Yarina - side effects can hurt the chest

November 30, 2011

 Yarina - side effects
 The use of hormonal contraceptives does not tolerate any independent action. Assigns their doctor after the preliminary examination, which should be repeated at least once a year. With this approach to contraceptive manufacturers of hormonal contraceptives consider taking these drugs are safe.

 Yarina - side effects can hurt the chest

Thrombosis - the main threat in the application of hormonal contraceptives

Nearly all modern hormonal contraceptives have the same side effects, but some drugs are expressed more, some less. Yasmin is a low-dose hormonal contraceptives, so the side effects of her minimal.

The most serious complication that can occur when using hormonal contraceptives are thrombosis - state, when due to increased blood clotting in the blood vessels formed clots (thrombi), plugging the lumen of blood vessels. Consequences toromboza depend on the size of the affected vessel and the importance of the body that it supplies blood. The heaviest considered cerebral thrombosis, heart and abdomen.

Possible thrombus and detachment from the walls of the blood vessel (in which case it is called an embolus already) followed by its movement through the vessels and occlusion of one of them. This is even more dangerous condition, which is known as thromboembolism.

That is why all manufacturers of hormonal contraceptives insist on preliminary examination, women and exclusion of diseases that can lead to increased thrombosis. It is a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, severe heart disease with his rhythm disorders, ischemic heart disease varicose veins). In addition, an increased tendency to thrombosis occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular disease, and in patients with chronic pancreatitis.

By the threat of thrombosis should be taken seriously, even when taking low-dose hormonal contraceptives, which include Yasmin. If there is even a minor complication of this kind, the drug immediately overturned. If a woman is examined in time, then there is virtually no thrombosis.

 Yarina - side effects can hurt the chest

Another threat - from the liver

This is a complication of the use of modern low-dose hormonal contraceptives in women surveyed is extremely rare. But if a woman decides to use hormonal contraception Hormonal contraception: Modern birth control pills  Hormonal contraception: Modern birth control pills
   independently, without examination, the risk of severe complications from liver increases dramatically.

The main problem is that some of the chronic liver disease can occur unnoticed and women consider themselves to be healthy. And Yasmin decomposed in the liver to metabolites and if liver function is impaired, even small doses of it that are taken daily, can cause a dramatic worsening of the disease.

Application Yarin is contraindicated in all diseases of the liver, which are accompanied by violation of its functions. Yarina can be taken only after full recovery of liver function, confirmed by laboratory tests. Do not take Yasmin and liver tumors (both malignant and benign).

When complications in the liver (eg jaundice) drug immediately overturned.

 Yarina - side effects can hurt the chest

Side effects that occur while taking Yasmin on the part of genitals

Upon receipt of Yarin in the first months may appear intermenstrual bleeding and spotting. Typically, such side effects in a few months tested independently. But in any case the doctor should know about them, to avoid complications.

In addition, while taking Yasmin may change the nature of vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?  Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?
   - Usually not scared and did not require discontinuation of therapy.

Under the influence of Yasmin may occur changes in the mammary glands - they become more sensitive nagrubayut, nipple discharge can occur. This should also inform your doctor.

 Yarina - side effects can hurt the chest

Other side effects that may occur while taking Yasmin

Side effects may occur:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
  • the central nervous system - headache, even a migraine, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Frequent changes of mood, reduction or, on the contrary, increased sexual desire;
  • by the organs of vision - intolerance to contact lenses;
  • by metabolic processes - very rare, but found an increase or decrease in body weight and swelling;
  • allergic reactions.

Yarina rarely gives serious side effects if it is applied properly under medical supervision and periodic surveys.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Yarina

Intrauterine device - how to avoid complications? - Operating principle

October 13, 2013

  • Intrauterine device - how to avoid complications?
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Pregnancy and spiral
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Contraindications
  • Operating principle
  • Forum

 IUD principle of

Operating principle

IUD - a contraceptive method to be input into the woman's uterus. It impedes the progress of sperm into the uterus, reduces the lifespan of the egg and prevents attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. IUD is also called intrauterine means of contraception.

IUD is a copper wire in the shape of the letter "T", flexible web wrapped around a length of 3-4 cm, to which a nylon thread. Spiral physician administered into the uterine cavity where prevents pregnancy. Initially helix antennae stacked, but they are disclosed in the uterus, forming an upper portion of the letter "T". Helix is ​​located inside the uterus: the base of the "T" is located just above the cervix and the upper part of the «T» horizontally disclosed. A small proportion of nylon thread spiral out through the cervix into the vagina. Availability of this thread indicates that the spiral in place, moreover, it is necessary to remove the helix.


Types of IUDs

IUDs come in two different types:

  • Copper-bearing
  • progestin.

Action copper coils (ParaGard) based on the toxic effect of copper on sperm. It contributes to the development of copper-containing spiral uterus and fallopian tubes Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system  Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system
   liquid that kills sperm. This fluid contains white blood cells, copper ions, enzymes, and prostaglandins copper coil can remain in the uterus for 10 years.

Action spirals with levonorgestrel (Mirena) is based on the destruction of or damage to sperm cells and the formation of thick and viscous cervical mucus, preventing sperm from entering the uterus. In addition, hormonal coil to prevent thickening of the uterine lining (endometrium), making the uterus unsuitable for implantation of a fertilized egg. IUD with levonorgestrel is valid for 5 years.


Operating principle

The mechanism of action of IUD is not yet fully understood. It is believed that the helix prevents conception by causing brief localized inflammation, which begins about 24 hours after entering the helix. This triggers an inflammatory response in the uterus, resulting in acidic medium it is formed with a high content of white blood cells that produce substances which destroy semen. Progestin IUD also cause changes in the endometrium of the uterus, causing it to become unsuitable for implantation of a fertilized egg. This type of coil also affects the production of the cervical mucus, which inhibits the passage of sperm through the cervix.

IUDs may be purchased only by prescription, as they can not be set independently. This must be done in the doctor-patient conditions.

Before entering the spiral it is necessary to undergo a full gynecological examination Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity  Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity
 To identify possible infection of the genital tract (they are a contraindication to install a spiral). Navy is usually injected into the cavity of the uterus during menstruation, although it can be done at any time during the menstrual cycle.

Use of an intrauterine device requires regular monitoring gynecologist (a week after the administration, then - every six months). This is necessary to ensure that the spiral in place since sometimes the uterus rejects Navy. According to statistics, in the first year rate of rejection spiral as high as 10%. As a rule, asymptomatic rejection spiral, so it is easy to overlook.



The main advantages of the intrauterine device that it effectively prevents conception (99% efficiency) and its action starts almost immediately after the administration, and after removal of the helix can quickly conceive. In addition, the spiral can be the only means of contraception, it is designed for long-term use (5 - 10 years). After the introduction of the helix no need for special medical supervision, it does not affect the entire body. Another weighty dignity of intrauterine devices - their availability and speed of installation (five minutes in the gynecological chair).


Side effects

Side effects of IUD are distributed mainly in the uterus. These include:

  • cramps;
  • bloody issues Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
  • heavy menstrual flow;
  • infection;
  • pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • Infertility (in rare cases).

Furthermore, the spiral may pierce the wall of the uterus and into the abdominal cavity, where it will need surgically removing. Perforation or damage to the uterine wall spiral occurs in 1 in 1,000 cases. Symptoms of possible complications when using spiral: abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, abnormal spotting or bleeding, vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
   with an unpleasant odor.
