Autism in children: the warning signs - Disorders

November 16, 2013

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 autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorder

Autism (or ASD) covers a wide range of disorders. This means that people with autism symptoms never occur in the same play. Symptoms also differ in the strength of effects: they may be weak and may be pronounced. What are the manifestations of the disease are more common in people with autism spectrum disorders?


Communication skills

People suffering from autism to interact with others differently than everyone else. If the disease manifests itself is rather weak, the person may be socially awkward and rough, and his words can sometimes sound like an insult, or may be told is not the topic. If the symptom of the disease occur more intensely, it may seem that the person is not interested in other people.

Relatives, friends and people who come into contact with patients with autism spectrum disorders, suggest that patients with almost no eye contact. But now, when doctors, teachers and other professionals have learned to recognize the signs of autism at an earlier age, it is possible in many cases to develop the ability of patients to maintain eye contact. Often in those cases when the disease manifests itself is rather weak, the patient can explain that for many people, eye contact - an important element of communication, and that it is necessary during the conversation to look people in the eye.

Often with autism do not notice the signals which we usually serve one another, when we want to attract someone's attention.

These people simply can not understand that they are trying to start a conversation. In addition, they may be very interested in dealing with a particular person or group of people, but do not have the necessary skills to enable them to actively participate in the conversation. Simply put, they can not direct the conversation and easily express their thoughts.


Empathy - Empathy and the ability to mentally put yourself in the position of another person

People with autism are much more difficult to understand another person's feelings. They were empathy much less than in others. But if you frequently remind them of the need to think about the feelings of other people, it can develop this ability, and sometimes the results are impressive. Frequent practice leads to the development of empathy, and often a conscious and a natural manifestation of empathy.

Talking to a person suffering from autism, may resemble a game with only one goal. Sometimes there is the impression that the person is not talking with someone, as it were "on top" of it. If he likes the topic of conversation, it can be a long time to discuss it. But it is difficult to lead a normal conversation, during which the sides exchanged ideas, thoughts and feelings.

The vast majority of people on this planet prefer to talk about themselves, not about others. It is in human nature. People with autism are no exception to the rule.


Physical contact

Many autistic children, in contrast to healthy children do not like to touch them or hug. Of course, this does not apply to all children with autism. Many of them are willing to embrace a relative, for example, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, or teacher and do it with pleasure. The habit to touch the child can develop. For example, if a child begins to tickle the heel of another child, it usually causes giggles, excitement and fun. But if the same child suddenly tickled the heel of a child with autism, the result could be the opposite.


Loud sounds, smells, and some light

Sometimes loud sounds have on people with autism or repulsive shocking impact. The same may relate to different smells, sudden changes in light intensity and air temperature. Many believe that it is not in the very sound, smell, or brightness of the light, but rather in wonder and surprise as in the case of sudden physical contact. If autistic knows that something has to happen, it is much better to cope with the situation. Knowledge and reminders about upcoming changes and developments helping him adapt.



The more manifest the disease, the worse the patient developed speaking skills. Many children with autism spectrum disorders do not speak at all. They often heard them repeat words or phrases. This phenomenon is called "echophrasia."

Compared with healthy people, speech, speech with autism may appear to the ceremony and clumsy. Teens with Asperger's is sometimes expressed as a young professor. Often in a conversation, they manifest themselves as boring and unfunny sides.


Pathologically cyclical action

People suffering from autism, like everything to be predictable. Fixed schedule - their best friend. Performing the same action again and again, it is a significant part of their lives. In the eyes of others such behavior may seem strange penchant for obscure rituals. Pathologically cyclical action may be a simple move from one room to the other end of the bounds for one or five to ten minutes or longer. Or the patient can draw one and the picture again and again, page by page.

People with autism are much more restless make changes in the procedure.

A healthy child will be happy to take a bath first, and only then brush my teeth and put on pajamas before going to bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Though usually it first cleans the teeth and have potoo does the rest. An autistic child is a change of procedure, first bath, and then brushing your teeth can completely knocked out of balance and is very upset. Some believe that autism should be taught how to cope with any innovations, but if you force them to accept changes as well as the surrounding, it is the opposite way can affect the quality of their lives.


Development of autistic children occurs differently

A healthy child can acquire knowledge and skills in many areas at the same time and with the same speed, but autistic children the situation is different. Their cognitive skills can develop a high speed, while at the same time, communication skills and language skills are far behind. Or, for example, their language skills can be improved very quickly, and motor skills - very, very slowly. For example, a child can not catch the ball like all the other children, but has a considerable vocabulary. But communication skills in patients with autism are always evolving slower than everyone else.


It is impossible to predict the speed of knowledge acquisition

No one can tell how fast a child is autistic acquire knowledge. Some things they learn much faster than other children. For example, they will learn to read long words, but these words are quickly forgotten. They can learn how to do something the hard way, and then explore the easiest way to perform an action.


Special Interests

Interest in a particular activity can help a person suffering from autism, to become part of society. And if there is something that he good at it, that talent should be encouraged and developed.

Many people suffering from autism, there is a serious hobby that sometimes occur in early childhood. These passions can replace each other, or persist for a lifetime. This may be an interest in art, music, trains or computers. Some people with autism can work in their field of interest or study the beloved. For others, their interests remain a hobby.

Sometimes these interests are quite unusual. For example, one autistic collected varied garbage. With the efforts of other people, this hobby has grown in interest in recycling and environmental protection.


Learning disabilities

People with autism have difficulties in learning that can affect all aspects of life, from school to the ability to independently wash and prepare food. Learning difficulties may occur with different intensity, so some people with autism can be relatively independent of the others (although they may need some help in order to become sufficiently independent), while others require constant supervision of specialists. However, if the necessary support can be trained and developed.
