Tonsillitis in children - therapeutic measures

June 5, 2014

 tonsillitis in children
 Although tonsillitis can get sick any person, children are more prone to it because they have no strong enough immunity, such as adults. Therefore, tonsillitis in children is more common than in adults.

Tonsillitis - an inflammation of the tonsils, tissue that is on both sides of the posterior pharyngeal wall. They help the immune system to protect the body from infections that can penetrate it through the mouth. When the tonsils are infected, they grow and turn red, and covered with a yellow or white coating.

Tonsillitis can be contagious and can spread from one person to another through airborne droplets. Symptoms of tonsillitis include sore throat, fever, swollen tonsils (tonsils), difficulty swallowing.


Symptoms of tonsillitis in children

Tonsillitis - a painful condition. Your child may complain that it is difficult to speak, eat and swallow. It can also be observed fever, swelling under the jaw on both sides, and pus on the tonsils and around.


How dangerous is tonsillitis?

In most cases the child tonsillitis is not dangerous, but if it has a bacterial nature, and is not treated properly, tonsillitis can lead to infections of the nose, ears, sinuses, as well as glue ear Glue ear: accompanied inconspicuous symptoms  Glue ear: accompanied inconspicuous symptoms
   and angina.


Treatment of tonsillitis in children

In most cases, tonsillitis caused by viruses, but approximately 15% of cases the cause is a bacterium.

Treatment tonsillitis depends on whether it is caused by a virus, or bacteria (e.g., group A streptococcus). Doctors usually can not detect the difference just by looking at the tonsils, but the swab from the throat determines whether caused by streptococcal tonsillitis.

  • If tonsillitis is caused by a virus, the body itself to cope with the infection, but it is necessary to ensure the child comfort. Do not worry if your child a couple of days will refuse to eat - because of the sore throat he may lose your appetite.
  • If tonsillitis is caused by bacteria (streptococcus), your doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics. In this case, be sure to make sure that your child was a full course of antibiotics to avoid any complications.

Prepare a warm salt water for gargling. If your child will often gargle, it can reduce the pain. Stir 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

Prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands often themselves, as well as the child's hand. Make sure that the child is no one shared food or drinks. The child may return to school or kindergarten, when will feel better, not earlier than one day after the temperature is normal.

Babies who have tonsillitis occurs frequently (5-7 times per 12 months) or repeated many times over several years, doctors might recommend a tonsillectomy (surgery to remove the tonsils).


Childcare during tonsillitis

Child with tonsillitis need good nutrition and rest. If swallowing so painful that it is difficult to have a child, try feeding him a liquid and soft food, such as soups, milkshakes, fruit smoothies, popsicles and ice cream.

Make sure your child drinks lots of fluids and plenty of rest, and regularly measure its temperature. As a painkiller can give your child acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen. Do not give children aspirin or other medicines that contain aspirin, because it can cause a risk of Reye's syndrome, a disease that can cause serious complications.

A child patient tonsillitis should be separate utensils. Wash it in hot soapy water. All family members should wash their hands often.

If a child started taking antibiotics, discard the toothbrush Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
 And replace it with a day or two after you start taking the drug.


Prevention tonsillitis

Try to keep your child away from those who are ill tonsillitis, or who have a sore throat, and make sure everyone in your family often, and wash their hands well. Tonsillitis itself is not contagious, but the bacteria that cause it can be transmitted by airborne droplets. Teach your children to wash their hands frequently and accurately. Do not allow the child to contact with sick children, and if your child is sick, keep him at home, so as not to infect the other children.


Chronic tonsillitis in children

If your child suffers from chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
   (recurrent tonsillitis cases during the year, affecting the normal life of a child), a specialist can advise to do tonsillectomy, surgical removal of the tonsils. Today it is considered a last resort, to which should be used, and the doctors are now trying to cope with tonsillitis without surgery.


Does the doctor when the child has a sore throat?

Whenever a child severely sore throat, you need to see a doctor so that he can determine what caused it. Call your doctor immediately if the child's temperature rises above 39ºC, if he observed stiffness of the neck muscles, drooling from his mouth, or he can not swallow. These may be signs that the infection is very serious and requires immediate intervention of a physician.


What you need to know about the child's tonsillitis

  • Tonsillitis - this is a common infectious disease in children, caused by a virus or bacteria.
  • Viral tonsillitis itself usually takes a few days, but tonsillitis caused by bacteria, may require treatment with antibiotics.
  • Most doctors do not recommend the removal of tonsils Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?  Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?
   as the treatment of tonsillitis.

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  • tonsillitis
