Diseases of the newborn - the danger of the first weeks of life

May 30, 2010

 disease of newborn
 Infants is a child at birth, the first breath, and ligation of the umbilical cord to four weeks of age. This is a very difficult time for the baby: the dangers lying in wait for him at every step, as all its organs and systems begin to work in new ways, and this requires effort and stress. During this period, the child is also affected, and all diseases of the mother during pregnancy.

 Diseases of the newborn - the danger of the first weeks of life

Asphyxiated newborn

In the neonatal period the children observed more frequent incidence than in other periods of life. Development of the disease may contribute to a variety of metabolic disorders that occur even in utero due to violations in a single regulatory system, the fetus-placenta-mother.

The most common cause of neonatal morbidity is intrauterine hypoxia (lack of oxygen), which often develops after birth asphyxia - severe disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) disorders with deep cerebral circulation and often with intracranial hemorrhages. Asphyxia may be caused by other factors, such as birth traumas Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?

During asphyxia changes the activity of enzymes, violated the metabolic processes, there is acidosis (pH of the internal environment shifted to the acid side), which disrupts the work of all organs and systems in the body of the child. Especially suffered a brain that can not function in a lack of oxygen.

Complications asphyxia may be early (occurring in the first hours and days of life) and late (from the end of the first week of life or later). The early complications include CNS (brain edema, intracranial hemorrhage, dying or necrosis areas of the brain tissue), changes in the cardiovascular system (lack of contractile ability of the heart, transient disturbances of blood supply to the heart muscle), kidney damage (broken excretion of harmful products metabolic) disorders of pulmonary circulation (edema, inflammation of lung tissue), lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (may occur even intestinal obstruction), and more.

Among the late complications of the neurological predominate: brain lesion development hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of fluid contained in the cavities of the brain and the spinal canal), and convulsions. By the late complications of infection include the accession of pneumonia, meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 , Blood poisoning, and so on.

 Diseases of the newborn - the danger of the first weeks of life

Intrauterine infection

Intrauterine infection (IUI) - is infectious processes caused by agents who had infiltrated from mother to child either before birth or during birth. The reason for IUI infections are most often transmitted through sexual contact - chlamydia, salivary gland disease, mycoplasmosis Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease  Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease
 , Genital herpes, and so on. A frequent cause can be as toxoplasmosis, German measles and chicken pox. IUI occur only when maternal infection occurred during pregnancy.

When properly developed immune system of a child may be infected, but the symptoms of the disease he will not. Therefore IUI most often in frail premature infants or children who had intrauterine hypoxia.

The effects on the fetus of IUI depends on the period of infection the mother, if it happened in the first three months of pregnancy, babies are born with significant disabilities in a variety of defects. In the later period, the impact of IUI can cause multiple infections of internal organs and the central nervous system.

Various IUI occur in the neonatal period, in most cases the same as loss of appetite, underweight, lethargy, pallor, jaundice, shortness of breath, cyanosis, vomiting and diarrhea, edema, increased excitability, seizures, and so on.

The appearance of such features requires examination of the child for the presence of IUI. Identification of pathogen carried by blood tests: polymerase chain reaction - PCR (DNA detected pathogen) or by enzyme immunoassay - ELISA (detected antibodies to infectious agents). Also conducted microbiological research: sowing biological fluids (blood, urine, etc.) for special protection, identifying the infectious agent and its sensitivity to certain drugs. Treatment is carried out only after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.

 Diseases of the newborn - the danger of the first weeks of life

Other diseases of the neonatal period

The disease of the newborn baby can be a consequence of any chronic diseases of the mother (diabetes, heart disease Heart defects - time heals?  Heart defects - time heals?
   and so forth), or toxic effects on the fetus during pregnancy (smoking, reception of various drugs and so on). Especially dangerous are all these effects on the fetus during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. A newborn baby can be a variety of hereditary diseases that require emergency treatment.

Among the diseases of infants occupy a significant place of illness caused by the incompatibility of blood between mother and fetus of Rh factor, and group factors. In this case, the mother is not some kind of protein (eg, Rh), and the child he is. As a result the protein (antigen) mother's body produces antibodies that are glued together with the antigens and eliminate them from the body. As a result of this interaction occurs hemolytic disease of the newborn - the mother's antibodies cross the placenta to reach the fetus, causing the latter hemolytic disease of the newborn, ie the destruction of red blood cells - red blood cells, which contain the Rh factor.

Diseases of the neonatal period require rapid detection and timely adequate treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Betaserk for children - is it possible to use?

September 27, 2013

 betaserk children
 Betaserk for children is not applicable. In the instructions, the manufacturer's, the children's age is a contraindication for use of the drug, due to the lack of clinical trials on children betaserk. Nevertheless, there is evidence that some clinics betaserk successfully used for the treatment of vertigo of various origins in children.

 Betaserk for children - is it possible to use?

Why dizziness may occur in a child

The cause of vertigo in children are often epilepsy during localization of the areas in the temporal cortex. Vertigo, a child may also occur during migraine attacks.

It occurs in children and benign paroxysmal vertigo (DPG). DPG attack begins at an early age, in one to three years is equally common in boys and girls. Sometimes DPG is a consequence of otitis media Otitis - than could face an ear infection  Otitis - than could face an ear infection
 But often the cause can not be identified. Half of children with DPG, revealed close relatives (mother, father, grandmother, and so on), suffering from migraine attacks.

Dizzy spell Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   a child with DPG develop no more cuts in the week (usually about once a month) and last no more than five minutes (usually a few seconds). During the attack the child may drop suddenly, his face pale, there sweating, involuntary eye movement (nystagmus). Some children complain of nausea. The consciousness of a child, as a rule, does not lose. A distinctive feature of the attack is that the child or falls on the floor, looking for arms or support. After the attack takes place, the baby usually do not complain and do not suffer from hearing impairment. The most common attacks DPG pass when a child is four years. However, some children continue to develop migraine attacks.

Vertigo in children can also occur on the background of the family of the periodic ataxia type 2. It is a hereditary disease often begins with attacks of vertigo, nystagmus, and loss of balance. Attacks last from several hours to several days and is accompanied by speech disorders, tinnitus and a feeling of pins and needles in the body. Often this disease is accompanied by progressive movement disorders.

Violations of the vestibular apparatus, accompanied by dizziness, can occur in a child after an intrauterine infections and intoxications.

 Betaserk for children - is it possible to use?

Can I use betaserk children

Officially application betaserk children are not allowed, however, there is evidence that the child neurology in recent years increasingly used this drug for relief of vertigo in children, and to prevent the occurrence of such attacks.

Active ingredient betaserk is a synthetic analogue of histamine betahistine. Just as histamine, betahistine stimulates histamine H1-receptor blocking and H3 receptors. Stimulation of histamine H1-receptor leads to the expansion of the blood vessels supplying the brain. This leads to improved blood circulation in the inner ear. The increased permeability of small blood vessels in this area helps to restore volume in the endolymph of the inner ear and restore its normal funktstionirovaniya.

Blocking H3 receptors promotes release betahistine large number of neurotransmitter (substance by nerve impulses which are transmitted in the synapses of the nerve cells) from presynaptic nerve membrane (inhibits histamine release mediators). This facilitates the rapid and effective suppression of the activity of the center of balance, which is located in the brain stem that shoots dizzy.

With frequent attacks in children may use betaserk Betaserk - a drug that helps restore the balance  Betaserk - a drug that helps restore the balance
   4 mg (half tablets 8 mg), 2 times a day.

 Betaserk for children - is it possible to use?

When the application is contraindicated betaserk

Betaserk drug is non-toxic, so has a few contraindications. It should not be administered in case of hypersensitivity to the drug component of the patient, pheochromocytoma (adrenal gland tumor), pregnancy, breast- Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast and childhood. Recent restrictions related to the fact that the manufacturers of the drug were not carried out its clinical trials data of patients, so there are no data on its efficacy and safety.

With caution and under close medical supervision betaserk apply in the case where the patient suffers from bronchial asthma or stomach ulcer - betaserk may cause worsening of the disease, as well as to suppress the effects of antihistamines used in the treatment of these diseases (N1- blockers and histamine H2-receptor ).

Betaserk used to treat children only on prescription, and when there are clear indications for its use.

Galina Romanenko

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  • betaserk
