Habits that preserve human life

April 10, 2011

 save the man's life habits
 All of us from time to time, attempts are being made to begin to live a more healthy lifestyle, but maintaining it usually takes most people have too much time and effort. Fortunately, scientists have argued that some of the most innocent habits peculiar to each person can be as useful as it is regular physical exercise or vegetable diet.

 Habits that preserve human life

Regular teeth cleaning protects against heart attack

Scientists have long tried to prove the link between oral health and heart problems, and not so long ago, experts in dentistry at Bristol University suggested that the streptococcus bacteria, "responsible" for the appearance of cavities, and can cause heart problems. It turns out that when released into the human blood streptococci cause blood clots.

In most cases there are only streptococci in the mouth, however, even a small amount of liquid is enough to bacteria penetrated into the body. Once in the blood, Streptococcus surrounds himself with a kind of "cocoon" protects the bacteria from antibiotics and the immune system. Over time, bacteria will begin to build up on artery walls, form blood clots, reducing blood flow to the heart and eventually killing human.

It would seem to brush your teeth every day How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
 , Do not need additional reasons, however, the opening of Bristol scientists, is likely to have a big impact on the world - from the emergence of new drugs for heart disease before the price hikes on the toothpaste.

 Habits that preserve human life

Talking on a mobile phone save from Alzheimer's disease

In the last decade mobile phones cause more negative responses than any other electronic device. Although today most people can not imagine life without mobile phones, we all know that mobile devices promote the development of many different forms of cancer, and each year hundreds of children are orphans because their parents talking on a mobile while driving. To further whet the scandal surrounding mobile researchers at the University of South Florida have tried to prove that long-term cell phone use contributes to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers tested the theory by exposing laboratory mice to electromagnetic radiation, equivalent to the radiation a person receives after a two-hour conversation on a mobile phone a day for 7-9 months. Contrary to popular belief, laboratory mice not only suffered, but also developed an immunity to Alzheimer's disease.

Apparently, the electromagnetic waves from cell phone penetrates into the brain and destroy the accumulation of certain proteins responsible for the development of dementia. Practically, this means that prolonged use of mobile phones, not only protects against Alzheimer's disease, but can help cure the disease after its appearance.

 Habits that preserve human life

Visiting children kindergarten protects against leukemia

Unlike unjustly accused of mobile phones, kindergartens have a much more positive reputation: a visit to a kindergarten helps develop the child, to teach him to communicate with the society, and allows parents to go to work safely, without worrying about the child. On top of that, recent studies have shown that children visiting kindergarten actually helps protect them from leukemia.

In 2008, researchers from the University of Berkeley, conducted 14 independent studies of leukemia, watching more than 20 thousand children from around the world, and came to an unexpected conclusion: children, began attending kindergarten at the age of 1-2 years, chances of getting leukemia was 30% less than in children who remained at home.

The most common leukemia at an early age caused by an infection. While in kindergarten, a child at an early age is faced with a huge number of infections, causing the immune system develops faster, protecting the child's body.

While childhood leukemia - the disease is very rare (it affects only children from 20-30 million), we can not agree that parents should take all necessary steps to protect their children from this terrible disease.

 Habits that preserve human life

Early departure to sleep protects against depression and even suicide

Many people in this or that period of life suffer from depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 He is accusing the state of a variety of factors, circumstances and their own surroundings. In fact, the most common cause of depression - lack of sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center conducted a large-scale study, which was attended by 15 thousand adults (2000 of them seriously considered the possibility of suicide). Participants in the study, go to bed early (around 22 pm or earlier) 20% less thought of suicide attempt Suicide in terms of the psychiatrist - can it be prevented?  Suicide in terms of the psychiatrist - can it be prevented?

Results of the study was supported by representatives of the US National Sleep Foundation, linking aggressive behavior and suicidal tendencies in adolescents with sleep deprivation (less than 9 hours per day).

 Habits that preserve human life

Housework protects against breast cancer

The relationship between physical activity and protection of various diseases in the medical community has long known, and British scientists were able to go even further: in 2006, they proved that the usual chores of modern women is able to protect against breast cancer.

After a survey of more than 200,000 women from nine European countries, researchers found that menopausal women spend on housework 16-17 hours per week, the risk of breast cancer was 20% less. In women younger than 50 years, this figure was even higher risk of breast cancer was reduced by 30%.

In fact, work on the house was much more effective in preventing breast cancer than regular exercise or physical labor.

 Habits that preserve human life

Masturbation protects against prostate cancer

Australian scientists a few years ago came to an unexpected conclusion: men masturbate regularly are much less likely to get cancer of the prostate. In a study conducted in Australia in 2003, attended by more than 2, 3 thousand men, some of whom had prostate cancer. The results showed that in men masturbating more than five times a week, the risk of prostate cancer was 30% less, the best results were in men aged 20-30 years.

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  • habits

Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem - Questions and answers

July 28, 2013

  • Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem
  • Causes
  • Signs
  • Treatment
  • Focal
  • Androgenic
  • Seborrheal
  • Early
  • Naturopathic treatment
  • Shiatsu Massage
  • Treatments
  • Questions and answers

 Baldness questions answers

Hair Loss: Questions and Answers

The normal cycle of hair growth lasts from two to three years. During this phase the hair grows about every one centimeter per month. About 90% of the hair growing on the head at any time. About 10% of the hair on the scalp at any given time are in a resting phase. After three to four months resting hair falls out, and in their place begins to grow new ones.

If the day falls a few hairs, this is a normal part of the cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can occur in men, women and children.

 FAQ | Baldness - a rather delicate problem

What causes excessive hair loss?

A number of reasons can lead to excessive hair loss. For example, after 3 or 4 months after an illness or major surgery a person can suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is associated with stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 It caused illness and is temporary.

The cause of hair loss may be a hormonal problem. If thyroid function is increased or conversely, lowered from that hair can fall out. This type of hair loss usually can be helped Thyroid Thyroid disease - women at risk  Thyroid disease - women at risk
 . Hair loss may occur if there is an imbalance in the body of male or female hormones Female hormones: because you - a woman!  Female hormones: because you - a woman!
 It is known as androgens and estrogens. Correcting a hormone imbalance may stop the hair loss.

Many women experience hair loss about 3 months after childbirth. It is also associated with hormones. During pregnancy due to high levels of certain hormones the body retains hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to their normal level, which was before pregnancy, the hair falls out, and then begins the normal cycle of growth and hair loss.

Hair loss can cause some medicines. With this type of hair loss improvement occurs after discontinuation of medication. For drugs that can cause hair loss include blood thinners (called anticoagulants), medicines used for gout, high blood pressure or heart disease, Vitamin A (too much), birth control pills and antidepressants.

Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal drugs.

Finally, hair loss may be a symptom of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of the disease, it is important to find the reason that it can be eliminated.

 FAQ | Baldness - a rather delicate problem

Can certain hairstyles or treatments cause hair loss?

Tight weave and use tight elastics for the hair can cause hair loss called traction alopecia. If you stop to pull hair before appeared on the scalp scarring, the hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can result in persistent loss of hair. Treatment of hair with hot oil or perming can cause inflammation (swelling) of the hair follicles, which can lead to scarring and hair loss.

 FAQ | Baldness - a rather delicate problem

What is "common baldness"?

"Common baldness" usually means male pattern baldness or permanent hair loss. It is also called androgenetic alopecia. Male-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss in men. In men with this type of hair loss is usually inherited. Men who start losing hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. With this type of baldness hair loss usually results in a displacement of the hair line and balding top of the head.

Women may develop female pattern baldness. In this type of alopecia, hair may become rare throughout the scalp.

 FAQ | Baldness - a rather delicate problem

Can a doctor to stop hair loss?

Your doctor may ask you some questions about the diet of the patient, as he takes drugs, he was sick with something new, and he takes care of her hair. Women doctor may ask questions about the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. He can hold a physical exam to look for other causes of hair loss Causes of hair loss - a consequence of an illness or cosmetic problems  Causes of hair loss - a consequence of an illness or cosmetic problems
 . Finally, you may need a blood test or biopsy of the scalp.

 FAQ | Baldness - a rather delicate problem

Is it possible to cure hair loss?

Depending on the type of hair loss treatment is possible. If hair loss is caused by taking medication, your doctor may prescribe a different medicine. Diagnosis and treatment of an infection may help stop hair loss. Further hair loss can prevent the correction of hormonal imbalance. Medicines may also help slow or prevent the development of the common baldness.

If adequate treatment is not available for your type of hair loss, you can use a variety of wigs and hairpieces, or artificial hair transplant.

Article Tags:
  • hair loss
