Otitis media in children: only a doctor should be treated - Types

June 3, 2014

  • Otitis media in children: only a doctor should be treated
  • Kinds

 otitis media in children types

The latent otitis media

Otitis in infants half the proceeds latent, that is, symptoms of otitis Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify  Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify
   in infants are not expressed. The child appears slight earache, low body temperature, usually low-grade. The hearing is reduced. The causes of this pathological process:

  • Bronchopulmonary diseases and digestive systems, viral infection or sepsis;
  • Developmental disorders (malnutrition, feeding, rickets, prematurity);
  • Immune system deficiency (allergic reactions, exudative diathesis).

Before you treat otitis media in children, you should contact your doctor to set the diagnosis and therapy. First we treat the underlying pathology, which developed against the background of otitis, restorative measures and correction of immunological disorders.

Appointed antibiotic (eg, amoxicillin, augmentin, amoksiklav Amoxiclav - an effective tool against infections  Amoxiclav - an effective tool against infections
 , Cefuroxime). In order to facilitate the outflow of pus from the tympanic cavity, carried out local treatment (use of alcohol drops fonoforez to improve the patency of the Eustachian tube).

After the cessation of suppuration held physiotherapy: dry heat, UHF in the mastoid region, UFO. For drainage of pus make the cut in the eardrum.


Recurrent otitis media

It is an inflammation of the middle ear, which occurs several times a year since the last full recovery. This condition usually occurs in children between the ages of two and five years.

If perforation of the eardrum has not occurred, the child concerned only minor pain and a feeling of stuffiness in the ear. When there is a rupture, then there mucous or muco-purulent discharge from the ear. They are generally heavy and have no smell.

Treatment is carried out in two stages. In the first phase eliminate the current exacerbation. From the tympanum remove pus and injected to medicines (antibiotics, hormonal and proteolytic enzymes). At the same time carry out the treatment of diseases of the nose, nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses.

The second stage is aimed at preventing any recurrence of otitis media. At the same time treat the basic pathology and strengthen the body's immune defenses.


Otitis media with effusion in children

It is a form of inflammation of the middle ear, in which the cavity is formed in a drum, and the liquid is stored for a long time. In the tympanum a vacuum, because of this there propotevaet liquid. This state is called serous otitis media and, in children, it occurs more frequently than in adults. Causes are divided into:

  • General: lowered immunity, allergies, frequent infectious diseases (especially adenoviral infection);
  • Local: violation of the ventilation function of the eustachian tube, most often it occurs against the backdrop of a hypertrophy (increase) pharyngeal tonsil or sluggish chronic inflammatory process in it.

Symptoms are mild. Hearing loss - the only symptom in many cases, sometimes there is noise in the ear. Often develop bilateral otitis Bilateral otitis media - which manifestations spoke about the danger of the disease  Bilateral otitis media - which manifestations spoke about the danger of the disease
   the child.

First, eliminate the causes that prevent the normal functioning of the auditory tube. Then restore patency of the latter by electrophoresis of proteolytic enzymes, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation of muscles of the soft palate. Most often used pneumomassage eardrum, diadynamic currents and blowing of Politzer.

If the disease occurred on the background of allergic diseases, the appointed antihistamines and corticosteroids. For chronic administration of drugs in the tympanic cavity and proceeds to the air, perform tympanotomy - section of the eardrum and the introduction of a small tube.


Adhesive otitis media

In this form of the disease in the tympanic cavity formed adhesions and scarring formed tympanic septum. The child may be concerned about the noise in the ear and hearing loss.

In the initial stages it is carried out by blowing the ears Politzer in the tympanum introduced drugs. Conducted pneumomassage drum wall and electrotherapy.

Surgical treatment of adhesive otitis media is very difficult. It is conducted using a specially designed instrument for this purpose and an operating microscope. Tympanic cavity is opened and removed the scars, if necessary, prosthetic ossicles.


Chronic purulent otitis in children

Chronic otitis media in children has three characteristics: the presence of perforation in the eardrum, permanent or occasional pus and progressive hearing loss. The disease occurs in two ways.

When mezotimpanite only inflames the mucous membrane in the tympanic cavity. Symptoms of this condition - the presence of the perforations in the absence of discharge and hearing loss. When infected tympanic cavity (for example, water penetration) there is worsening: there is pain and discharge from the ear, fever and symptoms of intoxication.

When attic disease in the inflammatory process involves the bone. Characterized by persistent mucous or purulent discharge from the ear canal, and the general condition of the child suffers a little. During exacerbation of isolation intensified, there is pain, there are signs of intoxication. If the disease is not treated, it can cause such consequences of otitis media in children, such as:

  • Education cholesteatoma - tumor formation in the middle ear;
  • Distribution of purulent process in the range and depth of the temporal bone of the skull;
  • Paresis of the facial nerve;
  • Sepsis.

Treatment of purulent otitis Purulent otitis - why develop complications  Purulent otitis - why develop complications
   in children depends on the period of the disease, the status hearing and peculiarities of the pathology. During an exacerbation used antibacterials and topical therapy (antiseptic drops). When suppuration continues, and other symptoms have disappeared, a local treatment is preferably carried out.

Beyond prevention of acute otitis media performed in children. It includes the treatment of chronic inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses, increase immune protection and to prevent water from entering the ear. Perhaps a surgical treatment, which are decided by the doctor.

If you have symptoms that may indicate inflammation of the ear, you should seek medical attention. Treatment for otitis media should be carried out only under the supervision of specialists.

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  • otitis
