Antihistamines Children struggling with allergies with caution

December 31, 2011

  • Antihistamines Children struggling with allergies with caution
  • For newborns

 antihistamines for children
 Some antihistamines - such as promethazine and alimemazine - not recommended for children under the age of two years. For the treatment of allergic disease in a young child is first necessary to consult a doctor, who will select the most secure form of child antihistamines.

Antihistamines - a medicament for the treatment of various allergic diseases. Antihistamines block the action of histamine, a substance released by the immune system in allergic reactions.

Antihistamines suitable for the treatment of allergy symptoms - including the common cold, itching, sneezing, and allergic skin rashes and other skin reaction to an allergen, whether an insect bite or certain foods. Some antihistamines are available only by prescription, but most of the drugs available over the counter without a prescription. Antihistamines are produced in the form of tablets, ointments, nasal sprays, eye drops.

Antihistamines block the release of histamine, chemicals released by mast cells in the body's response to an allergen. Histamine causes inflammation and irritation of the respiratory tract, causing runny nose and increased secretion of mucous secreting glands of the nasal cavity.

A particularly effective antihistamines provided immediately before receiving the action of the allergen. Regular intake of such drugs reduces the risk of allergies, as an antihistamine that reduces the amount of histamine released by mast cells.

 Antihistamines Children struggling with allergies with caution

The use of antihistamines

Antihistamines are prescribed to children, adolescents and adults for the treatment of allergies and allergic rhinitis Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious  Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
 . Depending on the type of disease antihistamines may be administered either continuously or at certain times of year, when the human body is exposed to the allergen. In addition, depending on a set of symptoms view antihistamines may be different - this tablet, and eye drops Drops for eyes - how to use them properly?  Drops for eyes - how to use them properly?
 And nasal sprays.

Antihistamines tablets, ointments, gels, sprays used to treat skin allergies, redness, rash and itching caused by insect bites or allergic contact dermatitis.

Antihistamines for children available as chewable tablets, various fruit flavors, which dissolve rapidly on the tongue, and syrups.

Some antihistamines have several side effects, which are used for treatment of other diseases. For example, first-generation antihistamines, other than a pronounced sedative effect, are also used to treat insomnia and various sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Some antihistamines help with motion sickness, nausea, dizziness.

In the list of the most popular antihistamines include:

  • diphenhydramine (brand name Benadryl)
  • loratadine (brand name Claritin)
  • cetirizine (brand name Zyrtec)
  • fexofenadine (brand name Allegra)
  • clemastine fumarate (brand name Tavist)
  • chlorpheniramine (trade name Chlor Trimeton)
  • brompheniramine (trade name Dimetapp)

 Antihistamines Children struggling with allergies with caution

Safety measures

Some antihistamines cause drowsiness, although clinical trials have shown that children who take antihistamines are less prone to the appearance of sleepiness than adults. Some of the non-sedating antihistamines can act as stimulants to children, causing hyperactivity and insomnia.

Children with certain medical conditions to take antihistamines is not recommended. Among such diseases are included:

  • glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
  • high blood pressure
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • ulcers or other stomach diseases
  • liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • obstruction of the bladder
  • diabetes

 Antihistamines Children struggling with allergies with caution

Side effects

The incidence and severity of side effects of antihistamines may be different depending on the drug.

The main side effects of antihistamines, associated with effects on the central nervous system include drowsiness, goovokruzhenie, loss of coordination, weakness, headache, blurred vision, hallucinations, insomnia and other sleep disorders, fatigue.

The major side effects of antihistamines, associated with the work of the gastrointestinal system - increased appetite, decreased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, constipation.

Hematologic response to receiving antihistamines observed in very rare cases: it may be anemia, decrease in the number of platelets, reducing the number of white blood cells, bone marrow failure.

Dry cough in a child: the risk of transition into a chronic disease

January 18, 2012

  • Dry cough in a child: the risk of transition into a chronic disease
  • Treatment

 dry cough in a child
 Dry cough in a child can cause a variety of reasons. When dry cough sputum is absent, so this is called unproductive cough. In most cases, dry cough in a child - a sign of any disease, so the lack of treatment of cough can lead to more serious health problems.

Children tolerate dry cough harder than adults, for which dry cough is usually no more than a nuisance sleep. Not just cured a dry cough, a child may become chronic.

Typically, a dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
   the child is accompanied by changes of voice, difficulty swallowing food or liquid, caused by irritation of the throat and tonsils. In addition, dry cough in a child can cause changes in behavior (increased irritability, excitability), thirst.

 Dry cough in a child: the risk of transition into a chronic disease

Causes of dry cough in children

One of the most common causes of dry cough in a child - common cold. In addition, among the potential causes of dry cough in children - asthma, laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, accompanied by roughness or loss of voice and cough), allergic reaction, cereals (disease occurs in infants and young children and is accompanied by a cough, fever and shortness of breath).

Another common cause of dry cough in children - the so-called postnasal syndrome (postnasal drip syndrome), in which the constant draining of mucus from the sinuses at the back of the throat is dry cough.

The most common causes of dry cough in children - a variety of diseases of the respiratory system, ranging from bronchitis and pneumonia and pulmonary edema ending. A dry cough at night usually cause sinusitis, common cold, asthma, or emphysema (abnormal lung condition characterized by a decrease in respiratory function).

 Dry cough in a child: the risk of transition into a chronic disease

What will help

Constant reception of strong medicines is usually not recommended for children, so the best way to treat a dry cough in children - is, first of all, the treatment of folk remedies.

  • Well help dry cough basil leaves, comminuted and mixed with honey or a mixture of honey with turmeric powder Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron  Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron
 , Clears the airways and makes breathing easier.
  • An adequate amount of fluids helps alleviate the discomfort associated with a constant dry cough - it can be either plain water or fruit juices, which children love more.
  • Useful and tasty remedy for dry cough - the usual almonds. Almonds should be soaked in water, crushed to a thick paste, mix with honey and give the child at attacks of dry cough.
  • Well help dry cough fresh garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   and ginger root. Since your child is unlikely to agree to eat raw garlic or ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
 They can be added to food - preferably a hot soup or broth.
  • It is very useful in dry cough attacks a child herbal teas, green tea or ginger tea with honey or lemon juice.
  • One of the most effective treatments for dry cough in children - saline rinse in warm water (you can add a few drops of iodine solution).
