Diroton: for the treatment of persistent high blood pressure

November 3, 2011

 Diroton refers to a group of drugs - ACE inhibitors, which are now widely used for the treatment of persistent high blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular disease. The action of this drug is quite difficult, and it has a number of side effects, so it may appoint a doctor.

 Diroton: for the treatment of persistent high blood pressure

What is an ACE inhibitor

ACE inhibitors - These medications that inhibit the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) facilitates the formation of a protein in the blood vasoconstrictor - angiotensin II. Since angiotensin II stimulates the release of hormones in the body fluid of delay, the ACE inhibitors also have a diuretic effect.

 Diroton: for the treatment of persistent high blood pressure

The mechanism of action dirotona

Diroton - is an ACE inhibitor which is available in tablets of various dosages. It is fully possesses all the properties of ACE inhibitors, after oral administration it is rapidly released into the blood, is valid for 24 hours, and then unaltered excreted through the kidneys. The drug does not accumulate in the body, but its effect is enhanced and acquires stability (constancy) are not only less than a month of continuous use. Diroton take a long time, for years, he could always maintain blood pressure at the required level when properly selected dose.

When hypertension it not only promotes vasodilation, but also reduce the load on the heart muscle, whereby it starts to work more efficiently and less reduced, but with greater force. At constant reception dirotona some time marked decrease hypertrophy (increase in volume) of the heart muscle (myocardium), which came under heavy load on it (the myocardium, like any muscle during exercise increases in volume).

 Diroton: for the treatment of persistent high blood pressure

It is necessary to take into account the particular

This offloads the property used in the treatment of myocardial infarction, particularly in the early days of the disease. But it must be borne in mind that a myocardial infarction in the first few days can cause a sharp decrease in blood pressure, in this case, diroton definitely contraindicated.

Also controversial diroton acts and kidney diseases. On the one hand it is prescribed for these diseases when they are accompanied by high blood pressure, and on the other hand, given that diroton output only through the kidneys, while reducing their function can be broken, and excretion of the drug overdose occur. Therefore, in kidney diseases need to constantly monitor renal function and adjust dose dirotona.

In diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   with disruption of the blood vessels diroton promotes the expansion of the arteries and improve blood circulation, thus preventing severe complications in the form of gangrene of the extremities caused by persistent spasm of blood vessels. But it also has its indications and contraindications, which can only take into account the endocrinologist.

 Diroton: for the treatment of persistent high blood pressure

Side effects when taking dirotona

Diroton well tolerated. But ACE inhibitors (and diroton no exception) can cause persistent dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
   and even respiratory failure as its short-term stop. This is a consequence of side effects - effects on the respiratory center in the brain. In this case, the individual is very important tolerability: in some patients cough does not happen ever, even with chronic administration of ACE inhibitors in others patients cough begins immediately or shortly after the start of the reception and is constantly growing. If patients are not warned about such side effects of ACE inhibitors, they often believe that the origin of the cough and colds has long treated unsuccessfully. In that case, go to other drugs of similar actions, such as those which block angiotensin II receptors perception walls of blood vessels (losartan).

Another fairly common side effect dirotona - is the ability to cause allergic reactions such as angioneurotic edema - swelling of the larynx, which can lead to respiratory arrest. Therefore, manufacturers do not recommend taking it to patients who have previously had an allergic reaction in the form of angioedema after taking any drugs or foods.

Furthermore, diroton can cause headaches, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   coordination and blurred, so when it is not worth the constant reception to drive a car and perform any other activities that require coordination of movements.

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract in patients receiving dirotona may experience nausea and slight abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 . Furthermore, there may appear pain in muscles and joints, alopecia, and certain other side effects. There are very rare and almost no role while taking the drug, but conscientious manufacturers (diroton produces well-known pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter) always show everything, even individual side effects.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • diroton

Asparkam - side effects occur when administered parenterally

September 23, 2012

 asparkam side effects
 Asparkam - a drug, which is composed of potassium and magnesium. These minerals are essential for the functioning of the cells of various tissues, primarily for muscle tissue and particularly the heart muscle (myocardium). But an overdose of potassium hardest impact on the functioning of the heart muscle.

 Asparkam - side effects occur when administered parenterally

Side effects asparkama on the cardiovascular system

Intracellular mineral potassium helps to restore the functioning of the cells of the myocardium, which leads primarily to normalize heart rhythm. Under the influence of potassium slows down the process of transmission of nerve impulses in the conduction system of the heart, decrease heart rate and myocardial contractility better. Such action asparkama is in tune with the action of cardiac glycosides - drugs that are used to enhance myocardial contractility in heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
 . Cardiac glycosides - it is quite toxic drugs, they can cause, including, and cardiac arrhythmias. Asparkam in this case reduces the side effects of cardiac glycosides and allows to apply them to a lesser dosage.

But property asparkama to slow the nerve impulses on the cardiac conduction system can play a negative role, particularly if their conduct and so breached. Especially dangerous is the use asparkama with significant violations of the conductivity of nerve impulses from the atria to the ventricles - atrioventricular blockade II-III degree. It is also possible decrease in blood pressure and increased heart rhythm disorders.

 Asparkam - side effects occur when administered parenterally

Side effects asparkama in the gastrointestinal tract

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract in patients receiving asparkama may cause dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating.

This happens due to the fact that when the body is elevated potassium include adjustment mechanisms to facilitate on the one hand its assimilation by cells, and the other - the removal from the body. Thus, it may increase the amount of urine (which leads to a certain dehydration and dry mouth) and potassium excretion through the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, as well as their accompanying symptoms of bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
   and pain along the intestine.

 Asparkam - side effects occur when administered parenterally

What other side effects may have asparkam

On the part of the central nervous system in the application may cause dizziness asparkama Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 . It is also possible the appearance of muscle weakness, constant fatigue and reduced performance - a consequence of slowing of nerve impulses in the nerve-muscle fibers.

But the most serious side effects occur with intravenous asparkama, particularly if the drug is injected rapidly enough. In this case, there is a risk of severe hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia a sudden reddening of the face, thirst, muscle weakness and fatigue, until the complete temporary immobilisation, seizure, sudden drop in blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Respiratory disorders. It is also possible the emergence of such paradoxical features, like an increase in heart rhythm disorders. Against the backdrop of all these changes, the patient may fall into a coma.

Moreover, when administered intravenously asparkama thrombosis may develop - an inflammation of the vein walls, which is accompanied by an increased thrombosis.

 Asparkam - side effects occur when administered parenterally


When receiving asparkama inside an overdose is extremely rare, whereas when it is administered intravenously, it is quite possible. The main sign of overdose is heart block - a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses in the myocardium. Especially dangerous are such complications if the patient has had any cardiac conduction.

When overdose patient intravenously administered drugs that could adjust his state of water and electrolyte balance. And as an antagonist of potassium in the body is sodium, the solutions are usually used to contain it. Are introduced and solutions with calcium, which is also able to restore the water and electrolyte balance in excess of potassium in the blood.

 Asparkam - side effects occur when administered parenterally

Which combination of drugs may increase the effects of asparkama

Action asparkama (and thus the risk of hyperkalemia) can enhance certain drugs that reduce blood pressure (eg, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), diuretics, which have potassium-sparing effect (triamterene, veroshpiron), salt substitutes, having in its composition of potassium.

Asparkam - a non-toxic drug, but its action can cause serious complications, especially with parenteral (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract) administration.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • asparkam
