Contractions before delivery - how to recognize false labor?

November 15, 2012

 contractions before birth
 Genera consist of three periods. First period - a struggle, and dilatation of the cervix, the second - and the attempts of expulsion of the fetus, the third - the birth of the placenta. But sometimes the fights begin long before birth and are called false. How to distinguish false labor from the onset of labor?

 Contractions before delivery - how to recognize false labor?

What is false contractions and why they occur

Throughout pregnancy a woman's body to maintain a certain balance of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . Right up until the last weeks of pregnancy, large amounts of progesterone inhibited the contractile activity of uterine muscles. But by the end of pregnancy, this ratio begins to change, so that the muscles of the uterus sometimes begin to decline. This can occur not only at the end of pregnancy, but also for its entire length in case of high content of estrogen in the blood and reduce the amount of progesterone.

But before delivery occurs gradually physiological hormonal changes, particularly an increase in the blood levels of one of the estrogen - estiola, which leads to an increase in the excitability of the uterus, its free end to tension and stress of the uterine wall. As a result, the woman feels false contractions.

False labor may begin long before birth and does not indicate that labor is about to begin. Rather, they say that the uterine muscles are trained, increasing its contractile capacity before delivery.

How does

They differ false labor from true that at first, they are not regular, that is, can occur at different time intervals. Second, the false contractions are not too intense and prolonged, and their characteristics, these do not grow over time. Finally, the false contractions are often triggered by stress and after the adoption of sedatives Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?

Manifested in the form of false labor contractions of the walls of the uterus, during which the majority of women do not experience pain. Moreover, the false contractions most women go unnoticed during the day when she is busy about their daily business. In the evening or at night, such fights may scare a woman or she can take them for the beginning of labor.

 Contractions before delivery - how to recognize false labor?

What if there were false labor

First of all, calm down and tell myself that it happens. Just train the muscles of the uterus and increase strength before delivery. If before the birth is still far, you can contact your doctor, who oversees pregnancy. And if you already have an agreement on the delivery receipt, you can consult a doctor of the hospital. Most likely, after the examination, the doctor will recommend to calm down and wait for the regular contractions, which are the first signs of incipient labor.

False labor can be removed, after walking around the room or in the open air, as well as drinking water infusion of valerian root or just inhaling the smell of dried valerian root.

But sometimes false contractions become regular, painful and transformed into true - it is a sign of the onset of labor. But in this case you should immediately go to the hospital. Should wait until the intervals between contractions will be reduced to five minutes or depart the water - then there should be sent to the hospital.

What you can not do: take a warm bath and applying heat to the abdomen. False labor is not hurt, but pregnancy and may be accompanied by a number of pathological conditions, including violations of the placenta, which are accompanied by cramping abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and internal bleeding - premature detachment of part or all of the placenta. In this case, the heat can increase bleeding that already threaten a woman's life.

 Contractions before delivery - how to recognize false labor?

Is it dangerous to false contractions

If this is the false labor, they are not dangerous for either the woman or the fetus. On the contrary, they play a positive role, that they are also called training - train the muscles of the uterus and increase strength before delivery.

The damage these fights can only bring in the case, when a woman feels when their feelings of anxiety and fear. In such a case there is a spasm of the blood vessels of the placenta that can actually harm the fetus. Therefore, if false contractions greatly frighten the woman, it is better to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation, which will explain to the woman that was happening to her.

And even better - pre-trained in the school of preparation for childbirth, where all the women explains in detail how childbirth occur, what should be done to help the physician during this process. Including in the classroom to explain what is false contractions and whether they represent a danger for the woman and child.

The best thing a woman before delivery calms the knowledge of how everything should take place and the possibility of the participation in the process.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • contractions

Discharge after childbirth - a natural process?

March 4, 2010

 isolation after childbirth
 After birth, for about one and a half months, the women continue to discharge from the birth canal. The nature of these emissions changes over time, however, they continue until it is fully restored inner lining of the uterus. Women should be aware of these secretions, as well as how they may change in case of a disease.


What is lochia

Lohiyam called isolation after childbirth. These secretions are wound discharge, which is formed at the site of placental abruption, and consist of ichor, scraps of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the mucus from the cervical canal. As with any wound, wound discharge changes over time, and changing its color. Every woman should be clear about what was happening to her during and after childbirth, including the she needs to know about what the character should have lochia on a given day after birth. The fact is that in an open wound can always get an infection, be sure to affect the nature of the discharge. A woman should notice this time and seek medical advice.


The first hours after birth

Immediately after birth, the woman is under medical supervision, because at this time is still great opportunity to start bleeding. Discharge at this time have expressed bloody character (fresh bleeding wound). To the bleeding increased, women produce urine with a catheter, put a heating pad on your stomach with ice and injected drugs that reduce muscle layer of the uterus (eg, oxytocin - the uterus contracts and compresses the gaping blood vessels). Blood loss during the first two hours after birth should not exceed 0, 5 liters of blood. Bleeding may increase during poor contraction of the muscles of the uterus or birth canal rupture (eg cervix), which in due time were not stitched.


The first days after birth

If a woman does not increase the bleeding, then two hours later, it transferred to the postnatal ward. Over the next three days will be wearing a bloody separation character (sometimes with clots), their number will gradually decrease, and the color becomes darker brown tint. When pressed on the abdomen may increase the amount of bleeding. During this period, there remains the possibility of bleeding (so if the discharge becomes greater, it is necessary to tell your doctor), for the prevention of its occurrence must be:

  • regularly, every two hours to go to the toilet: a full bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   would interfere with uterine contractions and, therefore, can trigger the occurrence of bleeding;
  • breastfeeding: the child to touch the nipples eliminated increased allocation of oxytocin that helps reduce uterine musculature;
  • regularly turn over on your stomach: such "exercises" promotes emptying of the uterus and prevents bleeding;
  • on the lower abdomen is necessary to put a hot water bottle with ice: warmer vessels under the weight pressed down, and the cold helps reduce them.

It also happens that in the first few days the amount of lochia drastically reduced or they stop completely. This is bad, because the wound contents retained in the uterus and can become a breeding ground for infectious agents. Therefore, the disappearance of discharge must inform the doctor in such cases, prescribed drugs, enhancing uterine contractions.


The first weeks after birth

Discharge after childbirth last about one and a half months, during which time the surface of the wound healing in the uterus, the mucous membrane of the uterus is restored.

The first five to seven days after birth lochia resemble normal menstruation. Just as with menstruation, lochia amount decreases day by day. By the end of the first week of lochia lighter, and the end of the second week, they become slimy, with a small admixture of blood. By the end of the first month after birth release minor, but some admixture of blood can still be saved, but two weeks later selection terminated.

It is noted that the allocation be terminated earlier in women who are breast-fed child. After cesarean section giving more, as the injured uterus contracts more slowly.


How to care for themselves in the postpartum period

A woman should always remember that in the uterus it has an open wound, which can always become infected. Therefore, personal hygiene should be the main task of women:

  • necessary several times a day (including after each toilet) wash the genitals with warm clean water;
  • every day to take a shower;
  • sanitary pads should be changed at least eight times a day; in the first week is better not to use spacers Feminine pads - talk about wings  Feminine pads - talk about wings
 And diapers;
  • never use tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 As they close out for lochia, and this in turn creates favorable conditions for the development of infection.

A woman should know exactly what you need to see a doctor if:

  • the amount of bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   suddenly increased dramatically;
  • allocation became yellow-green color with an unpleasant odor;
  • there were pains in the lower abdomen, combined with an increase in temperature;
  • lochia suddenly stopped much earlier than it should be.

Postpartum is very important for women's health, so you need to know everything about him.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • allocation
