden tan - the dream of the vast majority of women, especially in summer when warm and sunny days allow for a lot of time on the beach under the open sun, and at night to show a nice tan in light summer clothes. Fashion tan (largely thanks to Hollywood celebrities) are not held for several years, and those who like to flaunt golden tan does not stop even then, that finding the open under the sun, how long ago proved by scientists, it is extremely harmful for the skin. However, to minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin is possible, following a few simple rules to achieve a perfectly beautiful tan.
Sunburn and skin type
Owners of fair skin and red hair are well aware of how difficult it is to get perfectly smooth, a nice tan and not to suffer from sunburn. Depending on the type of skin
How to determine your skin type
Sun rules may be different - different because of different skin sensitive to UV light.
The hardest thing to sunbathe owners of light skin and light or red hair, most often white skin in the sun instantly becomes tinged with red and quickly burned. To stay longer in the sun without harm to health, it is necessary to use sunscreen with the highest level of protection from ultraviolet radiation - SPF should be at least 30. With proper dosing time spent in the sun beautiful and, most importantly, a healthy tan will appear within a few days.
A little more lucky owners of light skin and dark brown hair: this type is particularly common in Russia and the countries of central Europe. Such women are less than the fair-skinned blonds or redheads, suffer from sunburn, and much faster and easier to sunbathe. To neglect the sunscreen, too, is not worth it - especially in the first few days after arrival on a sunny resort, when the skin is not accustomed to direct sunlight.
The easiest way to tan owner of dark skin - oriental roots allow such women to tan quickly and easily. In this case, compliance with any precautions virtually required - almost dark skin is not exposed to sunburn
Sunburn: severe blow to the body
Correct tanning: basic rules
Achieving a beautiful golden tan, the main thing - do not overdo it: sun exposure is better to dose, never staying on the beach in the most dangerous hours - in the middle of the day. The safest hours sunbathing deemed morning - before 10 am, and evening - after 16 hours. In addition, it is best to limit the time to stay on the beach, under the open sun rays, two or three hours a day.
That the skin after a long absence of the sun in winter is gradually getting used to the high temperatures and sunlight, it is necessary to increase the residence time in the sun gradually. To avoid burns, it is better to start with a minimum time of sunburn, gradually increasing to a maximum of two to three hours. Tan obtained gradually, will be much more beautiful and smooth.
Do not neglect the means to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation: sun creams and lotions will not only reduce the risk of sunburn, but also protect the skin from premature aging caused by UV rays. If you avoid sunburn is still not successful, you can get rid of the discomfort by using available tools. When the sun burns and scorched skin
How to help the burned skin - a few simple ways to cope with the sun on the
well help mask on the basis of raw egg yolk packs of strong brewed tea, the usual sour cream, mask-based crushed cucumber or raw potatoes.
Special attention should be the means to protect the skin from sun rays and their application. For optimum protection best suited sunblock that both moisturize the skin and protect it from direct sunlight. Apply sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
must be uniformly thin - too thick layer of protective agent will heat up quickly and will burn the skin. When choosing a sunscreen, you need to pay attention to the figure SPF - the level of protection from ultraviolet radiation. If the skin is soft, light and is exposed to burns, the level of SPF should be the maximum, but for owners of dark skin suit and sunscreen with minimum SPF.
Tatiana Smirnova