- Vaccination of children: persistent myths
- Data
No one wants to hurt his children. With this opportunity, we would protect them from any illness, even cold. Imagine that you have been able to secure from the worst diseases not only your child, but for all children in the world - even from such diseases that are killing people for centuries. This idea was driven by those who once started the development and mass use of vaccines.
In the early twentieth century, diphtheria was one of the most terrible diseases - every year it killed tens of thousands of people around the world. Vaccination of children against diphtheria began in the 1930-40's, and today the disease is very rare.
In 1962, a year before it was launched widespread use of the measles vaccine in the US alone were registered 500,000 cases of the disease. Ten years after the start of vaccination in the year it recorded 32,000 cases of measles
Measles in children - may cause serious complications
; Now says about one hundred cases a year.
Until the mid-twentieth century, smallpox was one of the deadliest diseases known to man. Every year it killed millions of people. In 1967, the World Health Organization launched a massive vaccination campaign against smallpox. After twelve years, the disease has practically disappeared from the face of the earth.
In the 1950s, the word "polio" frightened any parent, as this disease affects thousands of children each year. Today, the disease is almost defeated.
Work immunity
A man is sick, when his body penetrate microorganisms that can cause disease. Causative bacteria chickenpox causes chickenpox
Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous
, and so on. The task of the immune system - to protect the body against pathogens.
When they enter the body and begin to multiply, the immune system recognizes them and produces proteins called antibodies. In antibodies have two tasks. The first - to destroy microorganisms that cause disease. Since the reproduction of these microorganisms is fast, by the time the immune system will produce enough antibodies to destroy them, a person is already ill. Destroying pathogens, antibodies contribute to recovery.
Then antibodies are to commence its second problem: they remain in the bloodstream protect the person from future infections. Even years later attacks the same micro-organisms, antibodies to cope with them before one has time to get sick. That is why many human diseases a once in a lifetime.
Work vaccine
The basic idea of vaccination - to provide immunity to the person he would be exposed to pathogens. Vaccines made from a bacteria which causes the disease, which is made vaccination, however, these bacteria are dead or weakened so that they can not lead to the development of the disease. When these bacteria are introduced into the body, the immune system responds to them as well as on healthy and active bacteria - produces antibodies thereto. Thus, vaccination of children helps a child gain immunity from many diseases, not rooting them in reality.
Why so many vaccinations for children
Usually young children are vaccinated against diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib, hepatitis B
Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver
, Varicella (chicken pox), hepatitis A
Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!
And pneumococcal disease. For vaccination against each of them need at least one injection, sometimes - a few shots.
Early vaccination is really necessary. For example, about 60% of cases of severe Hib occurs in children under the age of twelve months.
In children, whooping cough at the age of six months, the highest risk of complications. Approximately 72% of cases require hospitalization; 84% of all childhood deaths from pertussis occur before the age of six months.
Therefore, despite the quite understandable concerns of parents that vaccines can be dangerous and / or too painful for children, the danger that awaits them if the infection serious diseases is much higher.
Vaccines are very safe, although not perfect. Like any other medication, they can cause a variety of adverse reactions. In most cases, this mild reactions - for instance, hand pain or slight fever. Sometimes the reactions are more severe, but they are unlikely to be worse than the disease from which the vaccine protects.