Lyuminoterapiya against seasonal depression

October 26th, 2011

  • Lyuminoterapiya against seasonal depression
  • How to choose the right bulb for lyuminoterapii

 Lyuminoterapiya against seasonal depression
 In a large family a variety of depression is one whose causes are known exactly. This seasonal depression that occurs in autumn and winter, when the days become shorter and the sunlight we get less. In order to avoid or reduce the symptoms, you can resort to lyuminoterapii - treated light.

Change the time of day, the seasons, the onset of cold weather - all of this makes us sad, but for some such transformations turn into a real depression. Basically it affects women. Get rid of this condition can be with the help of artificial light.

From seasonal depression Seasonal depression - antidepressants do without  Seasonal depression - antidepressants do without
   It affects about five percent of the people, and fifteen point at some deterioration, which bind to the winter. Classic features like depression - a change in the negative direction, and the mental and physical condition: headaches, sleep problems, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 . And the root cause of these abnormalities is precisely the lack of light.

 Lyuminoterapiya against seasonal depression

The criteria for seasonal depression

The autumn-winter depression often appears to twenty-five years, expressed its symptoms are felt in October and November, and disappear by March or April. It is not necessary to repeat every year, but to identify it as seasonal depression, it is necessary that it is repeated several times, and her symptoms have occurred precisely in these months. It is important not to confuse these months hypersensitivity to events that may be associated with these periods, such as mourning, which, of course, a certain effect on mental state. Another feature - the intensity of fatigue that often comes to the fore. It can manifest itself in a constant feeling of sleepiness or lack of sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   every morning.

 Lyuminoterapiya against seasonal depression

Lyuminoterapiya - in the clinic and at home

This seasonal depression should be treated with lyuminoterapii (which can be called phototherapy or light therapy). It is the impact of white light, ideally without a ray-type and b-type (UVA and UVB). Standard session lyuminoterapii involves exposure to light intensity of 10,000 lux for thirty minutes every morning for five months. In the clinic, you can pass the test therapy for two weeks, which will show - whether it is effective for the individual and whether longer treatment. The most effective lyuminoterapiya it in the morning, immediately after waking up.

In practice, this therapy is the presence of man in front of a screen that lights up his face when the patient may engage in, such as reading. Duration of treatment also depends on the intensity of the lamp and the distance at which it is removed from the face. Lamp, the serving light 10,000 lux and standing close, should work no more than thirty minutes. If the intensity of its total 2500 lux, you can leave it to act for two hours. It is advisable to continue lyuminoterapiyu at home after a two-week period of stay under the supervision of specialists in the clinic, where the sessions will take place according to the rules.

You can use the lamp for lyuminoterapii and without consultation, but in this case there is a risk that the treatment will have no effect. Firstly, it may be seasonal depression and other disorders of the body that require immediate intervention. Secondly, there is the possibility of incorrect use of the lamp that does not give the desired effect.

For light therapy can treat the symptoms and without seasonal depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . It can help as a preventative measure - to prevent depression.

Complete Guide to care for sensitive skin: 8 important tips for your health

September 3, 2014

 tips on caring for sensitive skin
 When it comes to sensitive skin, there is no one size fits all solution. For some sensitive skin is a side effect of aging or acne, while other sensitive skin is a seasonal problem. Daily skin care, effectively leveling its special status, can be a problem under the circumstances. Eight tips for the care of sensitive skin Tips for caring for sensitive skin for Beginners: Learn the basics  Tips for caring for sensitive skin for Beginners: Learn the basics
   to help you achieve a healthy, perfect appearance, and not just on the face.


Start with the basics

Daily care that meets the needs of your skin type without undue irritation, is the cornerstone of health and beauty of your skin. However, choose the basic means for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing sensitive skin can be difficult without some additional help. Whether caused by your skin sensitivity acne, aging, or the seasons, will take some time to determine the basic care to achieve a flawless, sensitive skin.

Causes and treatments: you're curious to see what is causing your skin sensitivity or you are not sure whether the stimulus you fight? Get information on the causes and treatment for all types of sensitive skin specialist - a dermatologist or beautician.


Identify the ingredients

Unfortunately, some of the ingredients in everyday cosmetic formulas can irritate sensitive skin or worsen existing problems. Although the skin of each person is unique in how it responds to the problematic ingredients, have shared "culprits", which everyone should avoid.

Take time to understand what the ingredients, usually you have a strong reaction of the skin, and which could soothe her, nourish and protect.

Harmless ingredients: oatmeal, chamomile and feverfew - just a few ingredients that soothe and nourish delicate skin. It would be useful to learn more about these and other substances that are useful for sensitive skin.

Ingredients to avoid exclusion from skin care retinoids and glycolic acid is the easiest way to circumvent an undesired skin irritation.


Pamper your skin

What you have sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 It does not mean that you have to pass health treatments. Think of the possibilities to soothe and support skin with safe, soft ingredients. There are countless ways to do this, including easy home treatments or seaweed wraps of a local spa.

  • Spa: If you go to the spa, do not forget to ask about the special procedures that can improve the health and appearance of your skin without unwanted irritation. Beauticians uniquely trained to identify the ingredients and procedures that enhance every skin type - including delicate combinations.
  • At home: you have honey, brown sugar or chamomile tea in the kitchen cupboard? These simple and affordable components - along with many others - can be included in such a simple and affordable treatment at home, which soothe and nourish delicate skin.


Be active

If you have sensitive skin, it is important to take an active role in the daily skin care. Whether it is more sparing techniques of daily shaving or minimize the effects of environmental stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Such as, for example, the sun, learn how your daily habits can prevent irritation, while nourishing sensitive skin.

Protection: Simple steps to skin care products, including the testing of new products in a small area of ​​the skin and the choice of formulas without fragrances, can protect your skin from undesirable irritation.

Remove irritation, soothe the skin from calms and soothes irritation bath before giving up alcohol - there are a lot of simple, affordable way to relieve stress skin.


Prevention spots and other lesions

Acne can cause damage to sensitive skin types, causing redness, sensitive skin and easily irritated appears. Also, find ingredients that are powerful enough to remove stains, but gentle for sensitive skin, it may be difficult.

  • For dry, sensitive skin. Do your skin prone to acne and in addition, it is dry and sensitive? In the treatment of acne Acne Treatment - proper care of inflamed skin  Acne Treatment - proper care of inflamed skin
   it is important to find the ingredients that fight spots and inflammation, and that will not further dehydrate the skin.
  • For aging skin. Unfortunately, when it comes to treating acne mature, sensitive skin, a treatment for teenage skin will not run. It is necessary to choose the formula that will effectively deal with adult acne on the skin, menopause without causing unwanted irritation.


Consider the time of year

For many sensitive skin is a condition that varies according to the season. Most often, the cold, dry air during the fall, winter and spring cause the worst damage to sensitive skin, causing dehydration, itching, peeling and cracking. By understanding how weather affects your skin, you can set your care regimen for her to feed, treat and moisturize all year round.

  • Autumn. It becomes whether your sensitive skin worse when winter comes? Autumn is the time to prepare your face to the cold weather.
  • In winter. Most of the children most of the winter playing in the snow. But the effect of that cold, biting wind and wet clothes and shoes can have on a child's skin, often puts an end to the winter fun. Protect your children from the skin of winter weather.
  • All year round. Is it hot and humid summer weather or frost and a dry winter air, some sensitive skin types is a small relief when there is a change of the seasons. But do not let your delicate skin prevent you enjoy your vacation. Protect your sensitive skin from extreme weather disturbances throughout the year.


Find a solution for the whole family

Genetics plays an important role in determining skin type, so it's not unusual for sensitive skin - be present at the whole family. When it comes to sensitive skin care, smart and healthy habits at an early age may contribute to healthy skin throughout your life.

  • For all: Sensitive skin can be all members of the family - children, the elderly and all ages in between. Help your whole family develop good habits of skin care products, using as professional advice of experts.
  • For Mom: When my mother gets older, her skin may become more sensitive, which is often associated with menopause and aging. Most simple tips will help mom safely improve the health and appearance of her sensitive skin, you need only concerned about this issue and take into account individual factors.
  • For the Pope: As for the sensitive skin, fathers face unique challenges - from finding the best ingredients for men and ending with tips for gentle shaving. In this case, what sensitive skin it is a male, not a female or a child, also plays an important role.


Apply make-up - without irritation

Most people with sensitive skin can be difficult to find a makeup that does not cause them irritation. Avoiding certain ingredients and develop a few simple habits care, people with sensitive skin can achieve a flawless, healthy complexion without any unpleasant side effects.

  • For all sensitive skin types: Decide which ingredients, colors and cosmetics to avoid, you can achieve a flawless, healthy skin without irritation. Do not forget to turn to professionals for advice.
  • For aging skin: For the sensitivity, which appears due to the dry, aging skin, there are special techniques, ingredients and cosmetic products that can minimize the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots without prejudice to your face.

Sensitivity should not complicate your daily skin care or to jeopardize her health and appearance. Avoiding the problem components to identify common irritants and acquiring healthy habits, it is possible to achieve a smooth, radiant skin.

Article Tags:
  • skin care,
  • sensitive skin
