Aspiration children - need urgent help

February 29th, 2012

 Aspiration children
 Aspiration (foreign substances from entering the respiratory tract) occurs in children more often than adults. Adults should be especially alert in this respect: Do not allow young children to play with small objects, do not allow to indulge in a meal, and so on.

 Aspiration children - need urgent help

Causes and consequences of aspiration in children during childbirth

Aspiration of a substance in the airways threatened children at the moment of birth. For example, in the respiratory system of the baby during labor can enter the amniotic fluid or mucus from the birth canal. Most often this happens in premature start of the respiratory movements, which can occur in chronic or acute oxygen deficiency in the fetus (fetal hypoxia).

The cause of fetal hypoxia is often a fetoplacental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
 That develops against the backdrop of various diseases of the mother, toxemia of pregnancy, in violation of patency of the blood vessels of the placenta and the umbilical cord due to blood clots in the premature discharge of water, protracted battles, torsion of the umbilical cord, premature placental abruption, and so on. Aspiration of the fetus manifest change in the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeat.

The consequence of such aspirates are usually airway inflammation, e.g., aspiration pneumonitis (pneumonia).

 Aspiration children - need urgent help

Causes and consequences of aspiration in newborn babies

Newborn children are often aspiration mother's milk or baby formula Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
 . There is usually at regurgitation, if a large enough volume of spit up milk. Therefore, a newborn child is recommended to lay on the flank, turning to the side and head.

It is also possible aspiration of milk during breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
 If the mother's breast closes nostrils child. In this case, the milk from the mouth during inhalation can get into the respiratory system. The same thing happens if the child during feeding too throws back a head (it contributes little disclosure of the glottis, through which the milk from the mouth enters the bronchi), that is, if his mother was wrong to apply to the chest.

In premature infants, or simply weakened aspiration of milk can occur due to violations of swallowing reflex and lack of coordination between sucking and swallowing the one hand, and the breath of the other.

Aspiration of vomitus and mucus can occur in infants with congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, if disrupted the passage of the milk through the esophagus during its contraction. The same situation occurs in a variety of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system of the child, who developed the sudden lack of oxygen during birth (birth asphyxia, caused, for example, at the neck of the fetus by the umbilical cord entwining), birth injury Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
 , Severe fetal diseases (for example, intrauterine infection).

 Aspiration children - need urgent help

Causes and consequences of aspiration in children older than one year

In children older than one year of aspiration often occur when not enough attentive care. This natural curiosity of a young child causes him to swallow any object - is his way of knowing the environment. If the object is very small, then the child can swallow it or, or to breathe through the mouth, and the subject together with air gets into the respiratory tract. Aspiration may occur and solid pieces of food at feeding time.

Aspiration dense food substances or other solid objects can be blocked lumen of the trachea or main bronchus and breathing difficulties occur sharply, accompanied by a strong cough. The child in this case quickly becomes blue and pants. If the cough helps to remove the item from the bronchus and the child has no immediate help, it can suffocate.

When plugging of the bronchi small diameter can occur pulmonary atelectasis. Lung tissue is made up of small sacs (alveoli) at the end of the smallest bronchi, which is filled with air (during inspiration), then blown away (during exhalation). If you do not straighten atelectasis alveoli during inspiration. May develop aspiration pneumonia.

 Aspiration children - need urgent help


When inhaled fluid it must immediately suck using special equipment (electric pumps). If you do not have electric pumps, it is possible to suck the liquid with a rubber catheter.

If the child's airways hit a hard object, you remove it it will be possible only with bronchoscopy - medical manipulation, which is carried out using a special optical equipment.

Aspiration in children often occurs when negligence of adults. With proper care for children in most cases the aspiration can be avoided.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • aspiration

Genital herpes in children - a consequence of infection

May 19, 2013

 genital herpes in children
 There are genital herpes in newborns from older children and adolescents. The younger the child, the harder he runs herpes infection at any site. In young children, it almost always turns into generalized form, that is applied to the entire body.

 Genital herpes in children - a consequence of infection

Genital herpes neonates

Herpes simplex virus gets on the skin and mucous membranes of the child during birth when the baby passes through an infected mother's birth canal. The first symptoms appear about a week after birth. Lightweight form it may manifest itself in the form of bubbles, petechial hemorrhages or just areas of redness on the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals. These changes can be kept for a month.

But mild forms of herpes infection in newborns is rare. Any infection in this age often becomes generalized. It is manifested in the form of high temperature (up to 40 ° C), regurgitation, which pass in vomiting, diarrhea. The child may appear jerking of muscles, and general convulsions, loss of fluid can cause severe toxic damage of the body, especially the kidneys. The herpes virus can affect the brain, internal organs, eyes, and so on. Herpes infection in infants - it is a very serious illness that requires hospital care, including intensive care and resuscitation.

Sometimes fetal neonatal herpes infection is detected. This happens only if the primary genital herpes started in the mother during pregnancy. If the infection occurred before the pregnancy and the mother had developed antibodies to the herpes simplex virus, the infected child usually does not occur even in the case where the mother during pregnancy had disease relapses.

Intrauterine herpes infection is even more difficult with central nervous system abnormalities, after which the child usually remains disabled for life.

 Genital herpes in children - a consequence of infection

Genital herpes in children later age

A child can become infected with herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   any age. Typically, children are infected with genital herpes from her parents, which are constantly in close contact. Infection occurs through the bedding, hygiene items, towels and so on.

Once the herpes simplex virus type I or II lands on the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals, the virus is introduced into the cells of the epithelium, it enters the nucleus of the cell and begins to replicate there. New virus leaves the cell destruction and is implemented in a new one. Thus, gradually accumulated amount of virus needed to onset.

The first symptoms of genital herpes in infants - a fever, malaise, weakness. Sometimes they are joined by nausea and vomiting. After some time on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals may appear grouped blisters. Intense itching makes the child to comb the affected areas, which leads to a rapid spread of the infection, as well as the accession of a bacterial infection. Increased inguinal lymph node palpation when they are painful. Eruptions held within two - three weeks, and if there are no complications, have consequences. If you joined a bacterial infection after a rash may remain scars.

Often scratching infection recorded in the mouth and complicated herpetic stomatitis Stomatitis - to breath fresh  Stomatitis - to breath fresh
   and angina Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
 Which can also be very difficult to proceed with a high fever and intoxication.

Subsequently (for relapsed disease) lesions may be less intense, common manifestations almost never happens, but because of the imperfection of immunity at this age remains constant threat to the transition of the local forms of the disease in the generalized.

 Genital herpes in children - a consequence of infection

Genital herpes in adolescents

Adolescents genital herpes usually occurs after intercourse. His first manifestation (primary genital herpes) proceed rapidly with a slight fever, malaise, increase in the inguinal lymph nodes. At the same time there are redness, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 , Pain and itching of individual sections of skin or mucous membranes. Then these sections pours bubble characteristic rash areas of erosions formed which heal only after three weeks, scarring remains.

Further for genital herpes depends on the immunity of a teenager if immunity is good, recurrences may be infrequent, with reduced immunity are frequent relapses and the transition of infection to the internal genitals.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • genital herpes
