Pneumonia in children - of restraint, but not defeated

April 29, 2010

 Pneumonia children
 Once the pneumonia was a fatal disease, but today, in the era of antibiotics, we can not say that it is definitively defeated. Especially hard pneumonia occurs in young children who have not yet fully developed immune system. For these children, some types of pneumonia can be deadly.

 Pneumonia in children - of restraint, but not defeated

Why can begin pneumonia

The main cause of pneumonia or pneumonia in children Pneumonia in children - the main symptoms for different ages  Pneumonia in children - the main symptoms for different ages
   It is an infection. The causative agent of pneumonia may be streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and other bacteria. In recent years increasingly become a cause of pneumonia chlamydia Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease  Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
 , Parasites, fungi and viruses. Pneumonia caused by one or another pathogen, have their own characteristics. So, distinguish pneumococcal (lobar), staph, strep, mycoplasma, Chlamydia, viral, mycoplasmal (fungal) and other types of acute pneumonia. Sometimes acute pneumonia becomes chronic.

 Pneumonia in children - of restraint, but not defeated

Lobar pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia affects children of all ages, but most often preschool and school age. It observed mainly in the spring and early summer. Cause its different types of pneumococci, hitting with the entire lobe.

Disease begins acutely, usually with a slightly pronounced inflammation of the nose and throat, chills, fever, headache. Cheeks rosy child, more with the side on which there is a focus of the disease. Often a child complains of chest pain, abdominal pain, vomiting, and constipation occurs. Initially, the cough is usually a weak, dry, but gradually it becomes wet, expectoration difficult. Sputum is a thick, viscous, mixed with blood, shortness of breath, difficulty develops cyanosis (blue) nasolabial triangle. This state lasts for 2-4 days, then the temperature gradually over several days, decreases.

Lobar pneumonia usually occurs favorably and ends in recovery. Unlike adult children to lobar pneumonia rarely joins pleurisy.

 Pneumonia in children - of restraint, but not defeated

Acute staphylococcal pneumonia

Pathogens are various types of staphylococcus, often - Staphylococcus aureus. This is one of the most common forms of pneumonia in infancy, especially during the first six months of life. Get sick more often children with reduced immunity: prematurity, low birth weight, have suffered various infections, suffering from various chronic diseases. The disease is characterized by severe, particularly in children during the first three months of life.

For staphylococcal pneumonia characterized by acute onset, but it may be gradual. Often the first symptoms are inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: runny nose, cough, fever. Then join the signs of respiratory failure: dyspnea, cyanosis (blue), temporary cessation of breathing Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction  Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction
 . Children marked a breakdown, pained expression on his face, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, a complete lack of appetite.

With the increasing development of the disease appear dry or wet cough, sputum, sometimes with blood. High temperature. For staphylococcal pneumonia is characterized by a tendency to fester with the formation of abscesses (abscesses, bounded capsule) are generally small but scattered and the development of lesions of the pleura (the film covering the lungs) with its festering. Infants may arise and extrapulmonary suppurative complications in various organs. Sometimes this disease is lightning fast, and the baby dies within a few days.

The duration of the disease varies, but often it is delayed. In most cases, the disease ends happily, however, staphylococcal pneumonia is still one of the causes of infant mortality.

 Pneumonia in children - of restraint, but not defeated

Acute viral pneumonia

Activators of pneumonia are different viruses. The child has a fever, dry cough or irritant with the meager amounts of sputum, and sometimes bloody. Respiratory disorders can be expressed in varying degrees. Proceeds such pneumonia usually benign and seldom gives complications.

 Pneumonia in children - of restraint, but not defeated

Chronic pneumonia

Chronic pneumonia usually occurs after undertreated acute pneumonia, is not uncommon, especially at school age. It is characterized by a long progressive course, which is usually difficult to reflect on the physical and psychological development of children, limiting their ability to conduct appropriate to their age lifestyle.

Often with chronic pneumonia in children develop bronchiectasis - expansion at the ends of the bronchi, which worsens the course of the disease. In the early stages of chronic pneumonia is difficult to distinguish from chronic bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
   or prolonged acute pneumonia. The disease is characterized in waves, acute phase and attenuation of alternate, but sometimes there is a continuous progressive flow.

 Pneumonia in children - of restraint, but not defeated

Treatment of pneumonia

In the treatment of acute pneumonia leading role for antibiotics, which are assigned in accordance with the sensitivity of the pathogens to them (determined on the basis of laboratory tests). Appointed as drugs that strengthen the immune system, expand the bronchi, reduces the viscosity of phlegm, expectorant. Once the temperature drops, join physiotherapy.

Treatment of chronic pneumonia in acute is the same as the treatment of acute pneumonia. In remission appointed physiotherapy treatments, massage, medical gymnastics, strengthens the immune system, and the maximum exposure to fresh air.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pneumonia

Inguinal hernia in children - how to eliminate the defect

July 28, 2014

  • Inguinal hernia in children - how to eliminate the defect
  • Treatment

 inguinal hernia in children
 Inguinal hernia is called a disorder in which part of the intestine or omentum bulges through a small hole in the abdominal wall. Generally, under the skin at the same time there is a more or less large bulge. Inguinal hernia in children is a rare phenomenon.

Inguinal hernia in newborn boys in some cases can fall into the scrotum. This disorder occurs in 1-5% of children born at term and at least 7% of premature infants. In addition, an inguinal hernia in newborn girl found in 4-8 times less than that of boys.


Causes of an inguinal hernia in children

A significant part of the period of intrauterine development of testicles in boys located in the abdominal cavity. Approximately seven months pregnant, they gradually begin to descend into the scrotum by a special structure called the inguinal canal. Shortly before the birth of the child, this channel starts to close; the process continues after birth, and normally by the end of the first year of baby's life inguinal canal is completely closed.

If this did not happen, and the abdominal muscles are not well close the hole in the inguinal canal, inguinal hernia may occur.

Inguinal hernia in adolescents may develop for the same reason; this can also contribute to intense physical activity.

In girls, there is a structure resembling the inguinal canal boys only opening leading into it, less likely to develop a hernia, and they have much lower.


Risk factors

The following factors increase the risk of inguinal hernia in children:

  • The birth of premature and / or low birth weight;
  • Some of the blood relatives of the child was suffering from an inguinal hernia in early childhood;
  • The patient has any other urological problems.

Inguinal hernia in infants is not developed because of the fact that his mother during pregnancy, for example, smoke, do not eat a lot of working or exposed to severe stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . All this, of course, does not negate the fact that pregnant women need to lead a healthy life, and yet they need to know: inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?  Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
   a child - is a disease in which the development of the parents did not blame.

The hole in the abdominal wall of a child is present at birth, and herniation may occur at almost any time. Very often, an inguinal hernia in children is detected soon after birth or in the first year of life.


Symptoms of inguinal hernia in children

The most common symptom of an inguinal hernia in children (as well as, and adults) - a bulge in the groin or scrotal swelling. It usually painless (although sometimes at a pressure of her child may experience mild discomfort), soft and smooth, with no redness, peeling, or any other changes on the surface. It may disappear or significantly reduced in size when the child is relaxed and lying on his back.

Especially good hernia noticeable stress abdominal muscles, for example, when a child cries, coughs, and so on.

Other symptoms of an inguinal hernia in infants is usually absent - if it refers to the most common categories of free hernia. This hernia can be easily pushed back through the hole in the abdominal cavity; then a hernia for some time it becomes less noticeable, though, of course, and does not disappear completely. If the hernia is impossible to push through the hole in the abdominal wall, talking about strangulated hernia. In some cases, this condition leads to the fact that part of the intestine blood circulation; while a child may experience the following symptoms:

  • Malaise;
  • Pain in the groin;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Bloating;
  • Fever;
  • The bulge in the groin reddish color, at a pressure which the child experiences pain;
  • The bulge becomes more noticeable when the baby cries or coughs.


Diagnosis of inguinal hernia in children

Typically, to diagnose inguinal hernia in a child, the doctor is enough to ask parents about the symptoms of the disease and to conduct palpation of the abdomen. Sometimes also used to diagnose medical imaging techniques, as a rule - ultrasound.
