Pumpan: homeopathic medicine for the heart

March 6, 2011

 Pumpan - a homeopathic remedy, which in small amounts include hawthorn, mountain arnica, lily of the valley, ladyfingers and potassium carbonate. The drug is used in many diseases of the cardiovascular system as a part of complex treatment. Pumpan comes in tablet form for use under the tongue and oral drops.

 Pumpan: homeopathic medicine for the heart

How does

Pumpan increases the strength of heart contractions, but reduces their frequency, so the blood supply of all organs and tissues. The drug enhances blood vessels that nourish the myocardium, and the heart receives enough oxygen to function properly. As a result of angina occur less often and are less intense, improves exercise tolerance.

Pumpan has an antioxidant effect, that is, protects cells from free radical damage.

Also, the drug reduces the blood's ability to clot, normalizes blood plasma fibrinogen and prothrombin index stabilizes. When receiving Pumpan high blood pressure and abnormal lipid metabolism back to normal. Other positive effects of this agent are weak diuretic effect and reduced excitability of the nervous system.

 Pumpan: homeopathic medicine for the heart

Indications and contraindications

The drug is administered as part of a treatment for such diseases as:

  • Hypertension - a persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • Coronary heart disease - a situation in which impaired blood supply to the myocardium due to the narrowing of the coronary vessels. As a result, there is a mismatch between the demand of the heart muscle with nutrients and oxygen and the possibilities of their arrival in the arteries;
  • Degenerative changes in the heart muscle, which occur due to metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in her;
  • Heart failure - the inability of the heart to pump enough blood, which is necessary organs and tissues to their normal work;
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis - a disease of the cardiovascular system, which arises from the violation of its neuroendocrine regulation;
  • Cardiac arrhythmias;
  • Elevated levels of serum cholesterol.

Pumpan be used during the individual hypersensitivity to at least one of the ingredients, as well as alcohol dependence Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise  Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise
 . Rarely when receiving Pumpan drops increased salivation.

 Pumpan: homeopathic medicine for the heart

Features of the preparation that you need to know

At the beginning of treatment with this drug the symptoms of diseases may slightly increase. This is a temporary phenomenon, so it is not necessary to cancel the drug. The composition of the tablets include lactose, however in this form of drug release are not prescribed to patients unable to tolerate the substance. Such people reduced lactase levels - an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of milk sugar, and receiving Pumpan tablets will cause flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea. These patients can take Pumpan only in the form of droplets.

Pumpan has no teratogenic, mutagenic or embryotoxic effects, that is safe for the fetus. Therefore, the preparation may be assigned during pregnancy physician. The period of breast-feeding is not a contraindication for receiving Pumpan.

The drug does not cause drowsiness or affect your concentration. It can be taken for people who drive vehicles and other complex mechanisms.

Pumpan can be combined with any drugs. It reduces the need for other medications for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the attending physician may reduce the dosage of the basic (core) means.

A preparation in the form of droplets can eventually slightly turbid, but the taste and odor become weaker. This is due to the fact that it consists of natural herbal ingredients. But these changes do not affect the efficiency of Pumpan.

 Pumpan: homeopathic medicine for the heart

How to take Pumpan in various diseases

The drug should be taken half an hour before meals or one hour after a meal. Tablets should be kept under the tongue for as long as they do not dissolve completely. The drops are taken alone or bred in a spoonful of water. Before swallow, you need some time to hold the drug in the mouth. Recommended doses Pumpan depend on the form of the disease and the patient's age.

Patients suffering from ischemic heart disease must take medication at one tablet or ten drops three times a day. The duration of treatment ranged from one to two months. When the patient's condition is stable, switching to maintenance therapy. In this preparation in the same dose administered twice a day.

In the presence of hypertension Hypertension - when suffering heart and brain  Hypertension - when suffering heart and brain
   adults and adolescents Pumpan should take one tablet or ten drops three times a day for two or three months. Then, less drug is given twice a day. When neurocirculatory dystonia Pumpan applied in the same way.

In chronic heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
   adolescents and adults also commonly prescribed drug in the described dosages. But children under the age of twelve should take it to half a tablet or five drops three times a day.

If there are situations in which it is necessary to quickly reduce the symptoms of the disease, the preparation may be administered every hour, but not more than eight times per day. Once the patient's condition improved, Pumpan should be taken as usual.

Despite the effectiveness of Pumpan, it can not be a substitute for basic drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This homeopathic remedy can only be taken with them. If during the treatment the patient's condition deteriorates pumpanom, you should always consult a doctor. After the survey it can vyvit cause of violations and to eliminate or reduce their occurrence.

Article Tags:
  • Pumpan

Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know

May 20, 2007

  • Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
  • How to protect yourself

 heart disease, heart attacks
 There are more than fifty types of heart disease, the most common of them - coronary heart disease. From the induced heart attack deaths each year several million people. Some other types of heart disease - cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, stroke, Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury

 Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know

How the heart works

To understand heart disease, you need to know exactly how to work the body. Heart and blood vessels - is the transportation system that delivers all the cells of the body the materials they need and outputs of these wastes. By moving this system nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, lipids, and many other substances necessary for the functioning of the body.

Almost devoid of oxygen the blood moving through the veins in the chamber on the right side of the heart. From there, the blood enters the lungs, where the blood is saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide is released from. Oxygenated blood flows into the left chamber of the heart, and then - to the aorta, the large blood vessels of the body where the arteries, veins and smaller blood vessels gets to all parts of the body.

Of course, the heart muscle, as well as all other muscles to do their job, require oxygen and nutrients. Surprisingly, the heart is not used as a power supply blood that is pumped continuously through it. Just like all the other muscles in the body, the heart gets nourished his blood through the coronary arteries, which are the first branches of the aorta.

 Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know

Types of heart disease

Coronary heart disease is caused by a narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients. The result of coronary heart disease could be angina, myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac arrest.

A stroke occurs when the narrowed or blocked blood vessels that supply oxygen to the brain. Peripheral vascular disease develops in a similar way, but in the arteries that supply oxygen and nutrients to the lower extremities.

Congestive heart failure is characterized by the weakening of the results of the heart muscle, causing it fails to pump blood properly. Its common symptoms are shortness of breath, inability to withstand even minor physical exertion, and swelling of the legs. Congestive heart failure may be the result of damage caused by a heart attack or cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease).

Arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) may be chronic and relatively harmless, but in some cases it promotes congestive heart failure, and may also be a contributing factor of sudden cardiac death.

Cardiomyopathy occurs when the heart muscle loses its ability to pump blood properly. This disease can be caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, although the exact cause is often not clear.

Less common disease affecting the inner and outer lining of the heart - endocarditis and pericarditis.

Congenital heart defects affect any structures of the heart and can be of varying severity. Some of them are detected almost immediately after birth; sometimes newborns have to do heart surgery. In some cases, these diseases manifest themselves only in adolescence or even later.

 Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know

Heart attack

A heart attack occurs when a blood clot blocks the blood flow through the coronary artery - a blood vessel supplying blood to part of the heart muscle. As a result, blood flow disturbances of the heart muscle can be damaged or destroyed.

A heart attack, also called myocardial infarction, can lead to death. Often this is because people confuse their symptoms with symptoms of less serious diseases, such as dyspepsia, try to endure and go to the doctor too late. For several years, treatment of heart attack significantly improved. It is critical to quickly recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and immediately call an ambulance.

 Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know


Common symptoms of a heart attack:

  • Sharp pain in the left side of the thorax; because this pain is not similar to other types of pain experienced by her people often immediately realize that it hurts the heart, but a heart attack is not always accompanied by such symptoms;
  • Feeling of tightness or fullness in the center of the chest lasting several minutes or more;
  • Chest pain, which is given in the shoulders, arms, back, and even in the teeth and jaws;
  • Increased episodes of pain in the heart;
  • Prolonged pain in the upper abdomen;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Fainting;
  • Nausea and vomiting.

In addition, a heart attack can cause lightheadedness or dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   and unusually severe fatigue - these symptoms are most common for women.

It is important to understand that heart attacks do not always cause the same symptoms and the same symptoms in different people can be equally intense. Sometimes the symptoms are very weak, or even completely absent.

A heart attack can happen at any time - at work, during exercise, or when you are resting. Someone has a heart attack begins suddenly, but many people have warning signs appear in a few hours, days or weeks in advance. The earliest sign of impending heart attack can be a periodic pain in the heart Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
 Caused by physical exertion, and retreating during the holidays. Angina is caused by a temporary reduction in blood flow to the heart.

Often confused with a heart attack condition in which the heart suddenly stops. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when electrical interference signals disturb the heart and stop the flow of blood to the rest of the body. A heart attack is the most common but not the only, cause of sudden cardiac arrest.

If you suspect that you have a heart attack, call an ambulance immediately. If this is for some reason not possible, have someone drive you to the nearest hospital. Get behind the wheel yourself only as a last resort.

If the doctor has prescribed nitroglycerin, take it while waiting for an ambulance. Take aspirin if recommended by a doctor or ambulance dispatcher. Aspirin thins the blood and can reduce the damage that will be done to the heart resulting in a heart attack.

If you are near a person who has lost consciousness, and you suspect that he had a heart attack, call an ambulance immediately. While you're waiting the arrival of the doctors make the victim heart massage.

 Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know


A heart attack occurs as a result of narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart with oxygen-rich blood. This may occur, for example due to accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of the coronary arteries - disturbances, called atherosclerosis.

During a heart attack one of the fatty plaques can rupture and discontinuity is formed at the site of a blood clot. If a clot large enough, it can completely block blood flow through an artery that leads to the death of heart muscle tissues as a result of oxygen deficiency.

A less common cause of heart attack are the coronary artery spasms, also resulting in impaired blood flow to the heart muscle. The reasons for such a spasm may be some drugs, such as cocaine. A heart attack can also occur as a result of rupture of a coronary artery, as well as getting into the coronary artery blood clots in other parts of the body.

Heart attack is the final stage of the process, which typically takes several hours. With every minute most of the tissues of the heart muscle is damaged or dies as a result of oxygen starvation. However, if the time to restore blood flow, heart damage can be limited or prevented.

 Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know

Risk factors

Factors that increase the risk of heart attack:

  • Age. Men older than 45 and women older than 55 years are at risk of heart attack more than younger men and women.
  • Smoking, both active and passive continuous promotes damage to the internal walls of the arteries and thus the deposition of cholesterol on them. Smoking also increases the risk of blood clots that can cause heart attack.
  • Diabetes is characterized by the body's inability to produce enough insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 . Diabetes is most common in middle-aged and / or overweight. This disease increases the risk of heart attack.
  • High blood pressure. Over time, high blood pressure can lead to damage of the arteries supplying the heart with oxygen. The consequence of this could be a heart attack.
