Douches - effectiveness is proven time - Indications and contraindications

June 30, 2013

  • Douches - effectiveness is proven time
  • Indications and contraindications

 douche indications and contraindications

Indications and contraindications

Douches - a highly effective tempering procedure, which leads to the fact that the body takes on stamina and endurance not only to colds factors, but also to increased physical and mental stress. Thus there is a cheerful active state during the day and restful sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams


How does a douche on the human body

Douches - it effects on the alternate cold and heat in combination with a mechanical hard water jets. The place of the impact of a contrast shower is human skin, where the cooling and heat receptors that are accustomed to the effects of slow and gradual. Mechanical receptors capture the mechanical action of water jets on the skin.

Brief exposure to hot and cold water jets has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, as long exposure only cold or hot water only depresses the central nervous system. Action douche based on the fact that the alternating effects of hot and cold water causes the expansion, the narrowing of blood vessels in the skin and internal organs - it "teaches" them very quickly react to various impacts, including impacts heat and cold. In addition, it helps to activate metabolic processes and burning excess fat.

As a result, a person adapts to different weather conditions and other external factors, it strengthens the immune system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Trains the heart muscle (myocardium): hot showers speeds up and reduces the heart rate and cold - slows and strengthens. Properly conducted procedure contrast shower stimulates the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and blood (improves blood).


Indications for douche

Douches - treatment, but it will also be useful in the following diseases:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (particularly with periodic rises in blood pressure);
  • the initial stages of hypertension;
  • nerve disorders (neurasthenia, hysterical neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
 , Long-term neuropsychiatric loads);
  • lowered immunity with frequent colds or exacerbation of chronic diseases (just outside exacerbations);
  • metabolic disorders, particularly obesity;
  • violations of motor activity of the intestine accompanied by constipation;
  • impotence (only after a preliminary examination and exclusion of contraindications).


Contraindications for douche

Contraindications for a contrast shower are:

  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • severe hypertension (high blood pressure) with complications of the heart and brain;
  • heart failure with severe edema or stagnation in the lungs;
  • tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   in the active phase;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin;
  • any fast growing (especially malignant) tumors;
  • inflammation of the walls of the veins (thrombophlebitis);
  • any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • menstruating.


How to take a douche

Terms reception contrast shower:

  • take a contrast shower in the morning, as it invigorates; better if before this is a complex of gymnastic exercises - it will prepare the skin to water procedures;
  • you should always start with hot water and finish with cold;
  • first time, the impact should be small, and the temperature difference is not too contrasting; You can start with the exposure of 1-2 seconds with warm water and room, then gradually over several weeks to reach for a hot minute and 15 seconds of cold (cold tap water) shower, repeated contrast dousing need 3-4 times during the same session; after the organism has adapted to the contrasting heart, even very rapid pouring cold water does not cause hypothermia, but has a strong effect on the central nervous system and internal organs;
  • during the procedure, it is desirable to present himself as a hot shower when exposed blood vessels to dilate, and when exposed to the cold - shrink;
  • procedure should cause a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness, can not be both cool and freeze;
  • After much soul need to be pounded with a towel - it will strengthen the impact of the water treatment.

Contrast shower - a great treatment, which can be taken at any age, but taking into account the individual characteristics of all the indications and contraindications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tempering

How alcohol affects the condition of the skin? - Diseases

July 20, 2013

  • How alcohol affects the condition of the skin?
  • Diseases

 Alcohol abuse is reflected in the condition of the skin disease

Late cutaneous porphyria

The results of this disease can be photosensitivity, skin fragility, blistering and dry crusts, scleroderma and intensive hair growth (hypertrichosis) on the skin, most often exposed to the sun (eg, on the face and hands). Alcohol - the most common cause of acquired porphyria cutanea tarda; it is often observed in patients suffering from chronic liver disease. The accumulation of porphyrins is due to the shortage uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase - an enzyme necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Among other factors that may become triggers late cutaneous porphyria - a high level of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and viral infections (particularly hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time

 Diseases | How alcohol affects the condition of the skin?


Abuse of alcohol increases the risk of liver cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer, and some cancers of the skin, including - squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma. Alcohol is also associated with an increased risk of oral cancer.

The increase in the likelihood of developing cancer with alcohol abuse the following reasons:

  • Alcohol suppresses the immune system and gives the supply of nutrients to the cells, thereby weakening the natural defense mechanisms of the organism;
  • The main metabolite of ethanol - acetaldehyde is a carcinogen. It promotes the production of free radicals that can cause DNA damage;
  • Man, abusing alcohol, may become more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

 Diseases | How alcohol affects the condition of the skin?

Nutritional deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies can develop in people who are getting more calories from alcohol than from a normal meal; their digestive system becomes adequately processed food that leads to malabsorption. The first sign of this disorder is the dryness and loss of skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin A deficiency leads to dry skin and follicular hyperkeratosis.
  • Signs of a lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) are characteristic "waxy" skin, and redness and thickening of the tongue.
  • The main signs of deficiency of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) are angular cheilitis (cracked skin at the corners of the mouth), atrophic glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) and a rash on the face, which resembles seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Pellagra - a deficiency of vitamin B3 (niacin), symptoms of which are the three "D": diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis; dermatitis symptoms appear on the skin, often exposed to sunlight. Patients with pellagra can also be observed cheilitis and glossitis.
  • Deficiency of vitamin C can lead to gum disease and follicular hyperkeratosis.
  • Lack of zinc causes a disorder known as the acquired enteropathic acrodermatitis, the symptoms of which appear on the hands and feet, around the mouth and anus.

Problems with the oral cavity caused by a deficiency of nutrients on the background of alcoholism:

  • Dryness and peeling lips (cheilitis);
  • Gum disease;
  • Tooth decay;
  • The appearance of small black knobs on the language associated with the active multiplication of bacteria.

 Diseases | How alcohol affects the condition of the skin?

Skin diseases associated with alcohol

It should be noted that all of the following disorders may also appear in non-drinking humans. However, the abuse of alcohol trigger their development or aggravate symptoms in human patients.

  • Rosacea

Alcohol induces vasodilation and redness of the skin, which can make rosacea symptoms more pronounced. However, it has not been proven that alcohol abuse may be the cause of rosacea.

Classic "nose drunkard" (rhinophyma) - pineal education on the nose, which is considered to be one of the symptoms of alcoholism, may in fact be totally unrelated to ethanol. In one study, which involved 175 people with rosacea, and 145 people with healthy skin, it turned out that the ratio of people who regularly consume alcohol, in both groups equally.

  • Psoriasis

Alcohol abuse increases the risk of recurrent attacks of psoriasis. People who consume very large amounts of alcohol, the symptoms of psoriasis The symptoms of psoriasis - a great variety  The symptoms of psoriasis - a great variety
   especially noticeable on the fingers and hands. People with psoriasis and consume more than 80 g of alcohol per week, more than the other, there are heavy and resistant to the treatment of psoriasis, including - erythrodermic psoriasis. This may be a weakening of the immune system.

In addition, regular use of high doses of alcohol reduces the chances of psoriasis, as some medications are contraindicated in diseases of the liver (methotrexate) and elevated triglycerides (acitretin). Experts also note that in patients suffering from psoriasis and alcoholism are more likely than others, depression develops.

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is more common in people who abuse alcohol than those who drank little, or not drink at all.

  • Nummulyarny dermatitis

Nummulyarny dermatitis also often occurs in people who abuse alcohol, especially if they disrupted the liver.

  • Skin infections

Because of a weakened immune system, lack of nutrients and increased risk of injury in people who abuse alcohol, often develop skin infections. Such infections include:

  1. Bacterial infections, which in some cases lead to sepsis (this, for example, infections caused by streptococci, staphylococci, and other bacteria);
  2. Fungal infections are also very common, but they rarely cause sepsis. These include: shingles Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
 , Onychomycosis, pityriasis versicolor.
  • Nettle-rash

Hives may appear within minutes or hours after consuming alcohol; sometimes it is a sign of an allergic reaction. Redness and increase in temperature of the skin under the influence of alcohol called cholinergic urticaria.

  • Increased sensitivity to alcohol

Alcohol can cause an allergic reaction or symptoms similar to the symptoms of allergies. Among these symptoms - skin rash, decreased heart rate, shortness of breath, diarrhea. For some people, even small doses of alcohol cause a severe allergic reaction. This may be due to congenital defects of enzymes responsible for the processing of alcohol, or with an allergy to some component of alcoholic beverage - for example, dyes, preservatives or fragrances.

Article Tags:
  • skin problems
