Dufalac Infant - only on doctor's prescription

September 2, 2013

 Duphalac for newborns
 Duphalac is used for newborns often enough, but only on prescription. Independently mother can not give neither this nor any other drug to the newborn child. The fact that a newborn baby may be some unidentified organic disease or enzyme deficiency in which the reception Duphalac contraindicated.

 Dufalac Infant - only on doctor's prescription

Why do infants may be constipation

A newborn baby, who immediately put to the breast, two or three days, set a chair 5-7 times a day. It may be after each feeding. But children are not all the same. For some children standard chair is once a day or even once every two or three days. Is this constipation? Not always - that is, the child has constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
 The doctor judges in his general condition. If the baby suckles quietly, sleeps between feedings, do not worry, do not shout, he had no stomach swells, it means that rare chair for him is the norm, and to treat it is not necessary.

Constipation may also sometimes be even with daily stool. The child in this case is restless, cries, refuses the breast, belly swollen. Such a condition requires treatment. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns occur very often, this is due to the imperfection of enzyme systems and the lack of a sufficient amount of normal microflora in the gut. To restore normal digestion pediatricians prescribe probiotics - drugs containing live beneficial bacteria colonies. In the case of permanent constipation newborn prescribed Duphalac.

 Dufalac Infant - only on doctor's prescription

Duphalac for newborns - how it works

Duphalac - a naturally occurring carbohydrate laktuleza (it is produced from whey), which consists of two simple carbohydrates - glucose and galactose. Newborns Dufalac used in the dosage form as a syrup.

Duphalac peculiarity is that it is hardly absorbed into the blood, and operates mainly in the colon, without being exposed to changes in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the intestines of a newborn baby, Duphalac is "dressing" for the beneficial bacteria colonies which are just beginning to grow.

These beneficial bacteria (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) degrade lactulose to low molecular weight organic acids, which contributes to the acidification of the intestinal contents. Such acidification has healing effect on the body of the newborn, since useful bacteria develop best in acidic media, whereas opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms it is detrimental. Lactulose also absorbs ammonia, which can be formed in the intestine of the child due to improper digestion and poisoning his body. All of these changes contribute to the osmotic pressure in the lumen of the intestine and enter into it large amounts of fluid, which in turn stimulates intestinal motility and excretion of a stool.

All these properties Duphalac allowed widely use it as a laxative and detoxifying agent newborns.

 Dufalac Infant - only on doctor's prescription

Do all newborn can take Duphalac?

Duphalac - a drug that acts gently and well tolerated by infants. But its application there are several contraindications - mostly some congenital malformations and genetic disorders. The problem is that they can occur in newborn infants is not directly or in the form of invisible symptoms to see a doctor who can.

Thus, the contraindication for the use of Duphalac Duphalac - effective laxative  Duphalac - effective laxative
   a bowel obstruction Ileus - the reasons may be different  Ileus - the reasons may be different
 . A newborn baby, it may be associated with birth defects, violation of motor activity of the intestine, etc. If the stool increase in volume, the child will need emergency surgery.

Another contraindication for use Duphalac is galactosemia - an inherited enzymatic disease associated with a lack of enzymes that facilitate the assimilation of galactose, entering the body of the child with the mother's milk. In this child's blood accumulates itself galactose, and toxic products of its partial disintegration. This has a negative effect on the operation of all organs and tissues. But most of all affected the brain, liver and eye lens.

Lactulose is active Duphalac active substance consists of two simple carbohydrates - glucose and galactose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 To a small extent can be absorbed into the bloodstream and enhance galactosemia.

Finally, you can not assign a newborn Dufalac when you are hypersensitive.

Duphalac dose and duration of application selects the physician individually for each child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Duphalac

A baby's skin in the summer: the five main safety rules

June 30, 2011

 A baby's skin in summer
 Summer brings a whole set of different skin problems, but none of them are such, which you can not prepare for. Find out what must be in your beach bag and how to cope with wounding knees and elbows. If your kids are big enough to share this knowledge with them, so that they can take care of themselves.

 A baby's skin in the summer: the five main safety rules

Sun protection

The sun's rays are one of the main threats to the skin, and not only in summer. When the kids are going for a walk, make sure they are up and down smeared sunscreen. To apply the cream safely and effectively, follow these rules:

  • Do not miss. It is easy to forget the cleanser, such as the skin in the ears or inside of the knee, there however, the skin can be affected in the same way as in other areas. Experts also call for special attention to be paid to the scalp and the area around the eyes.
  • Many children have hypersensitivity to the conventional sunscreens. If you notice any reaction on the skin of your child, and if he has very sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 , Look for creams with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These compounds provide strong protection without causing irritation because they are not absorbed into the skin and form a protective layer on its surface. These ingredients not only to spare the skin, but also provide protection from the rays of various types, and not only children but also adults.
  • For children there is a lot of special funds to protect from the sun, but babies need protection even more careful. Most doctors do not recommend the use of sunscreen to children under 6 months. Instead, they need to be in the shade and wear hats and sun protection. If after 6 months, your baby is sensitive to the components of sunscreen, talk about it with your pediatrician.

 A baby's skin in the summer: the five main safety rules

Restless babies

"But, Mom, I'm going just for a moment! "If this phrase is familiar to you, you probably know how difficult it is to explain to children why it is necessary to protect the skin - and make them a while to calm down and listen carefully to you.

  • Help them to understand the purpose. Do you prepare them for the trip to the beach or hiking in the woods, tell them why what you do is important. Why do I need mosquito repellent? As a hat to protect against sunburn on his face? If your kids do not like each day to put on the skin sunscreen, too, tell them why you're using it, and not just make them obey.
  • Tell them about the sun. Even if the child is 2 or 3 years, he is able to understand that, when the sun's rays are the most vivid and hot, the skin can get burnt. It is necessary to explain to the children that at certain times the sun can be harmful irrespective of the weather and time of year. Otherwise, you will constantly hear something like, "Well today is cloudy, then to me this cream? ".
  • Add more fun. Instead of the obligatory and almost compulsory make applying sunscreen daily ritual. Develop a sense of responsibility so that they can do it without your help. If necessary, Jr. can help older children.
  • Let them make the choice themselves. Scented spray or cream favorite color applied more interesting than the one you have chosen for yourself. And the realization that he has made a choice on their own, give the child to feel more responsibility.

 A baby's skin in the summer: the five main safety rules

Protection from chlorine

If your child does not want anything but to spend days on end in the pool, so be prepared.

  • Choose a cream with a high SPF and apply it often. Whatever the composition of the cream, apply it again is as important as, and to apply it at all. The level of protection should be at least SPF 30 or if the baby is a lot of bathing, it is important to apply the cream every two hours.
  • Distinguish between "waterproof" and "water-repellent". They are often confused. Water-repellent cream protects you for 40 minutes after you leave the water, a water-resistant - 80 minutes.
  • Allow time. Meanwhile, as you have done sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
   and that when a child will dive into the pool must be at least 15 minutes. To start working components, the cream should be absorbed into the skin.

 A baby's skin in the summer: the five main safety rules


The longer the day, the more time children spend playing on the street, and parents will inevitably have to deal with sunburn. But do not worry, you can remove the irritation of the skin and help the child recover more quickly after the burn.

  • Take away the baby in the shade as soon as notice that it burned. With every minute the burn will become stronger.
  • To avoid dehydration, the child should drink plenty of fluids.
  • To soothe the skin burnt by the sun, use a gel or lotion with aloe vera Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
  • If your child complains of pain, let his soft-counter painkillers. But if a child has a fever begins and / or blisters on the skin appeared, contact your doctor.

 A baby's skin in the summer: the five main safety rules

Bruises and scratches

More time on the street and less clothing means the daily wounds, scrapes and bruises - nothing pleasant for the parents. You can not pack a child in protective clothing from head to toe, but you can teach him to take care of their skin.

  • Wash the wound with soap and water. Despite the fact that now there are many commercially available antibacterial agents, soap remains the gold standard when it comes to protecting against bacteria.
  • On those occasions when soap and water are not handy, take it with a damp cloth. Only refer to them before they could not get very young children - due to the large amount of alcohol in these products are entering in the mouth can be dangerous.
  • Any open wounds need to close up a plaster or bandage to tie that they did not get the bacteria. Apply cold compresses to the bruises, such as bags of frozen vegetables - is to temporarily relieve pain.
  • Do everything possible so that children do not interfere with Ranko heal. Explain to them that it is not necessary to remove the patch and pick the dried crust.

When you know how to properly care for the child's skin, the summer becomes a little easier. And if you can teach them to take care of themselves - will be even better. Keep everything you need, especially when going camping or to the beach. So you will save yourself from unnecessary stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   in the warm season and be able to get the most out of communication with children.
