Treatment of angina - sided approach - Surgery

October 9, 2014

  • Treatment of angina - a versatile approach
  • Surgery

 surgical treatment of angina

Treatment of angina surgically

Surgery may be necessary if symptoms of angina Symptoms of angina: angina pectoris  Symptoms of angina: angina pectoris
   fails to facilitate the using of drugs. Even after surgery, many patients have to continue taking certain medications.

When surgical treatment of angina There are two basic methods:

  • Coronary bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), - an operation in which the surgeon uses a fragment of the blood vessel taken from another part of the body to direct blood flow in the coronary artery, bypassing the areas where arteries are narrowed or blocked;
  • Coronary angioplasty - a procedure to expand the narrowed portion of the artery using a stent.

In the long term CABG and PTCA roughly equally effective in the treatment of angina and prevention of life-threatening complications of the disease, but both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

For example, coronary angioplasty is the most restrictive of these methods: During the procedure, the doctor does not make large incisions, so the recovery process is faster and takes less painful. The main disadvantage of this method is the treatment of angina relatively high risk of re-blockage of the arteries in which the stent was inserted. According to the most recent data, one of 25 patients who underwent coronary angioplasty in the future require a second operation. In addition, this treatment is not suitable for patients whose blood vessels have an unusual structure - in such cases, a coronary angioplasty is very difficult, and is associated with increased risk.

CABG is usually considered the best option for patients with diabetes and / or patients older than 65 years old and / or people who have blocked three or more vessels that provide blood flow to the heart. In such cases the use of coronary bypass surgery is more likely to prolong life in patients with angina than coronary angioplasty. The researchers also point out that people who make CABG quality of life in the long term is, on average, slightly higher than in those who did coronary angioplasty. Among the shortcomings of CABG - rather painful postoperative period and long duration - on the average, it takes about twelve weeks. After angioplasty, patients recover in one to two weeks.


When conventional treatment fails

If the angina is not terminated, despite taking medication and surgery, or when surgery for any reason you can not do, can be used other approaches, such as:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy. This method does not treat angina Angina: When the heart needs help  Angina: When the heart needs help
 But helps the patient as possible, to get rid of psychological discomfort associated with the disease. There is also the possibility that angina will be less due to the fact that the patient will begin to better cope with stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). During this procedure to certain areas of the body affected by electrical impulses, so in many cases it is possible to ease the pain;
  • Enhanced external counterpulsation (UKPN) - a method to improve coronary circulation and used in the treatment of angina and coronary heart disease Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
 . This is a relatively new technique, but it is now quite successfully used in many countries around the world.

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  • angina

Symptoms of hypertension: how to recognize high blood pressure - Symptoms

January 16, 2011

  • Symptoms of hypertension: how to recognize high blood pressure
  • Signs

What is hypertension (hypertension) and why it occurs

Arterial hypertension (hypertension) - a rise in blood pressure in the arteries due to either an increase in arterial blood flow resistance, or an increase in cardiac output, or a combination of these factors. Prolonged or significant hypertension produces a pathological condition manifested overload and hypertrophy (increase in the volume of the heart muscle) of the heart and the various changes in all organs and systems.

Hypertension may occur on a whole range of factors: genetic predisposition, high weight, high emotional stress, malnutrition, and so on.

 Symptoms | Symptoms of hypertension: how to recognize high blood pressure

How is hypertension

First manifestation of hypertension is high blood pressure (BP). The absence of other signs of the disease often leads to the fact that in some patients it is not detected for a long time.

However, in some patients at the early stages of the disease there are some complaints. In the later stages of the complaints of patients complications of hypertension are often determined by the heart, kidneys and so on. Often there are short-term (from several hours to several days) exacerbation - hypertensive crises.

During the staging of hypertension differs in increased blood pressure and signs of circulatory disorders in different organs. In total there are three stages of hypertension.

 Symptoms | Symptoms of hypertension: how to recognize high blood pressure

Symptoms of early stage hypertension

There is the initial stage of the disease or predgipertenzivnaya when blood pressure is normal and increases only in the moment of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Under the influence of cold, pain and some other external stimuli. To normal levels of blood pressure returned on their own. Vascular crises occur in this stage is rare. Sometimes, in this step there is narrowing of the arteries and veins fundus. Any changes in the heart or other internal organs available.

At this stage there are such complaints as fatigue, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 Insomnia, weakness, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Palpitations, morning headaches such as "heavy head", worse in a horizontal position, but decreases after the walk.

 Symptoms | Symptoms of hypertension: how to recognize high blood pressure

Symptoms of deepening

At some point, it becomes permanently elevated blood pressure, but the level of his first unstable. Under the influence of gentle treatment (regular rest, restful sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , The rational organization of labor, avoidance of emotional stress and so on) BP may return to normal for a while. But often there are hypertensive crises, develop an increase in the left ventricle.

With further development of the disease there is a significant and sustained increase in blood pressure, which is necessary to reduce the special treatment. Vascular crises are typically more severe, often seen accompanying manifestations of atherosclerosis (angina, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accidents, and so on). In this phase of the disease can be observed dystrophic (due to malnutrition) changes in internal organs - brain, heart and kidneys.

 Symptoms | Symptoms of hypertension: how to recognize high blood pressure

Symptoms final step

At the beginning of this stage, blood pressure increased steadily and significantly, reducing the need for its use of potent drugs. There are signs of declining kidney function and heart disorders from the brain in the form of memory loss, impaired concentration, and so on. But the function of the internal organs first broken mild.

In the second half of this stage formed severe disorders of the heart, kidneys and brain.

 Symptoms | Symptoms of hypertension: how to recognize high blood pressure

Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis

Hypertensive crises can arise at any stage of hypertension and often its only manifestation. So, in the early stages of the disease crises are the result of the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, so in addition to improving blood pressure, they proceed with such characteristic symptoms as tremors throughout the body, palpitations, headache. Such crises last few minutes at most - a few hours. This increases blood pressure in the not too much, and after the crisis copious notes.

The crisis in the late stages of the disease most often occurs as a result of the release of norepinephrine. This rise in blood pressure and there is a range of symptoms of a crisis. They can be of three types: heart (tachycardia and shortness of breath, elevated blood pressure to 220/120 mm Hg), without local brain disorders of the nervous system (blood pressure above 170/110 mmHg, headache, nausea , vomiting, lethargy), and local brain disorders of the nervous system (numbness, tingling throughout the body, blurred vision or foresight in the eyes, double vision objects, speech, gait change, and so on).

But the worst kind of hypertensive crisis - generalized, in which there is a combination of all three previous types. Nausea, vomiting, headache, disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system, visual disturbances, palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias.

Patients with hypertension should observe the regime of the day, to eat right and to exercise all the prescribing physician.

Galina Romanenko

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  • hypertension
