The level of thyroid hormones in children - an indicator of disease

February 4, 2013

 thyroid hormone levels in children
 Increased hormone levels in children associated with the thyroid gland - regardless of whether they are produced in the gland itself, or in other parts of the body - can be markers of many diseases. Although the diseases affecting the thyroid gland in children are not as common as in adults, congenital and acquired diseases of the thyroid gland among them is still not uncommon. For example, one of the 3500-5000 newborns is born with hypothyroidism.

Diseases of the thyroid gland in children have almost the same clinical manifestations as in adults. For the diagnosis of commonly used blood tests which determine the level of one or more of the following hormones: thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), which is secreted by the hypothalamus, if reduced levels of thyroxine; thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) secreted by the pituitary in response to the increase in the TWG; thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) - produced when TSH stimulates the thyroid gland. 4 - a more metabolically active ingredient; if necessary, this hormone is converted to T3.

 The level of thyroid hormones in children - an indicator of disease

The normal TSH levels in children

TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulate the production of thyroid hormones thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Determining the level of TSH - is one way to evaluate the thyroid gland of the child. The normal TSH levels immediately after birth is quite high, and by the time the child begins to attend school, it is reduced to a level normal for an adult. Normal levels of TSH in children of school age are in the range from 0.6 to 5.5-mile international units per liter (mIU / L).

Thyroid hormone is an essential tool with which the pituitary gland interacts with the thyroid gland.

When the pituitary gland detects the change in concentration of T3 and T4 in the blood, it allocates an amount of TSH, which is necessary to adjust the level of thyroid hormones. If the child parameters T3 and T4 deviate from the norm, the analysis on TTG will help your doctor to understand is whether the reason for rejection in problems with the pituitary gland or thyroid gland.

 The level of thyroid hormones in children - an indicator of disease

Norm and deviation

For infants born at term, the reference range of TSH values ​​is very wide: the norm are considered indicators from 1.3 to 16 mIU / L. For a child under the age of one month, the rate is 0.9 - 7.7 mIU / L, and the children of school-age reference range is the same as in adults - from 0.6 to 5.5 mIU / L. This gradual reduction in TSH is normal, although the concentration of free T4 during this period will remain relatively stable.

Assay of TSH often done simultaneously with the analysis on the level of T3 and T4 and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). These tests give your doctor a more complete picture of the health of the child. Since the methods of measuring the level of various hormones differ in the first place with the appearance of anxiety symptoms is usually prescribed test for TSH; if its level deviates from the norm, it can be recommended, and other analyzes.

Abnormal levels of TSH in the presence of symptoms of thyroid dysfunction helps to identify many diseases. Thus, elevated levels of TSH, a child may be an indicator of congenital hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone resistance. Too low levels of TSH may be due to some congenital disorders, and taking certain medications.

Since the normal range of TSH wide, significant variations within it, too, may point to thyroid dysfunction. In addition, high levels of TSH in normal concentrations of thyroid hormones may be associated with increased risk of hypothyroidism in the future.

 The level of thyroid hormones in children - an indicator of disease

Thyroid disease

Hyperthyroidism - a condition in which the thyroid hormone levels higher than normal. In newborns it may be the result of an excess of T4 obtained from the mother, as well - a sign of Graves' disease. Hyperthyroidism can be primary (when the thyroid gland produces too much T4 without external stimulation) and secondary (caused by excessive secretion of thyroxine activity of the pituitary gland, or other reasons).

In hypothyroidism thyroid hormone levels dropped.

It may also be the primary (if the cause of decline in hormone levels lies in the very thyroid gland), or secondary - if it is due to external causes.

 The level of thyroid hormones in children - an indicator of disease


In young children, hyperthyroidism can cause symptoms such as irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Feeding problems, hypertension, tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
 , Exophthalmos (bulging eyes), goiter, impaired development, vomiting and diarrhea. In the absence of early treatment reduced the level of thyroid hormones can lead to impaired brain development, too little growth and hyperactivity. In children suffering from hypothyroidism at birth may lag in mental and physical development. If hypothyroidism developed in pre-school or school age, its consequences may be a delay of growth and puberty.

Although most cases of hypothyroidism in children can be successfully treated, it can be serious consequences, such as cretinism, and even death. Hypothyroidism slows neurological development that may be related to low muscle tone, increased levels of bilirubin, poor appetite, respiratory distress and other complications. In adolescents, hypothyroidism often causes the same symptoms as adults - weight gain, constipation, dry hair Dry hair: how to restore hair vitality?  Dry hair: how to restore hair vitality?
   and a variety of skin problems.

 The level of thyroid hormones in children - an indicator of disease


For the treatment of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism should normalize thyroid hormone levels. In hyperthyroidism used for this antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, and occasionally surgical therapies. Children with congenital hypothyroidism requires replacement thyroid hormone therapy, which will last a lifetime.

Article Tags:
  • the thyroid gland in children

How to treat a runny nose in infants - the use of drugs

December 9th, 2014

 than to treat a runny nose in infants
 Infants can occur colds, which are clinically proceed with a runny nose and other symptoms of inflammation. Appointment of therapy in this age has its own characteristics, so to answer the question than to treat a runny nose in infants How to treat a runny nose in infants - what funds are safe  How to treat a runny nose in infants - what funds are safe
   can only physician who has the relevant knowledge. Self-medication can be reflected negatively on the health of the child, including those causing long-term effects.


When to start treatment of rhinitis

In newborn infants, physiological common cold, which occurs without clinical symptoms does not affect the general health. For this reason, this state is not required to conduct special medical measures. A different approach is required in the treatment of rhinitis due to colds or other causal factors. Proceeds from the common cold for infants are appointed on the strict condition for a certain number of days, it is important to comply with the doctor's recommendations for dosage of the drug.

The first signs of colds can be a manifestation of the following:

  • mood changes of the Child (moodiness, excessive excitement, or, conversely, sluggishness)
  • child refuses feeding (shortness of nasal breathing makes it impossible to properly breastfeed)
  • fever
  • adherence to the common cold cough, sneeze

If the first signs of disease were observed in time to the parents, then, accordingly, the effect of the prescribed treatment will be most pronounced.

Of particular note is an increase in body temperature. In newborn infants, with a significant increase in temperature indicators (above 39 0 ) Increases the risk of complications in the nervous system, seizures. It is necessary to take measures to reduce the temperature, to this end, it is recommended to use antipyretics in the form of rectal suppositories.


Features of the application of nose drops in infants

Drops from a cold for babies have a positive effect when used regularly. In order to eliminate the possible overall impact on the child's body should not be used long-term drops. The optimal duration of treatment is three to five days. During this time the physician has an opportunity to assess the dynamics of the inflammatory process with a cold, if necessary, change the treatment regimen, for example, with the development of complications.

In protracted rhinitis there is need for the appointment of antibacterial therapy. There drops containing an antibiotic approved for treatment in pediatric practice. That drug is "Izofra."

For topical treatment of rhinitis children produce injection drug three times a day. The main active ingredient is the antibiotic of the aminoglycoside, which has a bactericidal effect. The question of what should be the duration of therapy is decided during the dynamic observation of the patient, in this case it can be extended to seven days.

To reduce the amount of secretions produced nasal mucosa, eliminate edema applied vasoconstrictor drops. It is necessary to take into account the age of the child, because some drugs are approved for use, since only three months. Also, this group of drugs have severe side effects when they appear, you must immediately stop using them.


Why is it necessary to strengthen the immune system

An important causal factor of rhinitis is immune deficiency. The range of therapeutic measures must necessarily include measures aimed at strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   and general health in general. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in infants immediately after birth, the presence of maternal immunity, which is caused by the presence of antibodies. This type of immunity protects against many diseases, such as rubella and chickenpox. In infancy, these diseases do not occur.

For infants can be recommended hardening. This way of strengthening immunity justifies its effectiveness, but should adhere to the rule of reason hardening. For starters, you can leave grudnichka naked for five, ten minutes. Gradually increase the duration of air baths to thirty minutes. It is important that the room was the optimal temperature (this temperature is 18 0 ). Do not overheat the baby, so it is enough to put a child on a single layer of clothing more than adults.

Strengthening the immune system of an infant Baby man, though with a little finger  Baby man, though with a little finger
   promotes breastfeeding. Do not give up breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
 As proven that children who are breastfed get sick less often.

Since breast milk grudnichok receives nutrients, trace elements, as well as antibodies as a component of the immune system. There are no strict limits on the duration of breastfeeding, so you can feed the baby as long as possible. Experts point to the negative effects of the translation grudnichka on artificial mixtures.

Particular attention should be paid to hygiene requirements while caring for a child. No need to try to create sterile conditions, since those microorganisms, which meets the child's body, contribute to the formation of the immune system. It is wrong that the baby has no immunity, so he gets sick, if not sterile. It is important to adhere to basic hygiene rules, compliance with these measures will be sufficient.

Starting from one month of age, you can start taking drugs that help boost immunity. That drug is a kids' Anaferon "which include in the complex therapy.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • running nose
