- Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
- Call a doctor
- Diagnostics
- Prevention
- Paroxysmal
- Ventricular
- Supraventricular
- Diagnosis and treatment of supraventricular tachycardia
- Non-drug treatment
- Atrial
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SVT: heart works naiznos
Supraventricular (atrial or supraventricular) tachycardia is manifested in the form of sudden heart palpitations, which is felt even without probing pulse. The heart rate reaches 140-250 beats per minute. If supraventricular tachycardia pulses are formed above the ventricles, namely in the atria or the atrioventricular node.
Our heart is divided into four sections or chambers: two upper chambers are called atria and the bottom two - ventricles. The atrium receives blood from the blood vessels and the walls of the atria rezultatet sokrscheny blood is pushed into the ventricles. Acronyms walls of the ventricles of the heart pumps blood into the pulmonary vessels and other body parts. Average heart rate - 60-90 beats per minute. Heart rate over 100 beats per minute is considered tachycardia.
Special cells coordinate the contraction of cardiac muscles through electrical pulses. These special cells form the sinoatrial, or sinus node, which is located in the right atrium and atriventrikulyarny node and bundle branch block, located in the wall between the right and left ventricles. Sinoatrial node, natural pacemaker, generates electrical signals and sends them to atrioventricular node. Atrioventricular node then stimulates the bundle of His and its branches, which leads to a reduction in the ventricles. The walls of the atria and ventricles sequentially reduced. Each sequence cuts - it's a heartbeat.
Nerve impulses and hormone levels in blood affect heart rate. Disturbances of cardiac conduction or unstable hormones can lead to heart rhythm abnormalities (arrhythmias).
What happens when a supraventricular tachycardia
- My heart beats so fast that the heart muscle can not relax between contractions.
- When the heart muscles do not relax, it is not Mauger fully shrink, or to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.
- Due to ineffective contractions of the heart the brain is not getting enough blood and oxygen. Therefore, supraventricular tachycardia dizziness or fainting.
Supraventricular tachycardia observed in healthy young children, teenagers, and people with heart disease. Most people who have found supraventricular tachycardia, lead a normal life without any restrictions.
Supraventricular tachycardia is often sporadic (paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia). In between episodes of rapid heart rhythm of heart beats it is perfectly normal. Supraventricular tachycardia can also be chronic.
Paroxysmal supraventricular (supraventricular) tachycardia usually occurs demon symptoms characteristic of other diseases. Nevertheless, it may be associated with a number of diseases, in particular:
- Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis);
- Heart failure;
- Disorders of the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
- Chronic lung disease;
- Pneumonia;
- Pulmonary embolism (a sudden blockage of a pulmonary embolism, which supplies light);
- Pericarditis;
- Taking certain medications and lifestyle;
- Cocaine;
- Alcohol abuse;
- Smoking;
- Excessive consumption of beverages containing caffeine: coffee, tea or soft drinks;
- Emotional stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
- Structural abnormalities, such as Wolff Parkinson White syndrome - a congenital heart anomaly Stronach at which the premature ventricular occurring in the presence of an additional beam of Kent.
Supraventricular tachycardia can also be a side effect of some medications, such as digitalis, asthma medicines or remedies for the common cold. In some cases, the cause of supraventricular tachycardia is unknown.
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on the overall health and heart rate. Patients with heart disease and related health problems, symptoms and brings more discomfort accompanied by more complications than people who do not have serious health problems. In some cases, supraventricular tachycardia occurs completely asymptomatic.
Symptoms can appear suddenly and disappear by themselves. They can last from a few minutes to several days. Palpitations during an episode of supraventricular tachycardia causes the heart pump blood less effectively, and organs of the body do not get enough blood to function properly. The following symptoms are typical when palpitations 140-250 beats per minute:
- Feeling that the heart was pounding in his chest;
- Dizziness or fainting;
- Shortness of breath;
- Anxiety;
- Pain or tightness (compression) in the chest.
When to seek medical help
Supraventricular tachycardia, as a rule, is a danger to life only in the presence of other diseases of the heart. Consult a doctor in the following cases:
- Episode palpitations occur for the first time, the symptoms last longer than a few seconds, about a minute or two.
- Do you already have episodes of supraventricular tachycardia, and the current title does not pass even after a reflex action on the vagus neuritis (cough, deep breathing or muscle tension).
In the following situations as soon as possible contact the nearest hospital or call emergency medical care. Do not drive when the go to the hospital.
- You have seen rapid heartbeat and dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
or fainting.
- Palpitations accompanied by chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
- Palpitations accompanied by shortness of breath.