Enuresis or urinary incontinence - how not to run a disease?

January 1, 2007

  • Enuresis or urinary incontinence - how not to run a disease?
  • Causes
  • When the voltage
  • Treatment
  • Children

 enuresis incontinence
 Whatever it was, but incontinence is a real problem in many people's lives. It can occur as we age, women during pregnancy or after childbirth, or even as a result of chronic cough. What can be done to bring the situation under control? A few tips on how to cope with this problem, and make life a lot easier incontinence.

 Enuresis or urinary incontinence - how not to run a disease?

What is your type of incontinence

Experts claim that urinary incontinence - involuntary urination - is quite common in men and women of all ages. It is divided into two basic types:

  • Stress incontinence, which can lead to urination when coughing, sneezing, exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 , Laughter and suspense while weightlifting.
  • Urge (urgent), urinary incontinence, which is the unexpected, sudden urge to urinate, often so strong, it's to get to the toilet in time can be quite problematic.

No matter what type you have, simple behavioral tips can help you deal with it in everyday life.

 Enuresis or urinary incontinence - how not to run a disease?

Eight Tips to combat enuresis

  • Do Kegel exercises

An important method of treatment of the disease are Kegel exercises that are most effective in women with mild symptoms. Kegel exercises can be called the most commonly used initial treatment.

Kegel exercises are very simple: you just need to open and close the pelvic floor muscles. What is this muscle? The next time while urinating, stop the stream of urine midway. So, you have just discovered the muscles of the pelvic floor and made your first Kegel exercises.

But do not enter into the habit of stopping urination, as it can actually weaken the muscles. Do Kegel exercises anywhere, except for the toilet: while sitting on the Internet, while waiting for an answer on the phone or in the car. Start by squeezing the pelvic floor muscles for three seconds, then release it for three seconds. Repeat ten times. As the forces tend to stretch the muscles for ten seconds and let go for ten seconds.

  • Stick to the "toilet schedules"

I do not want to go to the toilet? Go to the bathroom anyway. Why is that? Urinating on a schedule to help keep the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   blank and empty bubble will not "leak." In drawing up the most suitable for you graphics may take some time, but doctors recommend starting urination scheduled every one to two hours.

  • Fill the void

And do not rush, when you are in the toilet. Take your time, and after you have finished urinating, a little rest, and then again to help - a practice called double voiding really helps to empty the bladder.

  • Clear the way

There were unpleasant incident, before you get to the toilet? It's time to clear the way of obstacles, so that you can get there faster. And then help yourself by choosing clothing that is easy to remove, consider an elastic waistband and Velcro.

  • Be careful with caffeine

No matter how you love your Javanese coffee, or dreamed of coffee at three o'clock, you do not help yourself by eating drinks rich in caffeine, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. In order to control urinary incontinence should eliminate these diuretics - or at least to reduce their use.

  • Drink - but not too much

Your body needs fluid, so be sure to drink enough to maintain the desired level of moisture. Drink about two liters (eight cups) fluid to the bladder and kidneys were healthy.

  • Watch out for side effects of treatment

Talk to your doctor to ensure that you do not take any medications (prescription or without it), which can worsen incontinence. If you are taking these drugs - and need them - experts suggest you stay close to home (near the toilets) for several hours after taking diuretic drugs.

  • Tampons

Women can try to use tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   to control leakage while jogging, dancing or any other activity. Tampon little pressure on the urethra, which helps to prevent leakage.

 Enuresis or urinary incontinence - how not to run a disease?

Five tips for long-term struggle with enuresis

Management enuresis is a long-term problem for most people. Make sure that you do everything possible to facilitate this process. Some long-term recommendations include:

  • Talk to your doctor

Do not be shy. Enlist your doctor or urologist. Your doctor can help you find the best way to treat the disease.

  • Change your diet

Cup of coffee and juice in the morning, soda at lunch, a couple of beers or glasses of wine at dinner - all of which can significantly complicate the issue. The control of fluid intake may be crucial in dealing with urinary incontinence in the long term. But your body needs liquid. Before deciding on a major change, consult a doctor.

  • Lose weight

Until it is proven that weight reduction can somehow help with enuresis, as well as it was not shown that being overweight is a cause of incontinence. Nevertheless, obesity can lead to diabetes, which in turn may lead to incontinence.

  • Quitters

While it is clear that smoking is harmful to health, it is not a strong risk factor. But when smoking a cough, which may be aggravate leak. It should be noted that as another reason to quit smoking How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women  How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women

  • Medicine and Surgery

As stress incontinence Urge and can be treated with medication, however, behavioral therapy, as above tips are often more effective. The operation is basically one for combating stress enuresis, as in the case of drugs, it is not the most effective initial treatment for urinary incontinence. Talk to your doctor to learn more about these treatment options.

All of these tips will help you cope with bedwetting, although experts recommend daily use of two of the best and at the same time simple advice - Kegel exercises and bladder schedule.

These methods do not cost money, safe, and if they can help in the short term, it should help the long-term use, and especially in the case of patients with mild symptoms.

Physiological runny nose in infants - whether there is a cause for concern

December 9th, 2014

 physiological runny nose in infants
 In newborn infants often appear rhinitis, which develop as a result of an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. There is such a thing as a normal runny nose in infants. These two conditions often occur with similar clinical symptoms, so your doctor can make a diagnosis only on the basis of a comprehensive survey of the newborn.


Why develop a runny nose in infants

Newborn baby nasal mucosa is not yet fully developed, so the process of final development occurs after birth. On average, the process of formation takes about ten weeks. The first thing that drew my mother, this is the appearance of nasal secretion in infants, which causes to see a doctor for a consultation, examination and treatment. But not always the presence of rhinitis is any pathological condition.

Normally, during fetal development, when the fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid, mucous membrane of the nose can not be finally formed. This prevents the liquid medium. After birth, when the newborn is adapting to the new conditions of life, his respiratory system (nasal cavity and in particular) reaches its final development.

The air that enters the body of the child, must be moistened, purified from possible impurities that are contained in the air and warmed to an optimal temperature. Only in such circumstances the normal operation occurs glands, which are located in the nasal mucosa. After the birth of a runny nose is the physiological mechanism that ensures adequate nasal breathing.


What are the clinical manifestations deserve attention

If grudnichka marked physiological runny nose, it is not reflected in its overall health. The child sleeps well, he does not suffer from appetite, which indicates the absence of inflammatory processes in the body. There has been no marked temperature reaction, with no common symptoms of a cold or a viral disease that can cause the common cold. These manifestations include redness of the throat, sneezing and others.

The duration of the common cold saline does not exceed an average of ten days. If symptoms persist for a longer period of time, it deserves attention, requires the survey. In addition, the reason for referral to a specialist are the following symptoms:

  • fever with a cold
  • refusal to eat and weight loss newborn baby
  • bad dream
  • discoloration of secretions from the nose (from clear to yellow-green)
  • difficulty in nasal breathing

When a cold physiological release Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   nose will be slimy in nature, they are accumulated primarily in the nasal mucus leaves in small amounts. For colds runny nose are abundant slimy character, so the diagnosis is important to have common symptoms of inflammation. Objective examination reveals the presence of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   the nasal mucosa, which is typical of an inflammatory or allergic nature of the disease.


What conditions must be created for newborn baby

To facilitate the physiological condition of rhinitis allows compliance with certain hygienic requirements on the content of the room in which the newborn child. These requirements apply to the temperature, humidity and cleanliness. Optimal conditions will contribute to the normal operation of the entire respiratory system. If the room air is dry, heating occurs due to central heating, while in the inhaled air contains dust, in such circumstances, runny nose becomes protracted.

To humidify the air, you can use special devices or moisturizers that are both not only moisturize, but also clean, ionized air. If you can not acquire the device, you can use the means at hand, for example, hang a wet towel on the battery. To achieve faster results it is recommended to inhale the wet steam in the bathroom, what mom puts baby Baby man, though with a little finger  Baby man, though with a little finger
   in a room for several minutes. Repeat the procedure several times can be a short break. Optimal humidity in the baby's room should be 50-60%.

It is important to maintain the temperature, while of great importance regular airing of the room. It is especially important to do this in rooms with central heating.

Individual heating system allows you to adjust the temperature, which is a favorable factor in terms of creating a temperature. Do not allow the temperature rises above 22C.

In the children's room should be kept clean and order. It recommended for some time to make the room carpets, as well as the possibility of a book, indoor plants, which are very well collect dust. In modern conditions to effectively get rid of the dust vacuum cleaner enables the cleaning, which significantly facilitate the process of cleaning. Wet cleaning should be carried out several times a day, the only way to maintain the cleanliness of the room and avoid getting a large amount of dust particles in the respiratory tract of a newborn baby.

Walking with a child should not be stopped during a cold saline. Nasal breathing is significantly improved in the street. It is recommended to dress your baby according to weather conditions, there will be no fear that the child may freeze in the cold season. Experts advise to make daily trips in the winter, as it is an effective means of prevention of colds, particularly viral.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • running nose
