Breathing during labor: the rules breaths

January 13, 2012

 breathing at birth
 Proper breathing during labor Hippocrates taught. This breathing can relieve pain in the first stage of labor (during labor), as well as to ensure the normal course of the second period (the expulsion of the fetus), warning injuring the fetus and mother during this crucial period of time.


Do I need to learn proper breathing at birth

It has long been established that properly prepared for childbirth a woman suffers less during labor, it is less disruption of soft tissue and less common birth injuries Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
   the child. Pretty much all of this is provided by proper breathing during labor.

Especially important is the breath at first birth, which continues longer than the repeat. If labor lasts a long time, the child is always suffering from hypoxia (lack of oxygen), as during labor and attempts uterine muscles squeeze the blood vessels, blood circulation in the uterus, including the delivery of new portions of oxygen to the fetus. Without oxygen, the brain is particularly vulnerable child, so almost always during prolonged childbirth children suffer perinatal brain lesions.

Properly called a breath, a woman can arbitrarily control. Learn how this breathing is not easy, you need to not only know how to do it, but also give your body time to get used to it and completely, to learn all the techniques of automatism proper breathing, because at different stages of childbirth may be different. Proper breathing should be specially trained for this at antenatal clinics have special courses to attend, it is desirable for every woman.

Proper controlled breathing, which will help during childbirth, is a slow, superficial and variable. There are also other types of breath, but they are used rarely. As a rule, during childbirth have to use all kinds of controlled breathing.


Certain types of breathing properly managed during childbirth

In the first stage of labor during labor is most commonly used slow breathing, under which a maximum of ten breaths a minute (usually happens 16-20). For this woman learns to breathe deeply through your nose for a few seconds, hold your breath and then exhale through your mouth. This breath should be longer than the inhalation, but the process of lengthening the exhalation and pause between inhalation and exhalation should be built up gradually, presenting as during such breathing relaxes the whole body and out goes the tension. Exhale can be combined with the singing of vowels, it helps in childbirth in ancient times.

In the first stage of labor, when contractions especially intense and painful and slow breathing does not bring relief, you can use shallow breathing. It is fast (up to 60 breaths per minute) breathing through the mouth with a light rapid inhalation and exhalation intense noisy. At the same time, the stronger and more painful struggle becomes, the more intense and fast to be breathing. After another battle ends, the transition to normal breathing. Such breathing well helps reduce stress whole body, including uterine muscle tension.

During labor, you can also use a variable wind that consists of alternating shallow breathing with longer breaths, accompanied by sound intensity. For every three breaths small surface accounts for one intense exhalation.


As used controlled breathing at birth

The most long and painful period of delivery are fights, during which there is a gradual opening of the birth canal. Real can not be controlled, but it is possible for them to adapt and reduce the intensity of pain. It is for this and is designed controlled breathing. But this breathing should be very well understood, its application must reach automaticity, only then it can be used during labor. Remember that anything learned in theory during this period is absolutely impossible. If a woman is fluent in all the methods and can apply them immediately, then during labor, she intuitively begins to apply the method which it is best suited, and reduces pain. In most cases - a combination of slow breathing intensive.

During attempts (this is the second stage of labor) also need to possess a controlled breathing, it must be something to hold, something to do all the more intense. During this period, by the breath, you can even pause attempts, if at this stage of labor is required (for example, when attempts began to full disclosure of the birth canal). If the birth canal is fully disclosed, it is necessary to reinforce attempts to ensure that the child as quickly as possible was born and suffer less from lack of oxygen.

Quench attempts by exhalation in the early attempts, then a deep breath and the three parts of the surface of respiratory movements (take a breath). This breath is repeated several times until the end of the attempts.

If necessary, in contrast, attempts to increase the force, it is necessary to push the inspiratory adjustment, trying to send all the power-down, but not in the head region. First you need a few deep inhale and exhale, then inhale and exhale a bit, hold your breath and push for a few seconds. If necessary, repeat this breathing after complete exhalation and inhalation.

The birth of the placenta (placenta) is usually less painful, but it may also need this type of controlled breathing, as in the attempts.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • preparation for childbirth

How to recognize the struggle: Women's consultation

November 13, 2012

 how to recognize contractions
 Recognize the fight easy if deliveries occur again. Nulliparous, women can not always do it. It was to teach women to recognize the true struggle, that is the beginning of delivery, antenatal clinics there are schools preparing for childbirth.

 How to recognize the struggle: Women's consultation

True and false labor - why they occur

The true battle - is the beginning of birth, their first period, and false labor - is to prepare the uterine muscles for childbirth. In order to distinguish one from the other fights, you need to know what is happening at this time in a woman's body.

The real battle begins when the fruit is ripe, and the information about it goes to the brain. This leads to the appearance in the blood of women of biologically active substances that stimulate uterine contractions - prostaglandins and pituitary hormone oxytocin, which stimulates muscle contractions. Under the influence of these substances uterine muscle fibers begin to shrink in different directions, contributing to a slow and gradual disclosure of the uterus to a width of 11-12 cm. Uterine contractions occur regularly at the same time with a constant reduction in the time between contractions and the growth of the intensity of contractions.

False contractions are not signs of labor, it is believed that this is just training, building muscle strength the mother before birth, which occurs at low physiological hormonal changes a few weeks before birth. Hormonal changes are the increase in blood female hormone estrogen, which are slightly inhibit the effect of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   - The hormone that previously inhibited contraction of muscles of the uterus. False labor, some women have during pregnancy.

 How to recognize the struggle: Women's consultation

The symptoms of false labor

False contractions most women painless and only some of the most sensitive to pain women appear with pain. Most often, these contractions are felt just as the uterine contractions, which a woman may not pay attention when something is busy. But in the evening or at night, at rest, such fights can cause anxiety, especially in nulliparous women. In multiparous women most of these problems do not happen, but it happens that when a woman has a previous pregnancy false contractions were not, then it can also feel anxious.

A distinctive feature of the false contractions is that they occur irregularly and their intensity does not increase. So, if one day there were several training bouts, the next day they can not be all. The intervals between contractions may be a few hours or days up to 15-20 crumple.

When false contractions women are advised not to worry, and if these fights it is very unpleasant, remove them with a walk around the room, walking outdoors, cup warm water (sip) or inhaling the soothing smell of valerian root.

 How to recognize the struggle: Women's consultation

Signs of true labor

The real battle in most cases start their own after 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, and are not related to the false. But in some cases, false contractions are moving in the truth.

The emergence of true contractions may be preceded by back pain Low back pain: the spine signals  Low back pain: the spine signals
   and abdomen, similar to menstrual. Then, after a while begin the fight. The main feature of the real fights - the regularity of their appearance. At first they may appear after 30-15 minutes, the pain is not so strong, but can frighten an unprepared woman. Preparation for childbirth can significantly reduce the pain of childbirth periods.

Gradually, the intervals between contractions are reduced, and the intensity and pain of contractions increases. The hospital recommended to do with fights, the intervals between which are about five minutes, and for this should go to the hospital with contractions that develop every seven minutes.

But there is one caveat: if there has been a premature discharge of water (normal water should depart when the cervix is ​​fully revealed), then you need to go to the hospital immediately. This is necessary because during the dry period of the fights may occur infection of the fetus, so women should be under the constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

 How to recognize the struggle: Women's consultation

What to do if went into labor

If you start the fight, you need to calm down and begin to fix their duration and the time between contractions. These records need to bring to the hospital - they will help obstetricians and gynecologists to evaluate the intensity of labor.

To distinguish the true from the false contractions is very simple, you just need to know how they arise and not to panic, and at the first appearance of painful contractions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • contractions
