Solarium: harm or benefit? - Influence

June 29, 2013

  • Solarium: harm or benefit?
  • Controlled tan
  • Effect

 solarium impact on the body

Solarium and its effect on the body

Solarium - simple and quick way to get a nice tan at any time of the year. It is impossible to imagine modern salon or health club without solarium - undoubtedly the most popular component in Beauty salons. By providing a controlled tanning solarium is very popular, he is visited by a huge number of people.

Is absolutely harmless solarium? Unfortunately, the answer to this question would be - "no." As with any procedure, a solarium, but good, it has some undesirable side. According to the theory of photoaging, supported by some scientists, ultraviolet radiation and intense visible light contained in solar radiation, and in the rays falling on the human skin when visiting the solarium, cause aging. This happens due to the fact that under the action of photons generated free radicals. According to most experts, free radicals play a determining role in the aging process.

Ultraviolet rays in the solarium, in addition to its core activities, ie the creation of Sun by increasing the synthesis of the pigment melanin, destroys collagen - a special protein, which determines the elasticity, smoothness and elasticity of the skin. As a result, reduce the amount of collagen skin becomes more and more faded, wrinkles. Due to a lack of collagen becomes brittle hair. The solarium skin dries out, it appears dehydrated. From frequent visits to the solarium there is a thickening of the horny layer of the epidermis. Tanning significantly increases the risk of skin cancer, including cancer, such as cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
   and melanoma.

If the analogy of the physical nature of solar radiation Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
   and the rays that cause tanning in a solarium, among them there are significant differences. Radiation in the sunroom is much more powerful than natural sunlight. Furthermore, the emission spectrum in the solarium is an important difference from the solar ultraviolet where prevail UVA rays, having a stronger (compared to UVB rays) and a harmful effect on the deeper layers of skin. At this low pressure lamps provide the best range in the ultraviolet region than high-pressure mercury lamp, but have a lower lifetime and reduced power. Therefore, in the tanning lamps of both types of uses. This exceeded lamp life can lead to the uncontrolled emission spectrum obtained by the body, which may adversely affect the health of people visiting the solarium. In addition, the intense radiation can cause burns.

 Impact | Solarium: harm or benefit?


The sun deck is by no means impossible to sunbathe pregnant women, children and people with certain diseases (eg, dermatological nature). It is not recommended to use the solarium, in the critical days. Also, the procedure is contraindicated in the propensity to cancer and receiving certain medications that increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, if you are taking medication and want to visit a solarium, pre-consult with the doctor.

Naturally, the solarium, with some negative aspects, and brings enormous benefits. Ultraviolet rays, especially UVB component of their generally beneficial effect on the body, stimulating its defenses. Under the influence of ultra-violet rays of the spectrum in the body produces vitamin D, which is important for the normal development of bone tissue. Vitamin D regulates the mineral metabolism in the body. Moreover, it is unique in the sense that it is both a vitamin, and a hormone. Vitamin D plays an important role in the prevention of heart disease Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
 , Skin diseases and cancer.

Moderate podsushivayuschee effect of radiation in the solarium, in many cases it may be useful. With the help of tanning sometimes you can get rid of acne How to get rid of acne: possible to prevent the disease  How to get rid of acne: possible to prevent the disease
   on the skin. Indisputable is the beneficial effect of treatments in the solarium on the nervous system and the overall psycho-emotional status. The resulting tan in the solarium, forming a natural barrier to ultraviolet rays, allows you to prepare your skin for the summer season, when it will get more sunlight. In addition, in the solarium easier to get an even tan.

Like many other effects on the body, tan in the solarium can not be called explicitly harmful or definitely useful. Obviously, in the solarium, there are both positive and negative aspects. So safe to say we can only only one thing: you can not blindly get involved in the solarium, but at the same time do not neglect the opportunity to get a tan and enjoy in any season of the year.

Zhiguli Andrew

Article Tags:
  • solarium

Caring for curly hair - a remedy is right for you? - Terms of cutting and styling

June 27, 2013

  • Caring for curly hair - a remedy is right for you?
  • Terms cutting and styling
  • Principles

 care for curly hair cutting and styling rules

Terms cutting and styling

No shampoo!

The most common mistake made by many hairdressers, starting to work with a client curly - it suits classic dressing with shampoo. It's hard to find a more effective way to make curly hair more pushing and unruly. Instead of shampoo is better to use air-conditioning - it will smooth the hair cuticle, and greatly facilitate the process of shearing. Air contains substances that are perfectly removed from the skin and hair grease and dirt - unless, of course, the hair is not too fatty, but the problem had curly women is rare. Generally, they should wash your hair with shampoo no more than once a week - is usually enough to make the hair look clean and well groomed.

 Terms cutting and styling | Care curly hair - a remedy is right for you?

Haircuts layers - best friends curly hair

Many holders of curly hair are afraid to do "puff" haircuts, believing that because of their hair will become light and fluffy. However, without the layers of always getting a haircut is a triangular shape, which very few people are. So ask the hairdresser to do you fancy today haircuts layer - they provide a lot of opportunities for styling, and are suitable for almost everyone.

 Terms cutting and styling | Care curly hair - a remedy is right for you?

Be careful texturing

Nothing spoils the cut on curly hair as excessive texturing. It often disrupts the natural position of the curls, the hair starts pushitsya and put them is extremely difficult.

 Terms cutting and styling | Care curly hair - a remedy is right for you?

Length matters

For curly hair is best suited medium and long hairstyles. Barber need to be especially careful not to cut too much hair, because wet curls can be a few centimeters longer than the dry. Therefore it is always better to cut off smaller than the more - if necessary haircut too long can be corrected, but to wait until the locks grow back, have for a long time.

 Terms cutting and styling | Care curly hair - a remedy is right for you?

Lay the wet hair

You already know that the dry curly hair often start pushitsya, so before laying them definitely need to water. Comb wet hair with your fingers only - it will help avoid pusheniya.

 Terms cutting and styling | Care curly hair - a remedy is right for you?

Choose appropriate styling

Cosmetics manufacturers offer a lot of variety of products for styling curly hair - they know how much trouble arises from owners of ringlets, and does not miss an opportunity to make money. In practice, it is quite a good leave-in conditioner, and gel - these funds are quite heavier curly hair that helps them keep in shape.

After you apply conditioner to the hair gel and let them air dry (this is the best option), or use a hairdryer with a diffuser.

 Terms cutting and styling | Care curly hair - a remedy is right for you?

Terms of care for curly hair at night

Sweet night's sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   It can ruin even the most good hair - especially on curly hair. Do you ever wake up with hair, a condition which clearly indicates on what side you were sleeping? Simple rules will help you avoid such troubles, and calmly eat breakfast in the morning, instead of spending an hour in front of the mirror, trying to cause hair in order.

If you have just washed your hair - not dry, if they are already dry - lightly moisten them with spray. Then put on the head with a shower cap, and top povyazhite scarf or shawl. In the morning your hair will still be moist and ready for installation.

You can also braid wet hair in braids too tight - it may seem strange, but this technique helps to avoid pusheniya hair and facilitates styling.

You can apply leave-in conditioner on your hair, gather them in a loose knot at the back and tie a head scarf (if secure node pins, sleep is not very convenient). By morning, the hair will become softer and obedient, and you will be quite a small amount of gel to put in a nice hairstyle.

Use scarves and shawls from satin or silk. Cotton, firstly, better it transmits moisture, because of which the hair can dry out, and secondly, it causes friction because of which curls pushitsya begin. Satin pillow cases also help to better preserve the hair.
