Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease - Treatment

February 2, 2013

  • Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease
  • Treatment
  • Restoration

 Treatment of thyroid cancer in children

Treatment of thyroid cancer in children

The first choice for treatment of thyroid cancer in children is a complete or partial surgical removal of the thyroid gland. This operation is safe for the child. If the entire thyroid gland is removed, after the surgery your child will need hormone replacement therapy - which means that he will have to take daily medication throughout life.

Radioactive iodine. If during the operation it was not possible to remove the cancer completely, and if the other regions of the body there are cancer cells, a child may need treatment with radioactive iodine. This treatment involves taking the drug, which contains iodine molecules possessing strong radioactive properties. Thyroid cells, including cancer cells absorb a radioactive iodine, so that malignant cells gets large radiation dose as a result they die.

 Treatments | Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease


A significant proportion of children with cancer of the thyroid gland, is involved in the research. This is extremely important to increase survival rates and improve treatments for pediatric cancer.

Scientists have conducted a variety of studies for the development of treatments and better understanding of cancer, its causes and other aspects of the disease. Clinical trials are carefully planned and must go through a complex formal process in which experts familiar with the task and the test plan, and if all goes well, give its approval. This is always done before in studies of people are starting to take part. If at the time when a child diagnosed with thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer: it is curable  Thyroid cancer: it is curable
 , Carried out any clinical trial, for which you need such patients, parents can offer to consent to the fact that the child participated in the study. Sometimes a child can participate in several tests - this is due to the fact that children with thyroid cancer, small, and scientists are trying to use every opportunity to conduct research.

Is a child to participate in clinical trials depends on the age, type of cancer, stage of disease, and other features of each case. To get accurate from a scientific point of view, the results of researchers should choose to study patients with more or less similar characteristics.

If the child meets the requirements for participation in a particular study, a physician previously discussed its details with the parents. He describe in detail the clinical trial, about possible risks for the participants, and will also answer any questions parents before they take a final decision on whether to allow the child to participate in the study or not. For children suffering from thyroid cancer, participated in the trials could be a chance to get the medical care of a very high level and the latest treatments. However, ensure that it will benefit no one can - however, the results of applying the traditional method of treatment is also not always possible to predict.

If the parents decide to allow your child to participate in a clinical trial, the doctor will explain to them what information they will receive the results of the study. The overall results of clinical trials will be published - in the interest of the general public and other scientists - but the personal data of the participants is not disclosed.

 Treatments | Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease

The risk of recurrence

The risk of recurrence of thyroid cancer Recurrence of thyroid cancer - occurs after treatment in a third of patients  Recurrence of thyroid cancer - occurs after treatment in a third of patients
   in children and younger patients twenty three times higher than in adults.

 Treatments | Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease

After treatment

The first reaction to the end of treatment in most cases are the joy and relief - long hospital stays, frequent and unpleasant procedures are left behind, and all family members just glad that the child was able to go through all this and survive.

At the same time, the family is faced with new challenges. A return to "normal life" and although happy but does not come easily, as well as any changes. Despite the fact that active treatment is completed, the child will still need to undergo regular medical examinations. In addition, for the duration of the treatment of the sick child and his family actively she supports the hospital staff and tend to other families who have experienced cancer. After the treatment a regular psychological support disappears, despite the general high spirits, to adapt to changes in life can be difficult.

Family members often react to the completion of the treatment in various ways. Children, especially younger children, rarely experience anything other than pleasure from the fact that no longer need to spend much time in the hospital. The parents to the joy mixed with anxiety about the future. One of the most common emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 Which is the recovery of the child, is the fear that the cancer may return. This is due to the fact that during the treatment of the child is constantly examined, he was given medication, medical procedures performed, and when it all comes to an end, parents have a subconscious anxiety due to the fact that they are no longer actively fight the disease. And the disease, though it is believed that she was cured, can come back - this possibility can never be ruled. Parents need to understand that the treatment was stopped because now it's safe - and therefore serious cause for concern in the near future, no.

The specialists involved in the treatment of thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer: it is curable  Thyroid cancer: it is curable
   children understand the difficulties faced by the family after a long-awaited end of therapy. The doctor is required to invite the parents of the child at the reception, during which they will explain what can be expected in the future, parents will be able to ask all their questions. Here are some of the most common questions that parents ask doctors after treatment and a child with a history of thyroid cancer has been completed:

  • How often do we need to come to the survey and how long it will be necessary? What kind of surveys will be carried out after the treatment is over?
  • Do I need to call the doctor who performed the treatment of cancer, if a child falls ill common diseases - such as the common cold? If not, how to care for them in such diseases?
  • If your child has symptoms, and we are not sure they are connected with a common disease, or a history of cancer - what to do in that case?
  • What is the likelihood of recurrence of thyroid cancer? In what time period it can happen most likely? What could be the symptoms of a cancer recurrence?
  • Do I need to call the oncology clinic if the child is sick with chickenpox?
  • After some time to restore the immune system of the child?
  • It is recommended that you do your child a flu shot?
  • Is there any symptoms, side effects, changes in behavior, which is accompanied by a cessation of cancer treatment?
  • Can a child after treatment of thyroid cancer have problems with learning? Is it possible in the event of problems contact the experts who conducted the treatment of cancer?
  • What are the emotional reactions of family members and bolevshego child to complete treatment? Who can I contact in order to effectively resolve the potential problems associated with this transitional phase?
  • Is there a special long-term care plan and / or surveys?

Answers to these questions may be different in each case, so they must be set.
